Epic CEO Makes Outspoken Statement About Microsoft 'Empowering Developers'


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Actually I just hear good things from people that works at Microsoft here in Brazil.
Good conditions.
Good bonuses.
Flexible work time (it is attached to delivery and not working hours).
Good health plans.

In 2020 they won the award Greatest Place to Work in Brazil.
Too bad the people happy to work there turn out complete shit products.


25 Mar 2023
Gabe: designing human+brain interfaces as a hobby
Sweeney: launching frivolous lawsuits because his products are failing
It sucks that of all engines Unreal turned out to be the one embraced by the industry.

Things got drastically worse when they stumbled into Fortnite success because Bluehole sucked. Now this Tim Sweeney individual has way too much money to throw around in an attempt to shape the market.


2 May 2023
It sucks that of all engines Unreal turned out to be the one embraced by the industry.

Things got drastically worse when they stumbled into Fortnite success because Bluehole sucked.
I agree, but it seems untenable. UE5 is not where it should be either in usability or in market takeup. We're 4 years into the gen and only just starting to see UE5 games, most of which are not fully exploiting the new features.

The UE5 editor runs like a dog even on powerful PCs. To me this makes it very unattractive for indie and AA development where UE4 was pretty competent.

I don't hate UE as much as I hate Epic as a whole, but it does seem vulnerable compared to prior versions.
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom

You may have seen in the news recently that Microsoft has overtaken Apple in becoming "the world's most valuable company", and Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney has had something to say on the matter. Sweeney has congratulated the Xbox owner for its achievement, while making a not-so-subtle dig at some of the competition.

More specifically, the Epic CEO says the way Apple and Google operate is "a sharp contrast" to how Microsoft "empowers developers to do great work". Here's Sweeney's statement in full:

"Congratulations to Microsoft on a well-deserved honor. From Bill Gates to Steve Ballmer to Satya Nadella, they have a 50-year track record of supporting and empowering developers to do great work, while respecting developer and user freedom. A sharp contrast to Apple and Google."

To be honest, we're not surprised to see this at all. A few years ago, Epic was fighting the two mobile companies in court - and Microsoft actually supported Epic's endeavour at the time. Evidently, the Fortnite creator prefers the way Microsoft does business in the gaming world!

Anyway, we suppose it's good news for Xbox in some fashion that Microsoft is now top of the capitalism tree. As long as Microsoft keeps investing in gaming, we're happy!

*don't shoot the messenger 🤣

The hilarious thing is if they tried to get into the mobile market again you know they'd do everything they possibly could to make their app store propritery & force the Devs to give them the same cut apple & Google do 🤣