Activision Blizzard is "revitalising the Overwatch 2 experience"


28 Jun 2022

In a candid blog, the team insisted it had "heard [the] feedback" from players about the competitive play over the last eight seasons, and has plans to introduce "big updates" to enable you to better build on your skills and "see how you progress through the competitive ranks".

each individual match, we’re going back to updating your rank after every match and showing how much progress you gain or lose between each Skill Division."

This – along with displaying Modifiers that affected your last match below the rank progression bar – will "provide transparency in the matchmaking for each match".

"Feedback is a driving force behind these changes, and we want to hear your thoughts on Competitive Play now that you’ll have more context for each game," the team added.

"At its core, Overwatch 2 is a competitive game, so it’s important for the core systems and Competitive System to be as intuitive and accessible as possible. In addition to these core system changes, we’re introducing reworks to Pharah and Junkertown, which we’ll go into in a later blog."


10 Jan 2024
So it seems the fortnite model failed so now lets cater to the only people that play the game. Try hards.