I think a lot of the angst in gaming atm has to do with Sony and Nintendo not showing their new games


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
Every time I hear people decry this generation being the worst and how gaming is doomed it always has to do with expectations around ‘next gen’. People feel as if they’ve hit the end of the road or the hype isn’t there, which in their minds may be right.

Xbox had one of their “biggest showcases ever” and I feel like that should have been enough to calm peoples fears but I guess the feeling didn’t last. Maybe the reality that a lot of those games were either A. Unimpressive visually and conceptually, B. Still feel like a long ways away/cgi trailers or C. The general inconsistency of Microsofts releases over the years have started to settle in. It’s becoming clear that Microsoft and their games can’t really carry the console generation even with these ‘banger’ showcases they have every year.

It feels like everyone is just frustrated that Sony won’t show the next 3 years of gaming they got cooking. Let’s face it, everyone deep down inside even if they don’t want to admit it knows that the big Sony studios are cooking, even if naughty doesn’t release a game next year it will be the year after and so on and so forth so it really comes down to patience and not knowing. The core gaming audience have gotten so used to getting their toes sucked every year and having a deluge of new game trailers to get them hype. Then we heard non-stop complaining last gen about games being shown too early and the same games being shown year after year.

look at the excitement for GTA6, thats what people are waiting on and they know only Playstation Studios are really capable of investing big budgets like that into single player games still. People want to be blown away so it really just comes down to Naughty Dog, Guerrilla, Santa Monica, Suckerpunch and maybe a couple other studios that are gonna do it for most of these people. There’s no 3rd party developers that really match the consistency and quality of SIE anymore aside from Rockstar and CDPR.

I also think Nintendo shares some blame also. I think the “core” gamers were bored of the Switch by 2021. It felt like everyone was waiting for Tears of The Kingdom and once it came out there was nothing left. Even before ToTK came out everyone was hoping it would release on a Switch Pro or Switch 2. 3 years later…. 8 years is a long time for a generation especially one that never got a mid-gen upgrade outside of a screen. The people who have had a nintendo since 2017 are exhausted waiting for a new 3d mario, mario kart, smash bros, metroid, etc.

Especially when the Switch already felt kind of ancient by release.

I think by this time next year all this FUD around gaming will seem silly. What I’m really saying is this isn’t really about a lack of exciting games it’s more so a lack of exciting marketing and fan fare.
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Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
For the whole generation? Its because we're at the point where a new generation is no longer enough to provide meamingful new abilities to developers. The Atari era gave you the ability to make "specialist" games on individual carts, Intellivision let you use a rainbow of colors, NES let you scroll left to right or up and down, SNES let you do anything in 2D, PS1 let you operate in 3D, PS2 gave you 2 joystick controls and online multiplayer, 360 generation took the fog away and see long distances. But after that there are no fundamental barriers left to be broken. Every supposed barrier left has proven to be just a gimmick and there's little left to wow us, from a gameplay perspective.


Icon Extra
28 May 2023
People are pretty satisfied with Nintendo, but I see what you did there making Sony's issues a greater cultural feeling. Where Sony lacks: AA games to hold the base off while the big hitters cook, Nintendo is thriving at. So lets dispel that narrative you're presenting, sorry.

The gen has been underwhelming, point blank. Being the frontrunner, Sony shoulders that blame primarily. For all the hype and scarcity behind PS5, many gamers don't feel they've received the software that normally accompanies a major console release - approaching 4 years on the market.

Again, back to the smaller games to make the player base feel as if something is happening, Sony needs to do better on that front.
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Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Also, that Xbox presentation was a bunch of stuff we already knew about, how was it supposed to help?


21 Jun 2022
Every time I hear people decry this generation being the worst and how gaming is doomed it always has to do with expectations around ‘next gen’.
I think it has to do with that people having totally unrealistic expectations wanting the companies to announce half a dozen megatons every year, plus also being gaming flatearthers saying that the great games they released or have announced for the short/medium term don't exist, and also acting as if they didn't know that games now take longer to be made than in the previous generation (as happens every generation).

I also think such doomers are a tiny, noisy and annoying minority that isn't representative at all of the gaming userbase, which are hundreds of millions of players, most of which are fine with Sony's and Nintendo's output don't post in forums or social media about that (or about gaming in general).

Sony and Nintendo consoles sold very well in recent years, and their main first party games too. In the case of Sony they broke their record of fastest selling console exclusive in 2020, 2022, 2023 and 2024.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
I feel like we can't really blame Nintendo at this stage the console is winding down. I do think how they handle the Switch 2 will determine the vibe for the next 3 years alongside Sony.

But the issue is simple people bought next gen consoles to play next gen only games. There has been a significant lack of this generation and of course that will cause resentment. Alongside the fact Sony is simply being cagey about everything and not informing their buyers what they can expect or look forward.

When you set a precedent for 4 console generations and then you kick off the generation saying "we will let the games do the talking" but somehow you can't even be arsed to announce games.... What do you think will happen? While you give away every single console exclusive to PC.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
I feel like we can't really blame Nintendo at this stage the console is winding down. I do think how they handle the Switch 2 will determine the vibe for the next 3 years alongside Sony.

But the issue is simple people bought next gen consoles to play next gen only games. There has been a significant lack of this generation and of course that will cause resentment. Alongside the fact Sony is simply being cagey about everything and not informing their buyers what they can expect or look forward.

When you set a precedent for 4 console generations and then you kick off the generation saying "we will let the games do the talking" but somehow you can't even be arsed to announce games.... What do you think will happen? While you give away every single console exclusive to PC.
Its a bit mean to blame someone for acting in their own best interest but they almost certainly delayed Switch 2 out of this year, possibly until next fall, and took any Switch 2 exclusives with it. 3D Mario behind schedule? Maybe. Yen in the crapper? Maybe. Both? Maybe. Whatever the reason its oppened up a massive hole in Nintendo's calendar of big releases. I haven't touched my Switch in months and probably won't for months more, spinoffs and remakes are not enough to quench my thirst.
24 Jun 2022
I agree that Sony/SIE definitely need to solve their (internal) AA problem: hopefully games like Astro Bot are the start of that. Also hopefully those rumors of SIE working with 3P to bring back games like Wipeout & other smaller IP also prove true. It also wouldn't hurt if some of their GAAS titles focused more in the AA space; that'd allow for more unique theming and ideas to stand out in the market (and cost less to upkeep with additional content). Not everything needs to be a damn hero shooter or military sci-fi FPS.

Now, I stress "internal" in terms of either among 1P studios or with IP that SIE actually own, because while they have been leveraging 3P exclusivity deals like with Final Fantasy over the past few years, something tells me those types of deals will become less frequent as time goes on. Even among Japanese 3P it's not like Sony have a lot of exclusives anymore, despite whatever victimhood Microsoft wants to lobby on that front. And that's especially true when you factor Steam into the picture.

Plus, SIE are on record saying they want to rely less on 3P. So how do you accomplish that while adding value proposition to your console through content (exclusive games) without at least leveraging IP you own w/ 3P? If not shoring up your internal 1P teams to work on that content instead?

And that's why to me games like LEGO Horizon only get it half-right. It's a AA game, but it's not an exclusive. The opportunity SIE want to explore expanding the audience for the IP to family on other platforms is going to come at some non-insignificant cost to expanding PlayStation consoles as a platform to accomplish that.
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18 Nov 2023
People who are saying this gen sucks aren't gamers. I played so many new good games this gen, and none of them were Sony games. I don't care if or what sony puts out. 9 out of 10 times their games don't appeal to me.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
A lot of the angst is that Sony has finally driven MS out of the console market and its shills can no longer deny the fact due to Xbox sales cratering so hard midway into the gen and none of their positive predictions bearing out, they're frustrated that the PS5 isn't significantly worse than the Xbox hardware wise like they predicted, they're frustrated that MS completely fumbled the ball with Halo, they're frustrated that Starfield wasn't the generational blockbuster that they were going to claim stolen valor from, and now they're frustrated that gamepass is imploding due to the albatross of ABK which they wanted to be a knockout blow to Sony and instead turned into an uppercut to their own console warring glass jaws. It's so obvious that Western media is loaded for MS since there's so many prominent Xbox shills in it.

And so they turn that frustration into slandering PlayStation. 2023-2024 has been some of the best gaming I've had since I started in the 90s. But don't let the naysayers tell you different, we have had so many great games in the past 2 years, I still have a huge backlog. Could PS be more forthcoming with their product roadmap? Sure. But it's hard for me to complain with a full belly, even if I wasn't happy with their lean into gaas they've already seemingly started to pull back a bit. Which shows me they do read the market.


22 Jul 2023
Personally I just think people are brainwashed into thinking PS5 has no games because cross gen and 2nd party exclusives don't count. You're an idiot if you're a PlayStation fan and fell for that negative propaganda.
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Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
People are pretty satisfied with Nintendo, but I see what you did there making Sony's issues a greater cultural feeling. Where Sony lacks: AA games to hold the base off while the big hitters cook, Nintendo is thriving at. So lets dispel that narrative you're presenting, sorry.

The gen has been underwhelming, point blank. Being the frontrunner, Sony shoulders that blame primarily. For all the hype and scarcity behind PS5, many gamers don't feel they've received the software that normally accompanies a major console release - approaching 4 years on the market.

Again, back to the smaller games to make the player base feel as if something is happening, Sony needs to do better on that front.

It’s not a narrative that Nintendo are most likely holding their big next games for the Switch 2, which was delayed out of this year. They don’t have anymore internal first party releases scheduled.


8 May 2023
Nintendo is fine, they're in their last year and have had a great generation. The general gaming landscape is great, 3rd party games have been amazing. It's just Sony that have their own issues.

The "angst" comes from Sony's awful showcase, state of plays, and their horrible communication, none of which were a problem last gen. Just all around terrible leadership at SIE. How can you expect people to be happy when the only thing you announce is PC ports and gaas, is that what made you a PlayStation fan? No. And it's why there's so much excitement around Astro Bot, because it's finally a breath of fresh air for what's been a lackluster generation.

Again, since 2021 there has been the worst showcase in video game history, 13 PC port announcements, 2 gaas, and 1 (one) Single player game announcement (Astro Bot). If there wasn't some angst, it'd be weird. Not to mention all the other missteps like Sony being cucks by bending over backwards for PC gamers, them constantly raising prices, the terrible acquisitions, and Totoki/Kenichiro Yoshida pretty much throwing PlayStation under the bus any chance they get. On top of that, the entire gaming media that is in Microsoft's pockets and against Sony, and Sony is making their jobs ridiculously easy.
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Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
Nintendo is fine, they're in their last year and have had a great generation. The general gaming landscape is great, 3rd party games have been amazing. It's just Sony that have their own issues.

The "angst" comes from Sony's awful showcase, state of plays, and their horrible communication, none of which were a problem last gen. Just all around terrible leadership at SIE. How can you expect people to be happy when the only thing you announce is PC ports and gaas, is that what made you a PlayStation fan? No. And it's why there's so much excitement around Astro Bot, because it's finally a breath of fresh air for what's been a lackluster generation.

Again, since 2021 there has been the worst showcase in video game history, 13 PC port announcements, 2 gaas, and 1 (one) Single player game announcement (Astro Bot). If there wasn't some angst, it'd be weird. Not to mention all the other missteps like Sony being cucks by bending over backwards for PC gamers, them constantly raising prices, the terrible acquisitions, and Totoki/Kenichiro Yoshida pretty much throwing PlayStation under the bus any chance they get. On top of that, the entire gaming media that is in Microsoft's pockets and against Sony, and Sony is making their jobs ridiculously easy.
What I’m really saying is this isn’t really about a lack of exciting games it’s more so a lack of exciting marketing and fan fare.


8 May 2023
Nintendo is fine, they're in their last year and have had a great generation. The general gaming landscape is great, 3rd party games have been amazing. It's just Sony that have their own issues.

The "angst" comes from Sony's awful showcase, state of plays, and their horrible communication, none of which were a problem last gen. Just all around terrible leadership at SIE. How can you expect people to be happy when the only thing you announce is PC ports and gaas, is that what made you a PlayStation fan? No. And it's why there's so much excitement around Astro Bot, because it's finally a breath of fresh air for what's been a lackluster generation.

Again, since 2021 there has been the worst showcase in video game history, 13 PC port announcements, 2 gaas, and 1 (one) Single player game announcement (Astro Bot). If there wasn't some angst, it'd be weird. Not to mention all the other missteps like Sony being cucks by bending over backwards for PC gamers, them constantly raising prices, the terrible acquisitions, and Totoki/Kenichiro Yoshida pretty much throwing PlayStation under the bus any chance they get. On top of that, the entire gaming media that is in Microsoft's pockets and against Sony, and Sony is making their jobs ridiculously easy.
What I’m really saying is this isn’t really about a lack of exciting games it’s more so a lack of exciting marketing and fan fare.
It's not just a "lack of exciting marketing and fan fare", it's the focus on PC, the focus on GAAS, the horrible showcase, raising prices, the constant missteps and self inflicted bad press. No way you can ignore all that and just say it's a lack of marketing and showing games. It's many negative things at once that are a recipe for disaster and people have been tolerating it because PlayStation has a history of greatness. But that good will won't last forever and people are starting to wake up.


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
It's not just a "lack of exciting marketing and fan fare", it's the focus on PC, the focus on GAAS, the horrible showcase, raising prices, the constant missteps and self inflicted bad press. No way you can ignore all that and just say it's a lack of marketing and showing games. It's many negative things at once that are a recipe for disaster and people have been tolerating it because PlayStation has a history of greatness. But that good will won't last forever and people are starting to wake up.

100% garunteed that if sony has a big showcase next month most people complaining will be perfectly content until next year

Only hardcore list wars console warriors care about the other stuff


8 May 2023
100% garunteed that if sony has a big showcase next month most people complaining will be perfectly content until next year

Only hardcore list wars console warriors care about the other stuff
People will stop complaining when Sony finally does what they've been asking them to do for the last 3 years? 😳😳 Wow....who would've thought? 😳🤣🤣🤣

It's almost like that could've been done without flushing years down the toilet. But as we've said several times on this site, Jim/Hermen have set SIE back many years. So better late than never I guess....

And you wouldn't be making this post if the issue only mattered to "hardcore list warriors console warriors" 😂


Well-known member
15 Dec 2023
Personally I just think people are brainwashed into thinking PS5 has no games because cross gen and 2nd party exclusives don't count. You're an idiot if you're a PlayStation fan and fell for that negative propaganda.
Yeah i dont get the tunnel vision on 1st party unless they only play certain games and western made games that have lost their appeal.

But i can agree on some points that the bending over for pc and GAAS wedging have ultimately annoyed me from Sony itself.