Bloomberg: Jason Schreier's five big predictions for 2024


18 Nov 2023
They won't be buying anything big ever again (in gaming). Shareholders will want to see results finally for Zenimax & ABK, and that will take a long time to prove. By the time such proving's done, other big gaming companies will either be off the table due to other M&As, or competitors holding large percentages of shares & investments in them.

One of said competitors will be Sony, but inn what mixture & capacity is open to interpretation for the time being.

As usual you are way too easily pessimistic when it comes to PlayStation :/

TBF Sony's GaaS strategy needed a culling anyway, especially if they are doubling down on more traditional AAA (and AA) games. Their PC porting strategy also needs a heavy culling, we'll see how that goes after HFW's release I suppose.

I don't care for whatever context Jason wants to imply in his reporting, but I wouldn't say culling & revamping the GaaS focus "hurts" Sony. If anything they'd be one of the quickest to adjust as they've shown exemplary ability in adjusting in the past to other major shifts (external & internal).
Nadella said in court that their not stopping their gaming acquisitions back in July. So you're wrong. Like i said smaller buys like studios. EA and Take Two aren't likely to be acquired by anyone for a while.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Oh… the rat.

My prediction - Jason will smear more companies by pretending people care about the entitlement generation’s fantasy-land microaggressions and continue to be a shitstain and fraud since games journalism is just paid shilling, defense and promotion for Microsoft.
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