Activision Blizzard provides an update on Call of Duty, Diablo IV and Xbox Game Pass


28 Jun 2022
I dont see late ports will have any sizeable impact on gamepass numbers. It might make users stick around for longer but i dont think D4 is going to be the draw people think it is based off the word of mouth ive seen and it being out of the top 40 in the UK. I feel like that ship has sailed for that game.


26 Jun 2022

I mean COD makes way more money on Sony so they'll still make money they probably have a switch dumb downed version plsnned down the line. Micro is hoping once again this venture will raise subs by a good amount although we all know it won't. Micro/Activision will indeed lose profits once COD is under their banner
Their hope is to force people into their platform, so for sure they see all the money made on PS systems as money they could make for themselves.

So, from their point of view this is an argument in favor of the purchase, people love CoD and other Activision franchises, they will come to xbox if this is where the games they love are from now on... and some people only play CoD, so that could be a few million sales, this or Battlefield step up their game and manage to please the CoD fans on PS and everyone is happy while MS burns their money and sell Activision back to itself for 15 billion dollars to cut their losses.
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Supposed to be open beta on playstation today (no pre order needed) & then early access beta for Xbox / PC ... But still says pre order , if you press it it takes you straight to the £100 'vault edition' the greedy bastards