Digital Foundry: Starfield Tech Breakdown - 30FPS, Visuals, Rendering Tech + Game Impressions


25 Mar 2023
Not only was Starfield ugly and 30fps, it was also rendering at 1296p.

I've never seen a game being this shielded and over hyped. What they have shown so far is laughable.


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
MS needs to move Xbox units... not hard to understand the critical need for a win? Sales literally trending downward YOY during the peak years of a console sales lifecycle.

Just be glad they didn't moneyhat another big third party multiplat to push units out. I guess we gotta thank the ABK deal somewhat for that. Much prefer the industry shilling tradeoff. Nvidia and MS products get special shilling from DF for monetary reasons. If Sony wants the shilling, as always they're free to spread the love with ad buys to DF and privileged access to studios and news. I'm sure they'll come around just fine.
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2 May 2023
They're crucially not showing the shit that will make or break this game in my mind. Bethesda's strength has been rewarding exploration and player agency with good writing. Does this game have the equivalent of an assassin's guild? How many different kinds of stories can you get into if you ignore the main quest line? I don't care about crafting/survival mechanics unless they're in service of good authored content.
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24 Jun 2022
It's all a calculated PR propaganda campaign. How convenient some media sites suddenly posting how PS5 users are ready to ditch their box for Xbox yet under every tweet, it's actual gamers saying... "Why not just own both consoles"?

We saw the same crap with Halo and now Starfield. Setting the stage for them to give it a good metacritic. While overlooking the short-comings. If Starfield isn't seen as a must have game, it's game over for Xbox commercially for the foreseeable future.

The checks have been deposited.

Yeah I noticed that; had to retweet it on Twitter but I'm not giving the article a click. Mainly did it to mention how disingenuous those types of articles are, they basically act like thinly veiled advertisements. The sort of stuff you'd on a website for wine moms as an online infomercial-style advert for a new exotic herbal facial cream.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
The damage control has begun, the checks must have reached 6 figures this time.

The experts will tell you not to believe your lying eyes. Shit looks average at best. People will see the shills that comment "oh my god it looked amazing" on reddit and conform. Well, I'm not fooled. The game looked okay at best.


10 Mar 2023
Yeah I noticed that; had to retweet it on Twitter but I'm not giving the article a click. Mainly did it to mention how disingenuous those types of articles are, they basically act like thinly veiled advertisements. The sort of stuff you'd on a website for wine moms as an online infomercial-style advert for a new exotic herbal facial cream.
It's not even one article I saw two articles go out within two hours of each other. It reminds me of that time when everyone from IGN started tweeting out "GamePass is the best value in Gaming" yet they weren't playing games on their Xbox.

But lets see how effective this is. Halo got the same treatment and eventually that crumbled as a narrative can't be sustained if it ain't true, once the product is in the hands of actual consumers.
  • brain
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26 Jun 2022
We saw the same crap with Halo and now Starfield. Setting the stage for them to give it a good metacritic. While overlooking the short-comings. If Starfield isn't seen as a must have game, it's game over for Xbox commercially for the foreseeable future.
And Japan, then France "sales hike" for reasons.
  • they're_right_you_know
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25 Mar 2023
Low res, last gen looking, sub 30 fps, ugly art direction.

Less ambitious than No Man's Sky a PS4 indie game from 2016.


22 Jul 2022
Low res, last gen looking, sub 30 fps, ugly art direction.

Less ambitious than No Man's Sky a PS4 indie game from 2016.
Personally, I think it looks wonderful. But the 30fps is a deal breaker.

The apologising is through the roof. Games of the same ambition ran at 30 frames per second already on last gen. The new CPUs should be able to afford a 60 with even a bigger scope. It’s fundamentally a lack of optimisation in a creaky engine.
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Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
And to think, all Xbox did to this game was remove it from PlayStation 5. If it's good, we'll be playing it soon enough when Xbox goes third party. If it's bad, no loss. But the strategy here is garbage and should be condemned, not lauded.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
And to think, all Xbox did to this game was remove it from PlayStation 5. If it's good, we'll be playing it soon enough when Xbox goes third party. If it's bad, no loss. But the strategy here is garbage and should be condemned, not lauded.
That's not entirely fair. They did force bethesda to delay the game for a year to bugfix. Imagine if they had released last november.