Are you a PlayStation enthusiast first or a PlayStation business fan?

Jim Ryan

Not Lyin
22 Jun 2022
Would you say you put PlayStation hardware, physical games, first party exclusives first


PlayStation making bank, expanding their overall audience, statistics and other metrics first?


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I'm PlayStation.

The brand grow with me since 1994 and it is not some fans hate here that will erase what PlayStation done for over 30 years.
Plus I take most of Sony decisions as good... they are in the right path to grow PlayStation without forget us gamers (yeap I'm receiving games from them in high quality like never happened before).

There are mistakes... yeap... no company is perfect but compared to others Sony is still way ahead in the business doing more winner than mistakes.
Plus they are learning with the mistakes very fast that is good.

Of course some decisions was not of my taste like CrossPlay, BC and PC ports like it was made but they are finding it way with PC ports and the others points doesn't bother me anymore as a take it as a lost cause.

They delivery the gods for anybody that is a gamer... even more than in the past.


25 Mar 2023
I just want great games and to be treated with respect. This year I found out Sony has surprisingly good costumer service in Brazil for their hardware but I'm also disappointed with their output of games and efforts to differentiate PlayStation from other platforms.

With that said I also own Sony stocks because to me they seem to be really undervalued and their assets seem underutilized. Seems to me that if Sony was split into 5 or 6 different companies they would be worth more combined than Sony is worth now. The way I see it there is deep value in Sony if they had the right leadership to make the most out of their strengths.

Sony and PlayStation have everything needed to be some of the most valuable and successful consumer brands in the world and I don't think they are able to effectively manage their image and for many years they have been terrible in how they communicate and engage with costumers.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Would you say you put PlayStation hardware, physical games, first party exclusives first


PlayStation making bank, expanding their overall audience, statistics and other metrics first?
I forgot to put my 2 cents here...

Both needs to walk together.
There is no quality in hardware, physical games, first party exclusives, etc if you don't make bank, expand your audience, etc.

Both are tied to the success.

It is like I always said here... if you don't have profit you don't have money to expand and make better games.
A health financial state is the best to make increase the investments in more and better games.

It is why Xbox is failing miserable... it was something fine when Microsoft was banking it to grow but now they don't have money and MS head wants results that they don't have... so they are shrinking with subpar quality games.

I should cry and basically play nothing if I had a console with the game launched to Xbox Series X... Halo Infinite, Forza Motorsport 9, Redfall, Starfield, Hellblade 2, etc are all trash tier to me and I have zero interest to play them.... for the new IPs they are not interesting enough but the most sad part are the used high quality IPs... for example Halo and Forza are a shell of themselves lol

And all of that have to do with money... MS is now a company that do budget games to fill their Gamepass failure.
Gamepass destory game development... anybody that wants great games should buy their games to the company make profit and so create new greate games.... it is a cycle.

More profit = more money to invest = more great games = more audience = more profit = more money to invest....

Game development is increasing a lot and Sony is one of the few that can keep doing great games imo.
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20 Jun 2022
I would always put the PlayStation hardware, physical games, first party exclusives first. Those are the reasons why I play on the platform afterall


21 Jun 2022
If you are PlayStation enthusiast/fan you should want them to have a healthy business. Because if they don't have a healthy business they'll stop making games and consoles, because money doesn't grow on trees and to make AAA games, consoles, etc. isn't cheap.

If you want their business to fail you aren't a fan, you are a hater.


Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
Neither. I'm a Playstation videogames enjoyer, but only for the videogames I like and resonate with.

Being a fan of any corporation of any kind is nonsensical, in my opinion.
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Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
I’m a big Playstation fan because it is the platform that has been consistently giving incredible experiences for 28 years.

If they fuck up and I’m not a happy customer, I’ll move on. They need to earn my business, unlike the Xbox fanatics.


Active member
1 Sep 2023
When I was 7, I remember I wanted PS1 from my father and he bought me one. Played tons of exclusive and multi platform games on it. I am a PS fan since then.

Do I care how much Sony executives make? No. I only care about what they can offer me as a gamer. Currently I am pretty happy about them.


Active member
17 May 2024
I'm not really a Playstation fan, but I like some games and grew up with the consoles. I just like some Sony IPs like Ape Escape and Gravity Rush.
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