Full digital is indeed the future, and I'm willing to embrace it.

Mild Conviction

Active member
13 Jan 2023
Even beyond things like prices never going down (and they won't; you're delusional if you think multi-billion dollar corporations will simply tank digital prices out of the goodness of their heart when it's already been shown digital games will still be successful at 70 USD), digital has the inherent problem of lack of ownership.

Every game you buy digitally is like a cup of water poured into the swimming pool that is your storefront account. Once the water is mixed in, it'll never be separated again. Physical games, you can resell and manipulate in general without affecting any other game. Each game has its own value. You can't do that with digital, where the value is held solely by your account.

People need to start thinking about their Steam, PSN, eShop, etc. accounts as dollar values, and they'll understand how digital is dangerous in the long run. Imagine pouring $10,000 into Steam over 15 years and then suddenly losing access to it in a way where you can't get it back. That's $15,000 down the drain in an instant and there's no form of insurance get even a portion of that value back.

If you're at the point where your Steam/PSN/whatever account is one of the most valuable assets you own, then you need to be careful and find ways to back it all up, and I mean ALL of it. Because that's the ONLY way to safeguard yourself.

Even beyond all that, there will never be a "digital-only" future. If vinyl records can still hit record sales numbers (and they have, very recently), then games and movies aren't going anywhere, either. At worst, they'll become an enthusiast market supported by limited releases.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Johnic

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
I'll be surprised if physical is even an option in the next go around of consoles.