Another One: Nexus Mods has started deleting Tekken 8 Lili Nude Mods


Joey Ravn

See my second point I'm against all nude mods, I'm just pointing out how weird it is that 18 was the chosen number. So if the girl is 17 and 11 months it not okay but in a month it suddenly becomes okay?

The real conversation we should be having is, why do men even want nude mods in the first place?

Yes. That's exactly how the law works, even if it's absolutely and completely arbitrary. 18 is generally chosen as the age in which people become legal adults because it's when you're supposedly "fully matured", both biologically and psychologically. It's also the time when most people finish their basic and (most of the time) compulsory education and enter the labor market.

But even so, there has to be a cut out for when you stop being a minor. It can be 18 or 21 or whatever age, but it's always going to be an arbitrary number that people may contest by saying "but what if the girl is that age minus 1 day?".

Not many people will raise the same question for voting or paying taxes, curiously enough.


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
Yes. That's exactly how the law works, even if it's absolutely and completely arbitrary. 18 is generally chosen as the age in which people become legal adults because it's when you're supposedly "fully matured", both biologically and psychologically. It's also the time when most people finish their basic and (most of the time) compulsory education and enter the labor market.

But even so, there has to be a cut out for when you stop being a minor. It can be 18 or 21 or whatever age, but it's always going to be an arbitrary number that people may contest by saying "but what if the girl is that age minus 1 day?".

Not many people will raise the same question for voting or paying taxes, curiously enough

Several studies actually show that men don't fully develop until 25, your brain isn't finished developing until sometime in your 20s, it varies of course.

In America it's illegal for a 17 year old and an 18 year old to sleep together, but perfectly fine for an 18 year old to sleep with a 90 year old.