Developers were asked about porting games to Xbox “It’s not worth it if the game isn’t on Game Pass”


25 Mar 2023
They created an environment where devs need to be paid upfront to port games for Xbox since their Gamepss won't sell outside Gamepass. Despite of that Gamepass is completely stagnant, everybody lost, devs, users and the platform itself, all because they refused to face the fact that their business model was terrible when it became obvious a long time ago.
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14 Jul 2022
After all the astroturfing about Game Pass, it's good to see more people being upfront about the problems with the model. I still see people talking about how much money they save with it, how they try new games because of it, etc. It's directly impacted the demise of Xbox and is a clear cause for games skipping the platform, but both MS and Game Pass proponents just refuse to address that. So no sympathy from me for the crying about games skipping Xbox. It's an obvious result of teaching your customers to not buy software.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Back when Game Pass was announced, and I was posting on NG, I straight up said this would happen. It will destroy sales and teach Xbox players to no longer buy games.

Got mocked by the Xbox brigade. Some of them even bought into the idea it would increase sales (lol). Yet here we are. And it's not like it's some kind of deep insight either (which makes the whole debacle even more mind boggling that MS tried it, truly they are complete idiots), because we've seen this story before. All you have to do is be willing to learn from history ...


8 May 2023
Stuff like this is why I want Xbox to die off as soon as possible. Subscription services like this have done irreparable harm to movies, tv, and music, and I don’t want the same to happen to gaming. Thank God their plan to drag the entire industry down has failed.


14 Jul 2022
Back when Game Pass was announced, and I was posting on NG, I straight up said this would happen. It will destroy sales and teach Xbox players to no longer buy games.

Got mocked by the Xbox brigade. Some of them even bought into the idea it would increase sales (lol). Yet here we are. And it's not like it's some kind of deep insight either (which makes the whole debacle even more mind boggling that MS tried it, truly they are complete idiots), because we've seen this story before. All you have to do is be willing to learn from history ...

I remember when NG stipulated all Game Pass threads had to be under one heading because there were so many posts about 'the best deal in gaming'. It was such obvious astroturfing and really insufferable to witness. And, yeah, any criticism was dogpiled. Well, 'criticism' actually just being rational discussion of the obvious cause and effect of the Game Pass model.


Well-known member
1 Mar 2024
I was told Gamepass would actually increase software sales.

Gamepass and the lack of Xbox marketing and mindshare outside of NA are the two biggest reasons of their demise.
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25 Mar 2023
Stuff like this is why I want Xbox to die off as soon as possible. Subscription services like this have done irreparable harm to movies, tv, and music, and I don’t want the same to happen to gaming. Thank God their plan to drag the entire industry down has failed.
It probably already did irreparable harm to games, it deeply devalued games everywhere, even outside Xbox.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
It probably already did irreparable harm to games, it deeply devalued games everywhere, even outside Xbox.
"And I would have gotten away with it too, if it werent for you meddling kids!"
-Phil Spencer to MS board

Also everyone could see this was a ploy by xbox to try to run all the other players out of the business by using loss leader strategies that only MS could sustain.


14 Jul 2022
I was told Gamepass would actually increase software sales.

Gamepass and the lack of Xbox marketing and mindshare outside of NA are the two biggest reasons of their demise.

Agreed on both points, but I would add that a lack of focus on great games is the third problem. And that problem has been ongoing ever since Phil took the helm.


14 Jul 2022
Stuff like this is why I want Xbox to die off as soon as possible. Subscription services like this have done irreparable harm to movies, tv, and music, and I don’t want the same to happen to gaming. Thank God their plan to drag the entire industry down has failed.

If Game Pass had actually succeeded, we would be looking at even worse game quality than Xbox already has. More Redfall, less High-Fi Rush (especially since creativity and talent matters less than profit and sales - the shuttering of Tango will forever piss me off). If there's one company that should have little influence, much less lead the game industry, it's MS.


14 Jul 2022
Imagine they had $70b to buy a single company but not $1b to make 5 great games...

When you have the guy in charge saying stuff like this:

But we’re not in a position - and I see out there, I see commentary, that if you just build great games everything would turn around. It’s just not true that if we go off and build great games, all of the sudden you’re going to see console shares shift in some dramatic way. We lost the worst generation to lose in the Xbox One generation when everybody built their digital library of games.


I see a lot of people running with the excuse he uses here about digital libraries, but that's just Phil refusing to admit his failures. He never tried to build great games and instead used MS money to try to spend the competition out of business. No great games are going to come from a person and company whose only interest is obliterating the competition.
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21 Jun 2022
Stuff like this is why I want Xbox to die off as soon as possible. Subscription services like this have done irreparable harm to movies, tv, and music, and I don’t want the same to happen to gaming. Thank God their plan to drag the entire industry down has failed.
It hasn't failed yet. COD this year will decide the future of gamepass. Either death or destruction of gaming.


10 Jan 2023
If you keep up with the film industry, you saw this coming a thousand miles away. Subscriptions have ruined whole industries. I saw people championing Gamepass when we were already seeing the negative affects in film.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
When you have the guy in charge saying stuff like this:


I see a lot of people running with the excuse he uses here about digital libraries, but that's just Phil refusing to admit his failures. He never tried to build great games and instead used MS money to try to spend the competition out of business. No great games are going to come from a person and company whose only interest is obliterating the competition.
I have no ideia how they reached that logic lol

Their best generation (360) was when they build great games... until 2010 Xbox 360 delivery with games were really great.
Result: they reached over 80 million consoles sold.

Xbox One had a good launch lineup... but after that they stopped to made games (Phil become CEO).
Series X was ridiculous bad in terms of games.

When I say they stopped to make games it mean in quality and quantity... today even their premium franchises like Halo, Forza, Gears, etc is a shell of itself with a very questionable drop in quality... and the quantity is bad too because they are barely launch 1-2 games per year.

Maybe it just a coincidence...

But after Phil took place as boss (2014) they just dropped the ball in quality and release.
Titanfall was probably the last big quality game on Xbox front... it release in 2014.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I'm sure we'll get interviews/tweets from Doc Burford or Mike Rose telling us, GamePass made them into BILLIONAIRES... and that we are ALL wrong about Gamepass; that we are all merely PONIES!
They don't have enough subs and time to Gamepass made them billionaires :D :D :D