"Consolidation Wars", new from MB


Dixon Cider Ltd.
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22 Jun 2022
I don't think I can successfully tie various acquisition strategies into a grand unified theory, and people more in the know would have better stand-in examples, so I thought rather than clutter up the Sony Acquisition thread some more, maybe a lighter hearted game of Consolidation Wars could be had and merged away into whichever thread later? For whichever platform holder current/dead/incoming that you'd like.

Focusing on WBD:
Like, for example, I know WBD have far more important licenses like Lego and Harry Potter, and an immediate boon to Sony's media libraries, but my idea would concern Batman, Mortal Kombat/DC's handling.

For Batman games, I think it'd be nice if instead of DLC skins for characters, I'd have like TLOU series has, blown-up. The whole game/enemy roster would get the graphics toggle to re-experience it as a "TAS game", the cutscenes would respect the graphics toggle choice. Surely something like this, building-over the same content, instead of remasters and remakes, it could be more faster released DLC updates, patches, total graphics/skin conversions, games get more support on the tailend. Basically, we all get to be Smithers from Simpsons. It's still Batman Arkham Knight... "But he's got a new suit/a new DLC chapter... I want it, I want it." By Sony owning Batman game rights, they could reunify the PS3 only Joker levels from AA and Origins and Knight into a single Quadology and sell it over again. Side point of Rocksteady pedigree now being in-house, blah blah blah.

Mortal-Kombat-Logo-2011-500x281.png 4ec32a62cb1fe953fe3a61283f5dbdc4.jpg
For Mortal Kombat/DC, I want Sony now owning MK to re-release MK9, having cut-through usual red tape from Kratos' original inclusion as DLC. I don't even care if he gets canonised as an MK fighter like Final Fight character appearing in Street Fighter etc. At least Kratos fits the world. All the other guests can be thrown over to a new "DC vs" series where Superman can smack around Bugs Bunny for all I care. It can be microtransactioned to hell and have Injustice Aquaman teaming with Classic Aquaman or whichever costumes/DLC guests you've bought from the store. In the style of buying Fortnite skins and having this eclectic roster of fighters. I think such an idea is carried off so much better under a comic/superhero setup, where there's always crossovers.

Some IP might be too adult for that game? I don't know, I have no idea if say Alien and Predator are running around with guns in Fortnight alongside Chun Li and Ryu. But, in any case, NRS have had the deals in place to include Freddy, Jason, Leatherface, Joker, Rambo, Terminator, Alien, Predator, tried for Evil Dead Ash in MK. Just make a horror IP slanted game in the style of TerrorDrome (If I recall correctly), every so and so feed it a new horror/adult orientated guest.

Keep MK for MK, I'd rather the game development time go towards the MK characters, there's enough of them. I don't know why the kameos in MK1 are the classic-ist of classic designs, in stark contrast visually go the new era fighters. Unless it's just stockpiling 3D models of classic designs for an eventual remaster of some sort. In any event the story has gone right off the rails again, not just time travel, but multiverse dimension invasions too. It was one thing to be like "he's not dead, or he's not evil, we can reach back and grab the good version from 10 years ago", now it's "here's Bargain Bin Baraka from the next dimension over. It's not "your Baraka" but let's ignore that one I guess", nothing has any stakes, lore wise, as far as I can tell. Putting aside the lore patch-up job that might be needed, the idea of invaders from another dimension could suit MK game feature/mechanically-wise. But it'd be more customizability-wise along the line of WWE games Create A Wrestler mode. Release character skins as a pack. If I buy MK Deception Shredder SubZero DLC, and get their pristine modern version of him as an alt skin for the in-game model, then replicate his Shredder hat, his moves, and all the other bits as generic-fied Kreate A Kharacter items. Have a toggle options for the towers. "MK" mode, and "MK + Invaders", where someone's KAK can jump in with its customised appearance/moveset etc. Drip feed characters/caw parts/moves as needed, story chapters too...
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