Halo Infinite's Time is up......

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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Close the whole damn thing down and give all the funding to Id software + Arkane studios.

Those two studios alone are capable of making some of the best games ever.

Stop wasting money on this broken dream.

And omg @azertydu91, where is your sexy avatar?

amanda bynes slapping GIF
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Active member
4 Jul 2022
Close the whole damn thing down and give all the funding to Id software + Arkane studios.

Those two studios alone are capable of making some of the best games ever.

Stop wasting money on this broken dream.

And omg @azertydu91, where is your sexy avatar?

amanda bynes slapping GIF
I'm sorry, I've been busy lately...I'm moving out soon and dealing with other problems but I should have more time in a few months.
  • sad
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
It’s in bad shape right now. It’s dead until creative assembly can launch the BR.

No game, f2p or not, has made a recovery from where Halo is right now. It’s a huge challenge to overcome.

Forge won’t do shit.
  • brain
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
I have to question how bad things have to be for someone to think Halo is actually a good game, in any way. I didn't finish it, because I couldn't bring myself to continue wasting time on it, but I got far enough to see what a complete steaming pile it was in almost every sense. Gameplay, visuals (at least it was razor sharp and very high frame rate, but thats it), story ... it all was bottom of the barrel material.

If they gave this to a competent group and it actually got the modern treatment with the kind of overall package that COULD be delivered, people that defend infinite would look back at it and feel kinda dumb I think. To those that do, compare the Infinite interiors, in al their blue-gray, simple glory with the cauldrons from Horizon Forbidden West. I dare you. You tell me which one feels more sci fi and actually current gen. Now think of an ENTIRE Halo game that had that kind of design quality (of HFW I mean).

Halo is completely dead, and I said this before Infinite even released. Got made fun of for it, by a certain contingency of course but hey ... looks like I was right. Always trust the Dr. 😁
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24 Jun 2022
It's effectively dead, yes. I disagree with some of you who are saying BR or Forge can bring it back; FPS and hero shooter markets aren't going to stand still and wait for Halo Infinite to get its act together. It doesn't just need a Battle Royal; it needs a Battle Royal that clearly outdoes what Fortnite, Warzone, and other BR games are currently offering.

Forge Mode at this rate would just be a crutch for 343i to rely on the fan community to save the game, but that'll only go so far. 343i themselves need to provide some fantastic original content between now and when Forge drops, and need to make sure Forge allows for some amazing creations and isn't gimped itself. Otherwise it'll just be more of a Season 2 bump before things die off again.

Honestly I think the only thing that'll fully revive Halo Infinite is if MS does some cross-integration of it into COD Warzone or just the COD IP in general. Halo isn't strong enough to stand on its own feet; it needs a healthier FPS IP to latch onto and build from there, and that's in addition to making sure it does everything expected for the hardcore fanbase.

So maybe bringing COD and Halo together in some kind of crossover game would give a boost to Halo as an IP.

It'll be fine, they just need to do a massive content push and get that Battle Royale mode in. As someone who absolutely loves this game I'm not in the least bit concerned.

In terms of the campaign there's nothing to be worried about, they completely nailed that side of the game.

That's the problem; you already love the game, but clearly there aren't enough of you out there who do. The game needs a lot more to appeal to more than just diehards who haven't become jaded.


Active member
4 Jul 2022
Close the whole damn thing down and give all the funding to Id software + Arkane studios.

Those two studios alone are capable of making some of the best games ever.

Stop wasting money on this broken dream.

And omg @azertydu91, where is your sexy avatar?

amanda bynes slapping GIF
Alright you won, I had a but of time this morning and now I have an avatar.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
I actually hate reading “get the doom” guys to do it.

Dude, Doom plays nothing like it. Doom’s gunplay isn’t even comparable. Completely disregards the needs for crits and has giant hitboxes. It’s spammy and by design. Just no. And guess what? Dooms pvp is the biggest pile of shit there is that no one touches, has or will ever.

And I love both Doom 2016 and Eternal but it’s a dumb request.

Then again… it’s not like it’s 343’s gunplay either … so I guess you could pass it to someone else when they’re mandated to keep Bungie’s code to begin with.
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14 Jul 2022
MP wise, Infinite is probably dead, barring a massive 180 in terms of content and functionality. To this day there are still huge content issues and horrible desync problems that make the game a chore to play, even if the core gameplay is pretty great.

SP wise the game is amazing.


3 Jul 2022
I love the Halo series..

But waiting around this long for features that should have been there for launch is a slap in the face for fans.

The state it was released (after a year delay) was quite the piss take.
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