former head of Square's Shinra Technologies says Square Enix needed to stop relying on exclusivity...and should continue to develop new series


Active member
31 May 2023
I like how exclusivity is only bad when Sony does it.
I’m a Sony fan man, I’m not trying to say Sony doing exclusive deals is a bad thing. I want the brand to grow so I do not give a single fuck about how many games players from other platforms might miss out. But the truth remains, it is not a good thing for Square to only publish games on PS5 for many months. Square PS exclusivity only works when they are part of Playstation. I like Square, they now have a very strong relationship with Sony. That is why I want Sony to acquire them, but Sony does not seem to give a fuck about this.
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29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
I’m a Sony fan man, I’m not trying to say Sony doing exclusive deals is a bad thing. I want the brand to grow so I do not give a single fuck about how many games players from other platforms might miss out. But the truth remains, it is not a good thing for Square to only publish games on PS5 for many months. Square PS exclusivity only works when they are part of Playstation. I like Square, they now have a very strong relationship with Sony. That is why I want Sony to acquire them, but Sony does not seem to give a fuck about this.
But they're not keeping games off of PC. This entire point he's making is on why they supposedly NEED to include Xbox because of... advertising. Somehow.


Active member
31 May 2023
But they're not keeping games off of PC. This entire point he's making is on why they supposedly NEED to include Xbox because of... advertising. Somehow.
Not keeping games off PC but releasing 6 months to 1 year later is also pointless because there won’t be any hypes for the game anymore. Sony should either buy Square or just let go of them, it’s a waste of money to invest in 3rd party publishers, they will sooner or later ”betray” you. And they can not not ”betray”, they need more money, simple. Just look at SEGA, Yakuza, Persona, all used-to-be exclusives. Now they do not give a fuck and just release everywhere. I don’t know if Sony already learnt sth or they are just dense as fuck. Only through ownership can Sony feel safe that what they want to do with these games is by their own will.
  • sad
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29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
Not keeping games off PC but releasing 6 months to 1 year later is also pointless because there won’t be any hypes for the game anymore. Sony should either buy Square or just let go of them, it’s a waste of money to invest in 3rd party publishers, they will sooner or later ”betray” you. And they can not not ”betray”, they need more money, simple. Just look at SEGA, Yakuza, Persona, all used-to-be exclusives. Now they do not give a fuck and just release everywhere. I don’t know if Sony already learnt sth or they are just dense as fuck. Only through ownership can Sony feel safe that what they want to do with these games is by their own will.
Not at all pointless. From a development standpoint, they've already explained that decision.

Also not at all sure what you mean by the rest of this. Sony's already stated an intent to become more reliant on First Party and less on Third. Buying Square really wouldn't get them anything they don't already have though, and they inherit all their internal problems and potential debt as well, so I'm not sure that's the most attractive option to them atm either.


Active member
31 May 2023
Not at all pointless. From a development standpoint, they've already explained that decision.

Also not at all sure what you mean by the rest of this. Sony's already stated an intent to become more reliant on First Party and less on Third. Buying Square really wouldn't get them anything they don't already have though, and they inherit all their internal problems and potential debt as well, so I'm not sure that's the most attractive option to them atm either.
You really believe them. Why many publishers release their games everywhere but not Square? Square can not grow if they stay loyal to Playstation only, they need to embrace PC.

You seem to not understand me. Cool then if you think Sony does not need to buy Square, just don’t act salty when Square no longer works with Sony but with PC instead. Buying exclusivity deals is a cheaper way but not necessarily less riskier. Those timed exclusive games could have exploded in popularity and Publishers do not feel the need to make them exclusive anymore, bye bye Playstation, Persona is the prime example of this. If Sony instead owns these IPs, isn’t it much more valuable.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Like look, I could get it if it was "well we're not making money from sales there anyways, so we'll take what extra resources we can get". I'd get that. From a revenue standpoint, that makes some sense, at least.

Implying that having your game prominently advertised on the platform the majority of sales will be on won't matter, but "Xbox Billboards" will drive games more? That makes ZERO sense. Nil. Especially when PlayStation was also putting up billboards and putting out TV spots, to say nothing of paying for half the marketing AND providing development support?

I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but this reeks of either a fundamental misread of the market, or... planted info.
Totilo has always shilled for Xbox, and even worse was one of the driving forces behind the “Japanese games are bad” bullshit of the 360/PS3 era that ruined gaming for years.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
But they're not keeping games off of PC. This entire point he's making is on why they supposedly NEED to include Xbox because of... advertising. Somehow.
Honestly, they SHOULD keep their games off of Windows completely, if they genuinely want to boost their sales on consoles.

The support burden of the Windows platform is a huge drain for little gain.