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  1. Zzero

    Discussion The end for Tokyo RPG Factory, merged back into SE in the same fashion as Luminous.

    Breaking now on Gematsu. For those unfamiliar, Square founded the studio a decade ago with a focus on making smaller budget JRPGs of the type that Square had been falling away from at the time. It never really had any big hits and hasn't released a title in years. To be honest, I thought they...
  2. Zzero

    Xbox My Problems with Xbox

    So, it seems that some of you have mistakenly come under the impression that I am some sort of shill or fan of Microsoft’s strategy. I am writing this to assure you that I not, in fact, a shill and have lots of problems with Xbox/Gamepass, I merely desire to sort valid criticisms from invalid...
  3. Zzero

    Discussion My not so ambitious but very bold take on Switch 2

    As a Nintendo fan and Switch owner I’ve been following the company’s output for a few decades now and want to get out ahead of news of the Switch’s successor. Below I will lay out my feelings on the Switch, briefly, as well as what I feel Nintendo will do to follow it up, why it will take that...
  4. Zzero

    Discussion Ubisoft Forward 2023 (ITS ON RIGHT NOW)

    Oops, we all forgot about this one. They're currently in the middle of showing Avatar: SoP
  5. Zzero

    Discussion Unity lays off 600 more, closing half of offices A dark day for gaming. Also, wow, Riccitiello really isn't competent, is he? How do you consistently fail to make money with one of the world's biggest game engines? Why does it have 58 offices world-wide? Why...
  6. Zzero

    Discussion More Money Down the Drain: CCP raises $40m for AAA blockchain game in EVE Online universe For those who haven't followed the company, this will be the third shooter to be bolted on to Eve. Well, assuming thats what they end up doing anyway, which seems likely based on the company's past...
  7. Zzero

    Discussion Marvelous and Arc System Works alum launch Studio Flare (6th non-Chinese focused studio to be launched by NetEase since 2020) For those who haven't kept track this is, as I mentioned in the thread title, the sixth studio NetEase has created in the last 5 years, 4 of which were in Japan and 2 in the US. They also purchased longterm...