EA CEO says there’s a “real hunger” among developers to use AI to speed up development. Ubisoft CEO thinks it'll make games feel more alive & richer.


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4 Aug 2023
He is right. AI can indeed push productivity by several orders of magnitude.

There are many cases of remote work software engineers taking several full time jobs thanks to writing everything through copilot and making several hundred-thousands a year as a result.

Eventually this free-meal will end, the market will simply normalize to expect coders to have this kind of productivity and software will be made much faster.

It doesn't matter that EA is simply saying what everyone in soft dev has known for over a year.

Same will go with visual artists who use multimodal AI, or even sound artists.


Well-known member
7 Mar 2024
In my opinion I think it can definitely be used to speed up the process but my instinct tells me that something completely man-made cannot be beat, but I'd like AI to prove me wrong ofc.


21 Jun 2022
Wow on cue after I bumped up the older "speeding up development" thread. Thts crazy coincidental.
Well, it's true. Requires a lot of work to build the tools and learn to use them and to train them until they do what you want, but in art are helpful to speed up certain parts, specially boring ones. Things like drafting stuff to brainstorm, explain ideas, or to build a base to work on.

Regarding NPCs now the writer/designer instead of writing a few sentences will have to write a longer and more complex text with the personality, background and several things more about the NPC character, but having that the NPC will be able to act like a chatbot having more natural conversation instead of having just the typical two predefined sentences.

Regarding populating worlds, they should help to have more variety of objects and characters, making also everything more detailed and realistic. And well, they should also help to improve animations.

The AI will bring many exciting things for devs.
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