Blizzard’s bringing its PC games to Steam, starting with Overwatch 2


10 Feb 2023
You can't tell me that Microsoft doesn't have some sort of substantial investment in Steam, the way they cape so hard for each other. I wouldn't be surprised since they were founded from ex MS employees.
They re just preparing ground to buy Valve in future. Wolf in sheep clothes. They have zero inovation and creativity so they just buy their way into markets.


15 Jul 2023
They re just preparing ground to buy Valve in future. Wolf in sheep clothes. They have zero inovation and creativity so they just buy their way into markets.
Nah valve chilling for now. As long as Gabe is still around their not selling

Deleted member 223

From a hardware perspective, it's true in both cases. If MS had a studio as technically brilliant as Naughty Dog (and no Series S), we'd see more of a difference between Series X and PS5.
Lol. As if ND programmers are exclusive to Sony and not journeyman that sell to the highest bidder, specially considering the turnover at ND. As if only Sony exclusives punch beyond the Series, and not also third-party games (big or small) that have had better performance on the PS5 on a great number of titles, and continue to do so and be the case.

The PS5 is the better, all around, engineered console to run games, it's as simple as that. It's not dragged down by "tools", poorly engineered hardware overhead and/or bottlenecks. A single number is not power - a machine is the sum of its parts. However, sheep who are supposed to fall for marketing slogans and simple patterns are supposed to believe the fairy tale - it's the whole intent - and it clearly works, case in point your post. Reality has shown different and it will always show different.

The man is Team Green through and through push comes to shove. It's not a nuanced answer out of someone of his stature and knowledge. It's clear cut agenda favoritism of an old war dog with a history of such.

As for this... I hope the very hardcore Valve fans start to notice, and work in their minds having a happy family co-existence with their Xbox brethren under the Microsoft banner. One big happy family. Besides it's not like the two fanbases don't enjoy allied status anyways - it has always been the case in war times against dominant console players (defacto Sony's PlayStation - thus always). It's coming sooner or later - and majority are already half way there through Windows. Makes too much business sense for an ambitious, monopolistic-driven Microsoft for it not to happen. Who's gonna stop them now? Who? Valve's got a dollar #, just like ABK. I mean you're literally just selling a middle-man business. Also the blinders and delusions of big/mean anti-trust have dropped like 50 ton bricks for those that were still unaware of its deterioration and current corrupt nature. Banking made that clear a long time ago. But of course, it has to happen in Gaming for the majority of gamers to actually get acquainted with reality.

Obviously the problem will be MS milking policies, grand strategic plans for cloud and subscriptions etc - Valve fanboys are not ready for that type of abuse. Considering that the main reason folks long-term attached to Valve is library attachment - well that's the hook. You get the consumer by the balls with no choice. So, consolidation around Valve on PC is the obvious play by Microsoft, and you're seeing it play out. You close ranks around Valve as the singular one-top shop and then swoop in and buy. Makes 100% sense.

All I'm seeing is the starting pains. You can see that everyday in commentary here or any other forum of gamer discussion - any hints result in a reflex reaction by the hardcore Valve fanboys to dismiss/downplay. Of course they don't want Valve to be owned by MS - they'll get fucked. We see the same behavior for all fanbases, happened to Xbox, happened to Sony fans with the PC/GAAS push (tribulations currently live!). 5 yrs from now, 10 yrs from now - don't matter. Take your pick. You can start to smell it, you can see the patterns, the wording of statements, the push. And that's one of the "positive things" (cough ehm /s) to come out of this ABK merger - the irony. No one likes giving 30% cuts away in an "open" platform and promote a singular storefront monopoly unless, of course it's not too "open" and/or........ (well you can guess the obvious). Window's Gaming is MS's baby, not Valve's. Valve is an invitee in a big house. The only question for me is if we'll have Tom Warren still around shilling to get the big tweet, Snitch style: M x V.

Solutions and options: Divestment from Steam, the sooner the better, by hedging with Epic Games Store or consoles (PlayStation due to consumption patterns, lesser extent Nintendo). Obviously both types of hedges are considered heresy to the militant PCMR so yeah, overwhelming majority will be fucked and wait till the bitter end (whole aim and point).
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15 Jul 2023
Lol. As if ND programmers are exclusive to Sony and not journeyman that sell to the highest bidder, specially considering the turnover at ND.

The PS5 is the better, all around engineered console to run games, it's as simple as that. A number is not power. That's what sheep, who are supposed to fall for Marketing slogans are supposed to believe - it's the intent. Reality has shown different.
on paper the xbox series x is stronger
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2 May 2023
Lol. As if ND programmers are exclusive to Sony and not journeyman that sell to the highest bidder, specially considering the turnover at ND. As if only Sony exclusives, and not third party games have had better performance on the PS5 on a great number of titles, and continue to do so and be the case.

The PS5 is the better, all around engineered console to run games, it's as simple as that. A number is not power. That's what sheep, who are supposed to fall for marketing slogans and simple patterns are supposed to believe - it's the whole intent - and it clearly works, case in point your post. Reality has shown different.

As for this... I hope the very hardcore Valve fans start to work in their minds a little big, a happy family co-existant with their Xbox brethen. It's coming sooner or later. 5 yrs from now, 10 yrs from now. Take your pick. You know it. And that's one of the "positive things" (cough ehm) to come out of this deal - the irony.

Series X has a faster CPU, faster ram, and a good bit more compute on the GPU. PS5 is dominating the market so it's the primary target for most developers. Also PS5 is not encumbered by compatibility with low tier Series S. It's not really a debate. Series X is the most powerful console right now, it just doesn't matter.
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Deleted member 223

on paper the xbox series x is stronger
Paper =/= games. Games is the output of software code handled by hardware, not paper. Thus it's an irrelevant point - only relevant in its usefulness for marketing, which should be translated properly as the practice of psychological manipulation of the human mind to induce the sale of a product. Obviously as members of capitalist hyper-consumerist societies, marketing is a much nicer, socially acceptable term to encompass that and more.
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2 May 2023
Paper =/= games. Games is the output of software code handled by hardware, not paper. Thus it's an irrelevant point - only relevant in its usefulness for marketing, which should be translated properly as the practice of psychological manipulation of the human mind to induce the sale of a product. Obviously as members of capitalist hyper-consumerist societies, marketing is a much nicer, socially acceptable term to encompass that and more.

I guess you didn't live though the PS3 era.
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8 May 2023
From a hardware perspective, it's true in both cases. If MS had a studio as technically brilliant as Naughty Dog (and no Series S), we'd see more of a difference between Series X and PS5.
You could give Microsoft the entire Naughty Dog team from top to bottom and they would still never come out with any games worth playing. You need more than talented staff, you need leaders that are actually competent and a work culture that actually cares about gaming. Nothing will change at Xbox until the whole leadership team changes, no matter how many studios they buy up.
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