I think you overestimate how much devs care, if anything they'll try to give a better impression of their game early on. Not bad for me because if a game doesn't hook me up in the beginning odds are I'll drop it completely anyway.I have concerns with demos. You could see these manifest in ways not foreseen. Bloated tutorials and deceptive big budget openings with the rest of the game lagging.
Or imagine it was an arcade game where it throws all of itself at you within the first 5 mins of gameplay.
I’m not so crazy about such standards. Sounds nice on paper but I expect lots of baggage.
I always enjoyed demos, loved the demo discs back in the day, I think it promotes quality and if anything it's a risk the devs are taking not the player.
I also know from my experience with Gamepass that it ends up being a big library of demos, I keep changing from game to game trying to find something special and I don't end up playing anything. If I play something truly great that requires me to pay to keep playing odds are I'll pay.
I had zero expectations of liking FFVIIR until I played the demo for example then I was hooked. I would've never bought Cyberpunk if I had played a demo first. In the ideal world every game would have a demo available.
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