Financial Times: How Brad Smith used Microsoft’s $1bn law and lobbying machine to win Activision battle


28 Jun 2022

Shit we already know, you dont need to be an analyst to know how lobbying works and putting the right money in certain places will get you things. This new article is about the highly sophisticated and advanced worldwide lobbying operation that Microsoft has in place to ensure governments give them what they want. They spend $1 billion+ a year on this lobbying and schmoozing to ensure they will never again face a situation like they did in the late 1990's when they were nearly broken up by the US Government for illegal monopolistic behavior in what was then the largest antitrust action an American company has ever faced.

"Microsoft’s 21-month battle to pull off its blockbuster purchase of gaming company Activision has been one of the M&A world’s most tortuous recent sagas.The struggle has served as a striking demonstration of the power of a legal, policy and influence machine which costs more than $1bn a year to run, and which has made Microsoft one of the most effective American companies in practising a new form of global corporate diplomacy to advance its interests.

Getting the Activision deal across the line meant defeating a US government effort to block it in court, while also persuading UK regulators to allow an eleventh hour reworking of a transaction they had already decided to reject. It also involved winning over regulators in many other jurisdictions — including Brussels, where Microsoft was once deeply distrusted — at a time when acquisitions by big tech companies face significant opposition.

The deal’s completion against the odds, marks the culmination of more than two decades of work to recast the reputation of a company that was once seen as the tech world’s pre-eminent bully. Under Brad Smith, who became its top legal officer in 2002 and also took on the title of president in 2015, Microsoft has long worked to present a more conciliatory face to regulators.It has also sought to make itself useful to governments looking for help on everything from tech policy to emergency support against cyber attacks, part of an effort to build trust and increase the odds of winning a hearing when its own business interests are challenged.Yet while completing the deal would amount to a notable victory at a time when acquisitions by big tech companies are scarce, it may also bring a turning point in Microsoft’s relations with regulators around the world.“It helped to remind everyone that they are Big Tech too,” says one former Microsoft policy executive.
Smith took over as the company’s general counsel at a low point, after the US Department of Justice came close to winning a court-ordered break-up. His rise brought a complete change in approach. While Microsoft had previously fought regulators aggressively, Smith argued for conciliation and preached the need to be more transparent with regulators. He also pushed for changes in Microsoft’s business practices to head off potential antitrust challenges before they could gather steam, according to people who have worked with him.

Last year, facing complaints about Microsoft’s cloud licensing practices that threatened to trigger antitrust scrutiny, the Microsoft president publicly apologised and announced changes that he claimed would deal with the complaints. That attempt to pre-empt criticism, however, has not prevented the protests from growing louder — an indication that tactics that have served Microsoft well over the past two decades may be becoming less effective as its power in markets like cloud computing grows.Some of the tactics that helped boost its profits for many years have also been challenged.
This week, it revealed it had received a demand for nearly $29bn in back taxes in the US dating back to 2004-2013, prompted by a claim that its profits to low tax countries artificially lower its taxes.In another sign of increasing pressures on the company, Smith, usually the consummate diplomat, allowed himself a rare outburst in April after British regulators said they would block the Activision deal.

The move was “bad for Britain”, and Microsoft’s “darkest day in our four decades” there, he told the BBC. Yet the software company was still able to persuade the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority to reconsider, crafting a compromise that led to the agency clearing the deal while also enabling it to claim greater concessions from Microsoft than those won by other regulators. While Microsoft’s victory turned heavily on an intensive legal ground game and negotiations with regulators, it also reflects efforts over many years to put the company in a more favourable light.

Behind the scenes, Smith has promoted a concerted campaign of influence-building with governments around the world that even some rival tech executives concede has given Microsoft an edge. The software company has amassed “one of the largest armies of corporate diplomats that we’ve ever seen”, said Manas Chawla, a researcher who has studied the company. “They include policy officials working on everything from how to regulate artificial intelligence to protecting elections and tackling cyberwarfare against sovereign states,” he said.In one sign of the greater lengths Microsoft has gone to than other tech companies, it set up a representative office at the UN in 2020, taking up a floor of a building close to the organisation’s headquarters in New York where several Nato countries also have their missions. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy was the first head of state to pay a visit as part of an effort to encourage the company to invest in his country, while Microsoft hoped to use the contact to promote its cyber security capabilities.

The UN efforts are part of an operation under Smith that costs more than $1bn a year to run, according to people familiar with the company. The groups inside Microsoft reporting to him include legal, corporate and government affairs, accounting for what Microsoft describes as around 2,000 “professionals”. His organisation also includes a digital crimes unit and teams working on identifying cyber attacks and misinformation campaigns. Microsoft’s attempt to claim the moral high ground on issues like cyber security has grated with rivals, who claim the company uses its work with governments to distract attention from the role that vulnerabilities in its own software have played in causing the problems in the first place. Earlier this year, for instance, US commerce secretary Gina Raimondo was one of the several officials to have her email compromised after an online email account with Microsoft was hacked.
According to another former Microsoft executive, the company’s extensive international policy work reflects a strong belief that working to advance multilateralism and the rule of law globally will bring long-term benefits to the company and its customers. But this person also said these activities serve Microsoft’s more immediate business interests as well: “One of the things we learnt from the competition cases: we’re much better off building relationships and engaging and having people understand your business before you run into hard problems. That basic lesson has stayed with the company.”Smith’s bid to shape important policy discussions around tech has led to him striking ambitious positions on the global stage, though they have not always hit the goals that appeared to have been intended.

Six years ago, he called for a “digital Geneva convention” that would involve nation states swearing off cyber attacks against civilians during peacetime.According to one former staffer, that plan took a back seat after Microsoft realised that, if the proposal failed to get the backing of a majority of the UN’s 193 members, it could be reshaped in ways the company had not intended. “Be careful what you wish for,” this person added. Another person familiar with the digital Geneva convention said Microsoft had not backed off the idea and it remained a long-term “moonshot” for the company.
Smith’s willingness to put himself forward as an unofficial ambassador for the tech industry in this way has paid dividends for Microsoft, according to supporters. “Regulators are not going to give you a pass, but they will listen to you — you can hopefully have a credible voice with them, and that’s what’s really important,” one former executive said.As Microsoft finally puts the seal on its biggest ever acquisition, that strategy appears to be paying off".
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2 May 2023
That bribing shit happens everywhere even in so called Socialist/Communist countries where capitalism isn't prevalent.
There's no socialism in the world. Workers in China still have the task of strapping their ruling class to a boulder and hurling it into the ocean like the rest of us.

I'm not naive that socialism will end all corruption, but it's a load-bearing feature of capitalism. That's why we call it "lobbying" rather than "bribes".


28 Jun 2022
Yeah, there’s no way Sony Nintendo can compete with this. Nintendo might be able to last longer just cause they only becuase they own the the IP people associate with them but Microsoft has their eye on them and sonys third-party partners are just gonna get caught up one by one. There’s a lot of coulda Shoulda wouldas to go around. Microsoft should’ve been broken up a long time ago sony should’ve acquired certain companies we think that they should but I think it’s too little too late now.


28 Jun 2022
Even more in communist regimes, actually, but the commie LARPers live in denial of the facts.
Oh hell yeah we know lol like Cuba where ppl living off food vouchers, barely getting by yet when Fidel died it came out this man had a gazillion dollar yacht, 20 hidden multimillion massions, etc

Ppl be naive asf to think one is better than the other. So much corruption, it is part of many.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: KiryuRealty


21 Jun 2022
Even more in communist regimes, actually, but the commie LARPers live in denial of the facts.
i lived under CCCP. later post soviet union, bat shit was crazy with corruption. it doesn't matter what is the regime, people are just fucking shit overall.

but this is just next level of corruption. basically, they can do whatever they want if they really want. this deal costed at least 75B for them.


2 May 2023
Oh hell yeah we know lol like Cuba where ppl living off food vouchers, barely getting by yet when Fidel died it came out this man had a gazillion dollar yacht, 20 hidden multimillion massions, etc

Ppl be naive asf to think one is better than the other. So much corruption, it is part of many.
Are you comparing the economic outcomes of a tiny island under decades of economic blockade after decades of colonization with the US?
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: anonpuffs


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
All forms of economic distribution have problems, capitalism has problems with the inexorable accumulation of money and power into a few power centers, and socialism/communism has the problem that it's got good ideas but humans are corrupt and they fall into the same problems as capitalism - once they take away money and power from others, they keep it for themselves. People can say "communism bad" or "capitalism bad" but the root problem is that in every system some people get more than others and then they use that to control and oppress the people that have less and the people with power sweep aside the people without. What's crazy to me is that common people will argue against socialism when it's stuff that actually benefits them (e.g. a public healthcare program that covers everyone, or unions which are the only way for common workers to have any power in the workplace) in favor of huge corporations to have an extra $0.20/share on their quarterly profits, of which they don't own any stock or they don't own any appreciable stake and would easily crush them like a bug just for a bit of extra cash. Like when Bezos bought out Whole Foods and took away all the workers' health insurance. It boggles my mind how anyone can be in favor of that. And because we've been indoctrinated against that, things like the OP happen.