[French] Launch Aligned Xbox Series is the Worst Performing Xbox



21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Ouch indeed; that's lower than what I would've pegged Series at by end of March, which was ~ 26 million. And I would've figured they'd be a bit above 26 million by now, but probably a tad under 27 million (this is all sold-through).

Maybe I was being too optimistic for their numbers? No wonder Project Latitude exists; that's gonna expand to Game Pass itself at some point (once Microsoft go Day 1 for PS & Nintendo systems in a couple of years for all games, and the next Xboxes aren't being sold or marketed like their previous consoles were. They won't even call them consoles).
I don't think Latitude has anything with expanding Gamepass... to that happen Gamepass should be on PS and Nintendo platforms and it is not.
Latitude is probably more about finding new revenue in others platforms to cover the lose of revenue in game sales on Xbox.

For more dumb that it can look MS basically give up in full day one revenue sales with Gamepass.
And that is a lot of money... way more than what they got with Gamepass subs.

To Gamepass cover the lose in revenue with launch sales on Xbox they should have way more than 200 million subs.
They aren't close to that... in fact I'm will be surprised if Gamepass crossed 40 millions subs.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
You know
I find it weird how xbox marketing only focus on
echo chamber's fourms like reeeeee or reddit
They should market their games on mainstream media
It is a big issue from them... they focus in their toxic fans instead the ones that will play their games.
These that really don't care all the toxic drama on communities.

When some here says... PlayStation should copy Xbox marketing it makes me confused because you walk on streets you see PS ads, you watch TV you see PS ads, you watch football and you see PS ads... you barely see any from Xbox (maybe it is better in US I don't know).

PlayStation marketing is pretty great.

But people here only see what that hive of Xbox toxic fans are talking in twitter and thinks it is the marketing Sony should have lol
That indeed give the impression Xbox is killing in marketing while Sony is doing nothing lol
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: 2spooky5me

Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023

(source : ludostrie)

We allready know

XBX : 24M
360 : 84M
XB1 : 58M

And according to this chart by oscar lemaire, X/S seems to be at ~25M, which is worse than expected.
It's worse than estimated by cheerleaders like @Welfare and Resetera but it's actually exactly in line with normal expectations. We were saying 21m last year while the green rats were screeching 28. Now they're saying 30+. It'll be discontinued before it sells that many.


Well-known member
1 Mar 2024
Not much different in Germany. The Xbox brand is dead all over Europe.

No marketing, no mindshare, AI translated customer service and shit localization.
  • thisistheway
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Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
Imagine how many PS3s would have sold if Microsoft have had an abysmal generation then, like they have now
Imagine how many ps4s would have sold.

Which makes one wonder, why aren't PS5s selling millions more than they are?
Could it be something Sony started doing aggressively this gen that they weren't doing as much before?

Could it be that potential new PS5 buyers now hesitate to buy it because they foresee the best first party games getting ported to another platform down the line?



6 Jan 2024
Could it be something Sony started doing aggressively this gen that they weren't doing as much before?

Could it be that potential new PS5 buyers now hesitate to buy it because they foresee the best first party games getting ported to another platform down the line?

If I was to guess, I would say price is the biggest factor. Customers can't see the worth in paying for the console, when waiting two-three years more will see them to the PS6, where they can play PS5 games back compat or buy a cheap PS5.

If the PS5pro is a flop, we price is the reason that the units aren't moving.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Could it be something Sony started doing aggressively this gen that they weren't doing as much before?

Could it be that potential new PS5 buyers now hesitate to buy it because they foresee the best first party games getting ported to another platform down the line?

Not sure if PS5 hesitate at all.
What I see is Sony didn’t have production power to ship what the demand required.

If you take these heavy supply limited years (500k and 300k) and use an average of 1000k for each PS5 should be around or even over PS4 at the same time.

PS5 is only tracking behind PS4 in Europe because Sonys exuded to focus their limited shipping to US instead EU.

And I understand why they did that? In US they had higher profit and that is proved that they even had to increase price in Europe to reach similar profit to US per PS5 sold.

Shipping 300k units only to France in a year was the big issue here.