[gizmodo] Apple Vision Pro US sales are all but dead, market analysts say


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29 Nov 2022

Anyone in the U.S. who wanted a $3,500 Vision Pro may already have one. The only hope for increased sales is a rumored cheaper model in 2025.

Those still holding on to their Apple Vision Pros may remain in a rather exclusive club throughout this year. Market research shows that sales for Apple’s first big, expensive headset will remain low in 2024. The latest reports from those keeping tabs on the Cupertino, California company say AVP will have dropped off 75% by the end of August. The true test for Apple’s spatial dreams may rest on the rumored (slightly) cheaper headset.
The market analyst firm IDC told Bloomberg the Apple Vision Pro has yet to sell 100,000 units. It’s an expensive headset, and Apple wasn’t expecting it to sell like an iPhone. Supply chain analysts have reported that Apple cut its sales expectations for its $3,500 “spatial computer” in April. But this latest report shows that sales will have dropped off a cliff in the U.S. in the third quarter of this year and will continue to slacken through the holidays.
Last month, Apple launched the Vision Pro in international markets, including Europe, the U.K., China, Japan, and Singapore. IDC expects the AVP’s interest in those markets to keep the headset’s sales afloat until next year. The real pick-me-up for Apple’s spatial dreams would be a new, less expensive headset. Those in the know have hinted Apple is working on a “budget” Vision device slated for the latter half of 2025.
Even if the next Vision device costs half the Pro model, it will still cost $1,750 and one of the most expensive consumer-end VR/AR headsets you can buy. Rumors hint that the next device could remove the pointless exterior display to save on manufacturing costs. It could also reduce the FOV and use a less-capable chip than the current M2. Bloomberg hinted that Apple was even considering tethering it to an iPhone or Mac for daily use, which would drastically reduce its portability.
We don’t have pure statistics on how many folks returned their Vision Pro after buying it during the initial hype rush, but analysts have noted that many who bought one were confused by its more complicated setup and what they were supposed to use it for in their daily lives.
Sales expectations will put even more pressure on Apple engineers to design something that can compete with devices like the $500 Meta Quest 3 while justifying the higher price tag. Fans of the Cupertino company are already used to paying an “Apple tax” on their products, but not when the cost is literally thousands of dollars more.
Apple is working on a visionOS update to improve the faux-3D spatial photos, add a few new gesture controls, and allow for a panoramic Mac screen mirroring. The latest version of visionOS won’t have a public beta, so we’ll have to wait and see if the changes will give the few on-the-fence customers a reason to pick up the ultra-expensive headset.
less than 100k sell-through apparently


8 May 2023
It’s still one of the best pieces of technology out and a real game changer in the long term. It’s bleeding edge stuff and will only get better and more accessible.


23 Jul 2022
Was obvious this would be DOA giving what it offers and the price.

Will be years until his looks something like Google Glass in terms of form factor and be taken anything like seriously by the mainstream.


18 Nov 2023
Needs 20 more years for what? VR gaming is already a great experience. And AVP is also a great device, I don't own one but I've used one extensively.
for it to be main stream. still pretty niche. tech aint there yet.


27 Feb 2024
I would have picked one up if wearing it and going around does not make you look like a combination of a dork + retard. The battery and form factor need at least 2-3 generations of advances in tech for this to be viable.


Well-known member
29 May 2024
for it to be main stream. still pretty niche. tech aint there yet.
This comment doesn't make any sense. Tech IS here already. Saying its not proves you havent even thoroughly tried it.

It will always be a niche. Nothing to do with tech.
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4 Aug 2023
I tried it a month ago.

I didn't think it was revolutionary enough as VR replacement (lack of video-in also means you can't use it to play PC VR games), and the noticeable lag between video capture and projection nullifies it as an evolution to Hololens.

Couple that with the $3500 price point and it's just not a very appealing product.

I think their decision to go with a VR headset + video reprojection instead of wave guides is the strategic choice that just wasn't the right one.
I do believe spatial computing is the future of personal computers, but video reprojection was always going to be weird for regular consumers. Not to mention the eyes panel that is just silly.
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21 Jun 2022
Well, I assume that with this pricing they weren't aiming to get huge sales.

I know Apple always have a stupidly high profit margin in everything they sell, and that Meta doesn't give a fuck on losing a ton of money with VR, but the differences between Quest 3 and Vision Pro don't justify at all the huge price difference.

In Quest 3 you can get pretty much the experince with a way bigger catalog and for a way cheaper price.

for it to be main stream. still pretty niche. tech aint there yet.
The tech is definetively there, modern VR/MR is fucking cool and feels like Matrix made with dark magic.

Sure, still has to evolve to reach the mainstream. In the hardware side mostly making the devices cheaper and less bulky even if for some are ok.

But more than in the hardware, I think that where VR still has to improve is in the software side finding its type of games and apps that better take advantage of its specific things (depending on device) like head, hand or eye tracking controls and stunning super inmersion levels, plus finding cool usages of integrating real world stuff via Mixed Reality.

I think VR has to find its way beyond traditional gaming and apps, to find their own types of games and apps.

As an example, it has a huge potential for edutainment/courses/etc. and that we may see something important steps on this side in the future (huge wink).

The VR market keeps growing, but still is in a nascent stage the devs are still figuring out what we can do and how can we use it in a way people likes it and understands it. Being something new it's difficult.

If it doesn't grow faster, I think more than because of hardware, software or pricing issues (which obviously are there) it's because of the marketing side: it is something that can't be marketed online.

You must experience that top tier level of 3D presence personally to understand why it's so cool, immersive and difference to flat displays like tvs or cinema. I think that even with the current hardware, software and pricing if someone would do a massive marketing campaign bringing devices to the main cities/retailers around the world to encourage people to try it for free the sales would noticiably increase.

I assume they don't do it because these brands know we're years away from being on a point where it can go mainstream. Before making the giant marketing push I think there's a lot of work still to be made on hardware, pricing and specially software.
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3 Mar 2023
Sony anticipate this. This is why they refuse to produce more microled display. If they decide to expand production plant and then apple cut production, they will have no other buyer.