If Wolverine releases in 2024, Insomniac will have released 4 games in 4 years


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21 Jun 2022
Jim and Hermen didn't create Sony's GaaS strategy, most of the GaaS released under their command were greenlighted by previous CEOs. And most of the games greenlighted by Jim & Hermen aren't GaaS. Here you have both lists.

Jim and Hermen also hired more people for their internal development studios and mare more acquisitions than any previous CEOs. Their big first party games sell more than ever, win more awards and ever and I'd say (I didn't check this number, it's a personal feeling) they get better reviews too than before. They also plan to have released more exclusives for PS5 than in any previous PS console after having made a record investment effort in 2nd party and 3rd party deals for the PS5 generation.

I didnt say they created the Gaas strategy. Im one of the few people who doesnt care about that or not worried atm about the “Gaas” scare everyone is on about. Gaas games to me can mean more story games and more expansions to my favourite games if done right. I actually understand they arent Nintendo and need more money coming from different and new avenues And Gaas is one of them.

Sony cant survive with just AAA single player games. They’ve been lucky with great hits and some titles like Horizon selling well. A few ok titles like Days Gone and they are on there arse.

Im just hoping they have expanded the other studios like they have done with Insomniac. If thats the case, then Ill be happy. But we have yet to here from a bunch of studios.

Their communication broke multiple social media records records for any console game makers in Twitter, Instagram or Youtube. They release more big exclusives than both their competitors combined, and with them Sony communicates more frequently than before them: instead of having only the E3 conference they have multiple streamms per year and also participate in other events like CES, and sometimmes GDC, Summer Doritos Fest or Game Awards. Plus they also show and announce stuff on their PS Blog and social media.

But the communication for me and many others has been awful. Friends, brother, Gaming friends all agree too. Life long fans. I couldnt care less how many records or sales records they’ve broken. Or awards theyve won for it. Im not happy and clearly neither are others. E3 days were far better.

Yes, they release games more frequently than other studios because they have two offices and multiple development teams working at the same time:
  • Spider-Man 2 is being developed more or less by the Spider-Man 1 team
  • Wolverine is being developed more or less by the Miles Morales team
  • There's at least a 3rd team, the one who made Ratchet Rift Apart
  • Their MP game may be the Rift Apart team or may be a separate one, maybe the one who worked in previous Insomniac MP games, or the one who did VR/AR/mobile experiments
See this is perfrect, I hope they have expanded some of the others studios like this. Santa Monca and Naughty dog need it more than Insomniac. They make better games in my opinion too, so Sony should be smart enough to expand these studios. If not its worrying.


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21 Jun 2022
This is where I am, I think people who are panicking are just too early, but if nothing is even shown by any of the big three studios over 2024 I may ask questions... but I have nothing to do. The other players are just not alternatives to Sony as far as consoles go.

People like to panic and stick to any gossip or rumour because its something to do. And partly its Sony’s fault for having such bad communication this generation with its longtime fans.

Seriously after people ran with FF7 remake part 2 coming to gamepass because one single nobody jackass tweeted it, made me question people on forums and social media.
Or when Im told, my denial is as bad as an Xbot because I didnt believe in a Kotaku rumour or not believe that woofter called Jason Scheier, a writer for Bloomsberg.…

Again they could be right, but Id rather wait and see.
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26 Jun 2022
People like to panic and stick to any gossip or rumour because its something to do. And partly its Sony’s fault for having such bad communication this generation with its longtime fans.

Seriously after people ran with FF7 remake part 2 coming to gamepass because one single nobody jackass tweeted it, made me question people on forums and social media.
Or when Im told, my denial is as bad as an Xbot because I didnt believe in a Kotaku rumour or not believe that woofter called Jason Scheier, a writer for Bloomsberg.…

Again they could be right, but Id rather wait and see.
At my age I can keep playing a couple of old games until the end and I'll be pretty happy. I don't need new stuff all the time anymore.
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21 Jun 2022
I actually understand they arent Nintendo and need more money coming from different and new avenues And Gaas is one of them.
True, but remember that Nintendo is also betting on GaaS with their F2P games, mobile games, Smash Bros, Splatoon, Mario Kart etc.

Sony cant survive with just AAA single player games. They’ve been lucky with great hits and some titles like Horizon selling well. A few ok titles like Days Gone and they are on there arse.
True, I agree. But well, Days Gone may not be a good example because it was the most successful game ever made by the studio, got dlc, the pc port and an upcoming movie. And Hermen greenlighted the first pitch Bend sent them after DG, the new IP. Plus it was around 9M unit solds while ago, may be around 10M copies sold now, must be a profitable game.

We can use other examples: maybe games like Returnal, Demon's Souls, Sackboy or Ratched sold around 5M or less. But well, at least they were cheaper developments, I assume more designed to build early exclusives lineup than to get a great profitability, something that would be compensated with extra profit from giant crossgen blockbuster like GoWR, HFW, GT7 or even Morales.

In any case, it's true that they need to find extra revenue sources like going GaaS with some of their games, because some of their bigger games (GaaS or not) may have a total budget of almost $500M and if a couple of them tank in a row it would really hurt them.

Im just hoping they have expanded the other studios like they have done with Insomniac. If thats the case, then Ill be happy. But we have yet to here from a bunch of studios.
See this is perfrect, I hope they have expanded some of the others studios like this. Santa Monca and Naughty dog need it more than Insomniac. They make better games in my opinion too, so Sony should be smart enough to expand these studios. If not its worrying.

Yes, one of the things Jim and Hermen have been doing has been to grow all their PS Studios teams to the point many of them can work now in more games at the same time, as Insomniac did since decades ago.

In addition to this, they also acquired support and porting studios like Valkyrie or Nixxes to make sure they don't have to worry about these tasks.

Plus also now they have less pressure with release dates because also acquired multiple gamedev studios like Bungie, Housemarque, Bluepoint, Firesprite or Firewalk and also increased their bet on 2nd and 3rd party deals.

Let's see how their studios grew:
  • SSM should be working on at least the next GoW (set in a new mythology) and Cory's new IP + GoW movie/tv show adaptation.
  • Guerrilla recently released CoM and Burning Shores, soon will release the HFW pc port and are working on at least Horizon 3, Horizon Online and the movie/tv show adaptation.
  • ND recently released TLOUP1 + the pc ports + Uncharted+TLOU movie/show adaptations and is working on TLOU Online and more games, being a least one of them single player
  • San Diego hosted the Sony Visual Arts team who codeveloped (and initially pitched and leaded TLOUP1) in addition to making the MLB games
  • Polyphony developed GT7 and GT7 PSVR2 while still releasing GT Sport stuff, so they have at least a second team for post launch stuff
  • Their Japanese XDEV team in charge of all their Asian 2nd party games, who previously was inside Japan Studio, grew and now has a gazillion announced 2nd party games (Death Stranding 2, Rise of the Ronin, Stellar Blade, Convallaria, the India/China Hero Project games etc)
  • All the Japan Studio internal development teams were merged into Team Asobi, becoming rebranded and getting a new office where they plan to grow to 100 people. They are now working on a 3d action (platformer?) game with humour bigger than the Astros plus in multiple prototypes and experiments
  • Housemarque has been growing to make their next game bigger than Returnal
  • Firesprite already had multiple teams, but grew more with AAA hirings and acquired Fabrik, a studio located nearby (with -like Firesprite- former Studio Liverpool and Evolution members) who already supported them in multiple projects
  • Bluepoint grew to first work on God of War Ragnarok as support team instead of in remakings/remasters. Their next game pretty likely will continue being a support job, but continue growing getting a strong game design team that would allow after it to maybe lead their own new AAA game.
  • London Studio grew and they are now working on their first big AAA game in a ton of years. In the past they had 2 teams, maybe they continue having them but I'd bet they are now merged working in this game.
  • Bend already grew a lot during Days Gone development, to make Days Gone their first open world game, and first home console AAA since the PS2, because they were focused on portables during a lot of time.
  • Bungie already was growing, but we knew that after the acquisition have been also aggresively hiring. They are working on at least 3 games at the same time: Destiny 2, Marathon, Matter and probably more.
  • Firewalk is also growing, as normal part of making their first AAA game.
  • Same goes with Haven. They originally pitched 3 games to Sony, and Sony wanted all 3. But they dediced to grow in a slower pace and to start only with 1 game, even if at Ubisoft Toronto and Montreal they were experts on scaling fast and work on a gazillion very successful AAA games at the same time.
  • There's only Sucker Punch and Media Molecule as who I don't know if they significally grew in recent years, but at least in the case of Sucker Punch I'd bet they also did it, like the rest of the big teams. I bet that they are working on GoT2 + GoT Legends 2 as a standalone GaaS. Or GoT2 + new IP, or who knows, maybe even GoT2 + GoT Legends 2 + new IP.
And they reinvest a good chunk of their revenue on hirings (and acquisitions of long time partners). This was the 'organic' growth strategy Jim Ryan mentioned..

But the communication for me and many others has been awful. Friends, brother, Gaming friends all agree too.
No, in recent years they communicated more and better than ever, and they announced and marketed a shit ton of games. They have many streamed events/conferences per year (State of Play, Showcase etc) plus they from time to time are in different events like Game Awards/Summer Games Fest/CES, and they often announce via PS Blog + youtube + social media. They got record numbers on social media.

What they no longer do is to announce games to be released 4 or more years in the future, they focus on marketing games to be released in the next months, maximum they announce games planned to be released in around a year and a half.

And now big announcements aren't focused in the E3 State of Play/Showcase, they spread the big announcements across the year.
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21 Jun 2022
True, but remember that Nintendo is also betting on GaaS with their F2P games, mobile games, Smash Bros, Splatoon, Mario Kart etc.

True, I agree. But well, Days Gone may not be a good example because it was the most successful game ever made by the studio, got dlc, the pc port and an upcoming movie. And Hermen greenlighted the first pitch Bend sent them after DG, the new IP. Plus it was around 9M unit solds while ago, may be around 10M copies sold now, must be a profitable game.

We can use other examples: maybe games like Returnal, Demon's Souls, Sackboy or Ratched sold around 5M or less. But well, at least they were cheaper developments, I assume more designed to build early exclusives lineup than to get a great profitability, something that would be compensated with extra profit from giant crossgen blockbuster like GoWR, HFW, GT7 or even Morales.

In any case, it's true that they need to find extra revenue sources like going GaaS with some of their games, because some of their bigger games (GaaS or not) may have a total budget of almost $500M and if a couple of them tank in a row it would really hurt them.

Yes, one of the things Jim and Hermen have been doing has been to grow all their PS Studios teams to the point many of them can work now in more games at the same time, as Insomniac did since decades ago.

In addition to this, they also acquired support and porting studios to make sure they don't have to worry about these tasks.

Plus also now they have less pressure with release dates because also acquired multiple gamedev studios like Bungie, Housemarque, Bluepoint, Firesprite or Firewalk and also increased their bet on 2nd and 3rd party deals.
I agree with your points.

No, in recent years they communicated more and better than ever, and they announced and marketed a shit ton of games. They have many streamed events/conferences per year (State of Play, Showcase etc) plus they from time to time are in different events like Game Awards/Summer Games Fest/CES, and they often announce via PS Blog + youtube + social media. They got record numbers on social media.

What they no longer do is to announce games to be released 4 or more years in the future, they focus on marketing games to be released in the next months, maximum they announce games planned to be released in around a year and a half.

And now big announcements aren't focused in the E3 State of Play/Showcase, they spread the big announcements across the year.
This I dont agree with. Or its a personal Opinion.
You cant tell people how to feel. Me and other clearly think the communication has been off. Simply by E3, we knew we were gonna get new gaming news. Instead of waiting and having rumours of potential shows that dont even come. How is that better than knowing every June your gonna be told new games announcements.

Old style: June E3 we’re gonna be told new games. 1st party games, 3rd party exclusives etc. Hey we might get some more news at PS experience or TGS.

New style: Theres a rumour there might be a state play…. For months. 2022 now show at all. That is no way better For me.

Some people might disagree me with and are happy with it, i respect it. But I prefer how they use to do it.

I prefer to be kept in the loop and a nice big E3. We know when we will be told about new games. These Nintendo Tree house presentations and state of plays coming out of nowhere is not for me.

E3, I know June Im gonna get some news. Not all these rumours there might be a show this month, or next month. And then 6 months nothing, and then it ends up being a 3rd party show lol.


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21 Jun 2022
I can help you:
These are the studios we know are stuck with multiplayer shit. Nowadays, multiplayer is pretty much live service crap that can be monetised, so that's it, 3 of their best studios (i'm not including Bend as one of their best) stuck with multiplayer online shit.

-Sucker Punch is clearly making Ghost of Tsushima 2. And they chose to make online mode in GOT1 and it was pretty damn good.

-Naughty Dog is working on multiple games. It was the expanded Factions 2 team. Not the entire ND staff. They’ve said that much.

-Guerilla just released a single player game and DLC called Horizon 2. And probably unfortunately making Horizon 3, when they should be working on a new Killzone with Multiplayer lol.

-Good for Bend. Single player game with online component.

So…… none of the main older studios are working on just a Gaas, MP or online game. Maybe London/Manchester/Liverpool teams?
But Insomniac, Santa Monica, Guerilla, PolyPhony, ND, Suckerpunch arent just working on a Gaas game.

Multiplayer games are fine. They’ve been around since forever. Not just since it was popular to complain about Gaas. PS was seriously lacking multiplayer 1st party games in the PS4 days. Something they had in the PS1/PS2/PS3 days and Sony Online games

Im not even the biggest online gamer, but understand the platform seriously lacked them last gen

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
So…… none of the main older studios are working on just a Gaas, MP or online game. Maybe London/Manchester/Liverpool teams?

I didn't claim they were. My claim is more on the line that they are stuck producing that shit. I swear sometimes people don't understand how many more developers are required for a full blown live service game. But lets keep believing that a live service game is being developed by some side team.


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21 Jun 2022
I didn't claim they were. My claim is more on the line that they are stuck producing that shit. I swear sometimes people don't understand how many more developers are required for a full blown live service game. But lets keep believing that a live service game is being developed by some side team.
It just seems like everyone makes it sound like Sony is locked into having all there main teams making Gaas games. Which isnt true.

If the shit turns out like Destiny, FF14, Rocket league or RDR online Im all for it lol. Im also interested to see how SuckerPunch expand on there multiplayer, I was pleasantly surprised by the first one