I see no reason why this game should not run fine on a GTX 1050ti, some games we can excuse by their ambition. Either way you split the coin, arguments can be made. I don't think a simplistic game should get 10/10's just because it runs without a framedrop, then it would be all about it's content and gameplay or perhaps reviewers could detract points for it's lack of ambition elsewhere.
On the flip, there have been games which had some frame dips which were crucified for it, like Days Gone, whilst some 10/10's run sub 20fps. Some games with a focus on MP was a shit show for months, even years, Battlefield 4, MCC, Infinite, got great scores. Driveclub was brutalized because of some server issues at launch. Is every game judged by the same stroke? Perhaps the review board, if there is one, should pen out a review standard across all games, bar none....Then things, will be less prone to bias...or "it's my review, I can feel how I want to", conveniently....