Folks are being overly dramatic. These outlets always mention when there are mass layoffs but never when there are mass hirings. That being said, console gaming peaked in terms of units (consoles sold) in the 7th generation and then it declined to where we are today. It compensated that decline by finding new revenue streams per user, but you can only nickel and dime existing users so much.
I don't think it will suffer a massive decline but it will remain around where we are now. Give or take 200M consoles between the big 3, and if Xbox is no more, some of those users might migrate to PS but not all. Many of those xboxes were secondary consoles from PS or Switch users.
I don't think it will suffer a massive decline but it will remain around where we are now. Give or take 200M consoles between the big 3, and if Xbox is no more, some of those users might migrate to PS but not all. Many of those xboxes were secondary consoles from PS or Switch users.