Former Rare Dev Say There's Not An Audience For A New Banjo-Kazooie


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Bullshit, its just a safe way of saying we killed it and the audience.
Look at Ratchet and Clank and Mario, if BK was properly taken care of it would be just as big. Selling Rare to MS was stupid, the xb brand does not attract platform gamers. The wrong company bought Rare.
Also proves that MS buying devs and pubs dont mean the audience for that pub will follow.
Ignore the article in the op's specifics, its from a trash website. Grant Kirkhope was the music guy, and still does tons of "Rare-esque" games' music today. But he wasn't a programmer or in charge of the series. And while Rare hasn't had a great 20 years the runner up in that sale wasn't Nintendo, it was Activision, and they would have killed Rare after Nuts and Bolts, if not after Kameo and PDZ underperformed.


Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
I'm gonna fudge the details here. But XB use that crock of shit line all the time themselves. "Oh, there's no one who could possibly make Ki..." iron galaxy wanted to continue after taking over from double helix, and you shuttered the XBLA program out from underneath them.
24 Jun 2022
It makes complete sense IMO. There is no one around dying to make a BK3, and the last n64 game was in .. 2000? Look at what BK nuts and bolts did. Look at what Yookla Laylee did. Nothing.

Yes the series could be revived with an incredible entry that was inventive and defied exceptions. The point is that the kind of team/lead person that could deliver that kind of an experience has their own ideas, and does not want to work on someone else's creation.

We've seen this over and over again across many mediums. Just look at recent movies. The non-Spielberg Indiana Jones, which is a flop. The Disney Star Wars movies. The non-Phillip K. Dick Blade Runner movie, which I know some people liked, but was so freaking stupid in relation to the original that it's embarrassing to watch. Visually great, but material so banal it shouldn't have been made.

Let's go to games. How about the Bloober Silent Hill 2 remake that looks like a giant turd. The Crash games no one cares about. Those Castlevania sequels that did not perform well. Killer Instinct on Xbox was a dud. The disastrous Battletoads game. I'm sure I could think of quite a few more if I cared. I think Kirkhope is right, and looking forward is the only way to go.

Okay, but we need some context with Nuts & Bolts and Yookla Laylee: they were either not what the audience actually wanted, or were just inherently flawed games in areas of design that didn't capture what made people really like games such as Banjo-Kazooie.

I don't 100% buy the idea that the only capable teams wouldn't be interested in the BK IP, either. Sonic Mania was arguably the best Sonic game since Generations when it came out, and was made by hardcore fans of that IP. Obviously they had their own ideas too, it's why they're launching a new IP soon. But clearly, they also had a desire to work on Sonic since it's an IP they loved, and would have done Sonic Mania 2 if Sega weren't against the idea.

So because of things like that, and quite a few awesome games that've come out which seem like obvious love letters to older IP (that the creators of those games would likely love to work with officially if they legally could), I don't believe that the only people able to do a new BK game justice would just also happen to not want to work with the IP if given a chance.

A lot of the movies and games you're pointing to had clear creative problems that would've given them trouble even if they were completely different/original IP. Star Wars ST is trash because there was no cohesive vision or quality control. I personally actually quite liked BR 2049, FWIW. Bloober's SH2 remake, if that fails, again down to lack of a cohesive vision, respecting the source material, and quality control. You could slap a new IP on that and get many of the same issues, we already kinda saw that with The Medium. Crash 4 was a case of bad timing.

That recent Battletoads game was NOTHING like what people actually want in a new Battletoads, that's why it failed. And Killer Instinct actually did very well at first; it was well-received and had a healthy community. The transition between Seasons 2 and 3 are mainly what killed it (along with arguably Microsoft not caring to continue it anymore).


12 Jun 2023
Lol, their audience is nonexistent for the last game they pulled, which was Nuts and Bolts. Which was a wannabe lego car creator. That's why "their" franchise died. Go back to the old formula, and it'll come back. Better yet give Nintendo the offer to buy the IP back since they obviously don't want to revive it.
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Bullshit, its just a safe way of saying we killed it and the audience.
Look at Ratchet and Clank and Mario, if BK was properly taken care of it would be just as big. Selling Rare to MS was stupid, the xb brand does not attract platform gamers. The wrong company bought Rare.
Also proves that MS buying devs and pubs dont mean the audience for that pub will follow.
Putting R&C and Mario in the same sentence is laughable, Mario is bare minimum 10x as successful a franchise per title


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Lol, their audience is nonexistent for the last game they pulled, which was Nuts and Bolts. Which was a wannabe lego car creator. That's why "their" franchise died. Go back to the old formula, and it'll come back. Better yet give Nintendo the offer to buy the IP back since they obviously don't want to revive it.
If there's one thing Nintendo will never ever buy, its IP. They already let stuff rot on the vine due to a lack of interested internal teams.


14 Aug 2022
Putting R&C and Mario in the same sentence is laughable, Mario is bare minimum 10x as successful a franchise per title
BK, R&C and Mario are all platform games. As for which one is better or more successful was not the point i was making….ffs.
Did you even read what i wrote?


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
BK, R&C and Mario are all platform games. As for which one is better or more successful was not the point i was making….ffs.
Did you even read what i wrote?

Incredulous Come On GIF by Almost Christmas Movie



May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
BK, R&C and Mario are all platform games. As for which one is better or more successful was not the point i was making….ffs.
Did you even read what i wrote?

As much as i love the classic Ratchets on the ps2, the series never really sold all that well. It's not even in the same league as Mario in terms of sales


8 May 2023
Microsoft wasted Rare, they did more with Nintendo in 5 years than they have in 20+ years with Xbox.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Banjo isn’t in the same stratosphere as Mario, when it comes to name recognition.

Banjo being in smash means 30 million smash players will play didn’t you know?

Bring back Gex the Gecko too. Industry is clearly starving for retired 90s animal mascots.
