Ghost Of Tsushima - PC gamers farming Steam points by pretending to be upset PlayStation fans


22 Feb 2023
On Steam, the more ridiculous, impressive or pathetic your thread appears.... the better the chances of getting awards from other members.

For example, there is the 'JESTER' award which gives 200 Steam points to an user who appears dumb and clownish. 'SLOW CLAP' award also gives 200 points.
Steam Points are used to buy profile cosmetics, chat emoticons, and Community Awards in the Steam Points Shop.


Sony is playing with us real fans, who bought the game back in 2020. It's a betrayal, we feel stabbed in the back. Don't support this, don't buy, let them take a loss and regret that decision.
Playstation 5 will be always the definitive platform to play Ghost of Tsushima.
Link -

Posted by a 'Level 38' PC gamer.

Don't buy this
Sony is playing with us real fans, who bought the game back in 2020. It's a betrayal, we feel stabbed in the back. Don't support this, don't buy, let them take a loss and regret that decision.
Playstation 5 will be always the definitive platform to play Ghost of Tsushima.
Level 119. Owns 969 games on Steam

You ruined my life, as a Playstation gamer, you and your port begging has killed the Playstation. Are you guys happy? You killed millions of players who INVESTED in the best gaming console for only you to go and kill it with your port begging. When will this oppression against Playstation gamers end?
Link -

Level 59 PC gamer. Owns 571 games on Steam

Why are you allowing pc snobs to play our games, this was one of the last games we had to ourselves and you are just handing it to them. They do not deserve this masterpiece. I was a loyal customer for many many years, but this is the last straw. I think I'll be switching to xbox next year just in spite of you. Until then, atleast we still have bloodbourne 😈
Level 79

I'm crying right now. I can't handle this betrayel.
I'm typing this from my Sony Vaio laptop right now. I've been a Sony and Playstation fan since forever.
We buy Playstation for the exclusives. I can't stand seeing these Playstation masterpieces on PC anymore.
I can't keep supporting Sony if they keep bringing Playstation games to PC...

Level 32. Owns 227 games on Steam


Level 16


One member called them out for giving the 'JESTER' award to these people.

These dudes are monitoring hype news 24/7 just to post some provocative BS. Please ignore them.
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24 Jun 2022
Hey, look, at the end of the day...this is Sony's situation they've made themselves. They're the ones who have to ultimately deal with it and decipher the noise from the actual voices worth listening to. It's easy for US to tell who're the fake voices and who's legit, but can Sony manage to do that these days?

We will see.

It shouldn't be on the real fans to deal with the influx of bad faith actors and troublemakers, but Sony knew at some level their porting strategy for PC (which if the Nvidia leak continues to be true, will result in all current-generation (as in since 2020-onward) AAA and AA 1P games besides Spiderman 2 being on PC, potentially by the end of this year) would cause clashes between their diehards on the console and trolls/fanboys on PC (mainly Steam PCMR people and Xbox expats). Their strategy for PC made this scenario possible, nothing else. So it's on their hands.

I've said what I had to say about the strategy, where changes should be made and how, all of that. There's a big-ass thread going into it. So I'm not really going to repeat those points again. But the lack of a strong community presence as a relatable voice in online enthusiasts spaces and the media/press, combined with the porting of pretty much all the games to PC (the PSVR2 rumors make me think GT7 is next), and the lack of new 1P AAA or even AA reveals for PS5 that aren't GAAS...what did they think that would end up doing?

(Also I know people are going to mention PHYSINT but that seems like it's going to be a PS6 game, so it doesn't do anything for PS5)

Now we've got trolls and disingenuous tardstains on Steam acting like caricatures of legitimate PlayStation fans mocking sentiments over the current PC strategy that doesn't seem to be creating any true virtuous cycle for the console or shows (not tell) that the console is the priority.

Like I've probably said some point in the past this year and 2025 are going to be very telling WRT the future of PlayStation consoles. Hopefully for the best, but it doesn't hurt to prepare for the worst.


16 Jul 2022
Hey, look, at the end of the day...this is Sony's situation they've made themselves. They're the ones who have to ultimately deal with it and decipher the noise from the actual voices worth listening to. It's easy for US to tell who're the fake voices and who's legit, but can Sony manage to do that these days?

We will see.

It shouldn't be on the real fans to deal with the influx of bad faith actors and troublemakers, but Sony knew at some level their porting strategy for PC (which if the Nvidia leak continues to be true, will result in all current-generation (as in since 2020-onward) AAA and AA 1P games besides Spiderman 2 being on PC, potentially by the end of this year) would cause clashes between their diehards on the console and trolls/fanboys on PC (mainly Steam PCMR people and Xbox expats). Their strategy for PC made this scenario possible, nothing else. So it's on their hands.

I've said what I had to say about the strategy, where changes should be made and how, all of that. There's a big-ass thread going into it. So I'm not really going to repeat those points again. But the lack of a strong community presence as a relatable voice in online enthusiasts spaces and the media/press, combined with the porting of pretty much all the games to PC (the PSVR2 rumors make me think GT7 is next), and the lack of new 1P AAA or even AA reveals for PS5 that aren't GAAS...what did they think that would end up doing?

(Also I know people are going to mention PHYSINT but that seems like it's going to be a PS6 game, so it doesn't do anything for PS5)

Now we've got trolls and disingenuous tardstains on Steam acting like caricatures of legitimate PlayStation fans mocking sentiments over the current PC strategy that doesn't seem to be creating any true virtuous cycle for the console or shows (not tell) that the console is the priority.

Like I've probably said some point in the past this year and 2025 are going to be very telling WRT the future of PlayStation consoles. Hopefully for the best, but it doesn't hurt to prepare for the worst.
GT7 will be a huge L for sony going to pc.

The reason being, there is alot in the GT community who mainly buy a ps5 for gt7 due to the popularity of sports mode.

The reality is sim racing is alot more popular on pc so there is no reason to keep a ps5 around.

So not only will you lose a console sale, but you lose the cut on other games that user might buy, ps+ subscription, accessories and take a lower cut on gt7.

Not only that, alot of the GT7 streamers are not just promoting GT7 but indirectly ps5., they lose that aswell.

But the current sony leadership are very short sighted and won't realise that until it's too late.
24 Jun 2022
GT7 will be a huge L for sony going to pc.

The reason being, there is alot in the GT community who mainly buy a ps5 for gt7 due to the popularity of sports mode.

The reality is sim racing is alot more popular on pc so there is no reason to keep a ps5 around.

So not only will you lose a console sale, but you lose the cut on other games that user might buy, ps+ subscription, accessories and take a lower cut on gt7.

Not only that, alot of the GT7 streamers are not just promoting GT7 but indirectly ps5., they lose that aswell.

But the current sony leadership are very short sighted and won't realise that until it's too late.

Yep and at that point it'd be 100% on them for making such a mistake. They have all the tools at their disposal to make PlayStation consoles actually grow in install base, even back to PS2 levels (and doing so at a faster pace than PS2). But I do question a lot if the hunger & vision is still at SIE to make it happen.

Have they gotten too complacent in the drive, thinking their only competition was a struggling Xbox console brand? Or have they realized that they need to actually be more competitive with Steam, Nintendo, and mobile? I mean yes, they can leverage those ecosystems for some reach of their own (very select) titles, but it'd require a lot of changes to their current strategy.

Those changes require time, money and patience, and not letting ignorant shareholders run the show. But that time has to be now, not a year or two from now. By then it'd be too late to reverse course and Sony doesn't have the security blankets of Microsoft (multiple massive non-gaming sectors) or Nintendo (zero debt & tons of cash reserves).
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May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
GT7 will be a huge L for sony going to pc.

The reason being, there is alot in the GT community who mainly buy a ps5 for gt7 due to the popularity of sports mode.

The reality is sim racing is alot more popular on pc so there is no reason to keep a ps5 around.

So not only will you lose a console sale, but you lose the cut on other games that user might buy, ps+ subscription, accessories and take a lower cut on gt7.

Not only that, alot of the GT7 streamers are not just promoting GT7 but indirectly ps5., they lose that aswell.

But the current sony leadership are very short sighted and won't realise that until it's too late.

I've made my peace tbh, I'm willing yo go PC and Nintendo next gen. If Sony is porting all there games I'll need to migrate.

These PC ports get more features and Mod support


31 Jan 2024
i don't know if you know much about gamer culture (I'm an expert)

But seriously, movies come out on home video and theaters are still around. PlayStation will be fine with this model.
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May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
i don't know if you know much about gamer culture (I'm an expert)

But seriously, movies come out on home video and theaters are still around. PlayStation will be fine with this model.

Good point, even Music CDs are still around. I think Physical Games will be around for another couple of decades.

Companies can release external disc drives for those still interested in physical media. It will never truly die.


31 Jan 2024
Good point, even Music CDs are still around. I think Physical Games will be around for another couple of decades.

Companies can release external disc drives for those still interested in physical media. It will never truly die.

this isn't about the death of physical media, it's about first party games still having an exclusivity window to PS, be it on digital or physical media
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