IconEra's Official Chad Warden Thread!

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Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
2022 is the 15 year anniversary of the Chad Warden's "Why the PS3 is better than the Xbox 360 and Wii" YouTube Video
15 years ago some dude in his twenties single handily saved Sony's Brand New PlayStation Console by making a few videos thoroughly explaining why the PS3 is indeed in fact better than the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii!
Part 1:
Some unbiased points made in the video:
1. The Nintendo Wii-Mote resembles a dildo
2. PS3 makes the best games
3. Zelda games are for little bitches
4. Sony is true shit
5. Xbox 360 has no games (Gears of War and Halo 3 aren't even real games)
6. The PS3 is nice slick black (So much so that he decided to dye his hair that color)
7. $600 is nothing for the PS Triple
8. Nobody can get any female companions rocking the Nintendo Wii

Part 2:
1. Mario is clearly someone who does not have a US Visa so Super Mario Galaxy is not worth your time
2. Devil May Cry coming to Xbox means nothing since a game about crying belongs not only on the 360 but should even be ported to the Wii!
3. Mario Party is not a real party
4. PS3 is the only system where all the games stress "ABAP" As Baller As Possible

Thanks to Mr. Warden explaining this to the masses in early 2007, This saved the PS3's image and helped it catch up to the Xbox 360 in lifetime sales by the end of the generation and allowed for the PS Quadruple to dominate the following generation and save us from the Wii U and Xbone and lead us to where we are today!

If you game on Sony hardware today you have this man to thank, Now time for me to play my PS Quintuple!

Now if only we could get the PlayStation Handheld version of Chad Warden and bring on the PSP3 (PSP Triple?)!


Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
I'd love to see his takes about PS5, Xbox Series and Switch
Playstation got Final Fantasy VII Remake, Nintendo trying to copy that shit....
Breath of the Wild? That dudes outta breath in just a few seconds!


16 Jul 2022
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Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
To everybody freaking out in my other thread with playstation pc ports just remember one important thing. Chad Warden wouldn't give a f*ck!
Sony Always Wins. Sonys knows best, believe me. ABAP
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