Geforce Now reportedly coming to Xbox

mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
I know what they done. Its Relaunch/ launch of a combination of there 2 services before.

Yes it wasnt the same thing to Gamepass, but everyone knows it was the closest thing to compete with it.

Stop buying into what the media says. The same media that hyped up Sony doing gamepass simply took a victory lap for what they felt like they won.

They didn't. Other than being a subscription service, PS+ is not a rival to gamepass. Completely different models.

No one say's AMC A-List is AMC's streamer rival.

They’ve been non exclusive before. Its only recently they started again with FF7/ FF16, FF7part 2.
FF15, Kingdom Heart 3, Dragon Quest were all multiplatform. Square was in trouble before.

Its not helping Sega either.
Funny how Square lost there core audience and have been in a decline since they went multiplatform with Final Fantasy on Xbox. They were selling fine in the PS2 era

Tell me more about Dragon Quest 9 and 10 which was initially exclusive on Nintendo device and didn't come to PlayStation for 5 years.

Let's also look at the Mana games Sword of Mana, Children of Mana, Heroes of Mana all exclusive to Nintendo. Dawn of Mana exclusive to PlayStation.

Octopath Traveler was exclusive.

Theyve done exclusivity all the last 20 years and that is what eroded their fanbase along with their declining quality.

They were fine of PS2, but they had already started putting exclusive titles on DS and they had already begun to decline and focus too much on kingdom hearts, final fantasy, and dragon quest.

Its more Steam and the ability to have all those choices on one console like system, Xbox/Steam/Nvida. Like I said, steam offers cheaper games and free online MP. Its just competition. And I think the reason MS is doing this is because they want to cause as much issues to PS as possible because it makes no financial or business sense to bring your rival store to your console

There's a cost to everything.

You're not going to release a system as powerful as the PS6, as affordable as the PS6, AND allow external stores.

This isn't a problem for Sony like you think it is.
  • brain
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Stop buying into what the media says. The same media that hyped up Sony doing gamepass simply took a victory lap for what they felt like they won.
Im not buying into it, Im just saying to most the world that is what they will think unfortunately

They didn't. Other than being a subscription service, PS+ is not a rival to gamepass. Completely different models.

No one say's AMC A-List is AMC's streamer rival.
So no1 compares PS+ to Gamepass? Im not saying they are the same thing because of day 1 releases mainly but they get compared all the time.
Tell me more about Dragon Quest 9 and 10 which was initially exclusive on Nintendo device and didn't come to PlayStation for 5 years.
Square have always had exclusives, there most successful games in fact. But last gen more than ever they went multuplatform and brought older games to multiplatforms too.

Last gen:
Kingdom Hearts 3 was multiplatform. Final Fantasy 15 was multiplatform like 13 before it. Dragon Quest 11 went multiplatform.
Soul Suspect, I am Setsuna, Dragon Quest builders 1-2, Nier, Trails of Mana. Along with older Kingdom Hearts and FF games and others like it.
Plenty of multiplatforms. Mostly the smaller titles outside of FF7remake were multiplatform

Theyve done exclusivity all the last 20 years and that is what eroded their fanbase along with their declining quality.
Funny how there best selling games and reviewed games were when those games were exclusive. Better quality for them, FF13 showed the decline in quality when they went multiplatform.
They were fine of PS2, but they had already started putting exclusive titles on DS and they had already begun to decline and focus too much on kingdom hearts, final fantasy, and dragon quest.
Yeah I agree with them putting too many exclusives and spin offs to there main line titles on handheld was one of the reason they messed up
This isn't a problem for Sony like you think it is.
Im not saying Sony wont be fine. But everything is competition to them

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Square having exclusives was a bad idea, particularly because they've lost their core audience. They've been in decline since the early 2000s. Their best chance at profitability is to have their games on all platforms particularly Switch, PS, and PC.

No it isn’t and no they haven’t.

Having games on all platforms isn’t some magical formula that automatically means the game will sell millions. There are more poor selling multi platform games than there are successes. Sony’s first party games and 3rd part exclusive regularly sell more, or on par, with 3rds party multiplatform games.

Exclusives games are beneficial to development and is cheaper for the company. As FF16 and FF7 Rebirth developers have noted that 16 would still be in development if it was on all platform and FF7 Rebirth would not be as polished and high quality if was on on all platforms. More time would be spent optimizing for each platform instead of making the game. Which takes time and cost more money.

So no there’s nothing wrong with Sony and Square doing exclusives. It’s actually a good thing.

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
It’s not like Square Enix is not already a multi platform developer anyway. This narrative about them being exclusive is only because green rats and Nintendo fans are mad that the Final Fantasy games are exclusive to PS5. And Forspoken.

Look at all these million selling multiplatform games. Putting games on all platform is definitely the answer

They’ve released even more games than that in that year on more than one platform. It didn’t result in any major success.
Last edited:
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Kokoloko


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
It’s not like Square Enix is not already a multi platform developer anyway. This narrative about them being exclusive is only because green rats and Nintendo fans are mad that the Final Fantasy games are exclusive to PS5. And Forspoken.

Look at all these million selling multiplatform games. Putting games on all platform is definitely the answer

They’ve released even more games than that in that year on more than one platform. It didn’t result in any major success.
Last generation they had more multiplatform games then ever b4. Especially there bigger games, Final Fantasy 15, Kingdom Hearts 3 and Dragon Quest 11

Not sure why Square themselves are acting like its a new thing, I think they just want to be on the good side of media after they and Playstaton have been blasted for FF16 and FF7Remakes being exclusive.

There best times and best games were exclusive.
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