Incoming announcement on Xbox titles future exclusivity and publishing

27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
That's Sega, the bankruptcy addicts, always behind Xbox smelling their farts.

3 and 4 were Xbox exclusive. Tecmo was very horny for Xbox. They tried to revive the franchise multiplat later but it was over. It was dead.
I do remember seeing a cd / dvd that said dead or alive on it when I was a kid I thought it was a movie then but it was probably a copy of the game for Xbox
24 Jun 2022
And where did I say that? Game Pass has millions of subs on Xbox hardware even if they exit the console race I don't see why it's so hard to grasp they can still offer people an hardware to sustain their libraries and keep their ecosystem/ online stores going on their own closed platform.

It's not rocket science

It very likely isn't going to be a closed platform going forward, though. That's the part which makes less and less sense. Microsoft can get all the benefits you describe WRT hardware that retains Game Pass subscriptions, with systems that run Windows rather than the bespoke custom fork of an OS the Xbox consoles run, and with a business model for the hardware closer to certain PC device markets than one that mirrors traditional consoles.

That's the one part a lot of people either aren't looking at, aren't trying to look at, or are weirdly downplaying, despite that even thematically it circles back to fulfilling what the Xbox division was meant to accomplish in the first place (tying in Windows and Microsoft game-development SDKs to the gaming industry, not to mention synergizing Xbox more closely back to the original concept which was going to be a device running full-on regular Windows).

Not to mention many other benefits that'd come with the shift, such as:

>Streamlining hardware R&D, production, and budgets to a single division under Surface vs. multiple split departments, allowing for better flexibility of funds.

>Justifying a smaller scale of produced hardware volume, with bigger profit margins on all hardware sold (no more taking losses on hardware) just two big examples. Microsoft made Xbox because they were afraid Sony and to a lesser extent Nintendo, were going to pull away game development from PC altogether and basically kill their DirectX initiative, and cut Windows off from a growing industry in terms of revenue and hurt Windows adoption going into the '00s. That's why they made a console. They accomplished their goal keeping Windows and DirectX relevant for purposes of game development and still getting support from developers, but ironically have Valve to thank for a lot of that. And they ironically have Apple to thank for disrupting the idea of consoles becoming the catch-all entertainment hub, when they revolutionized smartphones with the iPhone.

Extremely ironic, both being things Microsoft could've capitalized on at the time if they weren't so obsessed with trying to defeat Sony and PlayStation. And people think they're going to miss future tech developments trying to beat a console platform they have failed to beat concisely for three generations in a row, that has only gotten stronger each gen when their own offering has declined sharply each successive gen?

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21 Jun 2022
Xbox can still do gamepass. It will just have to be like EA’s or Ubisfots. There 1st part games only. If they exit the console space that would sense for them and no reason PS or Nintendo will deny that
24 Jun 2022

Now this is a funny clip, but I do wanna take a moment and note something here as a parallel, and as to why I have been very adamant that Sony revise their strategy for platforms like PC when it comes to what games are ported and how soon/at what cadence. Because if they don't make those adjustments, there could be PS core enthusiasts owners like Colin saying the same thing about PS games in the future: "I'll just wait 'till it comes to PC.".

And honestly, I do think internally Sony have already made changes to that strategy, and I mentioned what I felt would be the optimal strategy for them WRT PC and mobile going forward. Just re-posting here:

1: Some (not all) to PC (also some to mobile)​
2: Most of those ported should probably be Day 1
3: Some kind of bonus perks should be given to PlayStation owners buying the console version if online is required, such as free skins or such.​

1: Tentpole AAA exclusives (1P) should be exclusive to the console for at least 4-6 years, if not longer/permanent. PC ports should only be within 1-2 years of new console-exclusive entries or new equivalent scale IP from the studio of that game.​
2: Tentpole AAA exclusives (3P) should be exclusive to the console for at least 2 years, if not longer.​
3: AA 1P games that can leverage console & mobile should do so, with Day 1 availability between both. Some specific AA games tailored for mobile experience even if based on existing IP (i.e like a Pokemon GO!) can be exclusive to the mobile side if desired. Some AA between mobile & console can also be Day 1 on PC.​
4: Remakes of very old, last-gen or even older games, that aren't necessarily billed as AAA experiences, can potentially target Day 1 on console & PC, preferably tho when a new entry exclusive to the console is on the way (say 1-2 years out).​
5: Remaster collections of much older legacy titles with QOL improvements can be Day 1 across console, PC and mobile (i.e a Jet Moto Remastered collection or Resistance Remastered Collection, etc.). Tho again, preferably also timed with new console-exclusive entries coming within 1-2 years.​

This shouldn't be hard to do, and it's probably the best way to support growth on PC & mobile while absolutely ensuring the console is still the priority not just in talk, but in action. That was Microsoft's big problem with Xbox: just saying Xbox console is still the core of your gaming business doesn't mean much if your actions keep saying otherwise.

Like, they just announced ANOTHER PC exclusive at the Direct last month with Ara 2...the last actual Xbox console exclusive they had was Crossfire X, or better mentioned as Crossfire L. A game that's now been shut down, BTW. Oh and that trash-ass Space Jam: Legacy game. Both of those were almost two years ago.


10 Jan 2023
This most satisfying part of all of this for me, is that Xbox discussion on forums since 2018 has been largely about who MS should acquire and how it’ll significantly help Xbox next to PlayStation in terms of exclusive games. “the gap will close”.

They’ve acquired well over 20+ studios and the fanboys have been waiting for the time the tides turn, like starfield (flop). Now that they have gobbled enough software to supposedly take down PlayStation, MS then says never mind and becomes a 3rd party publisher. They’ve gotta feel so betrayed, I mean you have losers like Klobrille who made his whole name hyping this acquisition war up

I’m gonna be enjoying tears for months this year it seems


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Now this is a funny clip, but I do wanna take a moment and note something here as a parallel, and as to why I have been very adamant that Sony revise their strategy for platforms like PC when it comes to what games are ported and how soon/at what cadence. Because if they don't make those adjustments, there could be PS core enthusiasts owners like Colin saying the same thing about PS games in the future: "I'll just wait 'till it comes to PC.".

And honestly, I do think internally Sony have already made changes to that strategy, and I mentioned what I felt would be the optimal strategy for them WRT PC and mobile going forward. Just re-posting here:

This shouldn't be hard to do, and it's probably the best way to support growth on PC & mobile while absolutely ensuring the console is still the priority not just in talk, but in action. That was Microsoft's big problem with Xbox: just saying Xbox console is still the core of your gaming business doesn't mean much if your actions keep saying otherwise.

Like, they just announced ANOTHER PC exclusive at the Direct last month with Ara 2...the last actual Xbox console exclusive they had was Crossfire X, or better mentioned as Crossfire L. A game that's now been shut down, BTW. Oh and that trash-ass Space Jam: Legacy game. Both of those were almost two years ago.
I already know people who just wait for a PC release. Which means less money for PSN and more for Steam. Thats already less sales on launch for the game on PS.

Also they probably wont buy PS6…
They should wait 4-5 years before porting SOME titles. So people won’t just think, Ill wait.

Im interested to see how much Horizon 2, Spiderman 2 and GOW Ragnarok have sold compared to the originals. Because there initial strategy was if we release these games on PC and the PC heads like it, they will come to PS to get the sequels faster…. Not a smart move
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21 Jun 2022
MS is waiting for the launch of the Xbox Universal Store (that nobody asked for) and then they will send Sarah like a lamb to the slaughter to announce all their accounts will move to that garbage store.

Phil doesn't have the cajones to face the most rabid and aggressive fanbase in the history of consumer electronics.


8 Jan 2023
Its not about fans, no game-enjoyer is every really going to be able to win the console war, that is on companies. And it totally was possible for MGS to have won, if they'd created games people wanted to play. Remember, Wii U did far worse last generation than XBO did and now Switch is the leader. Thats not on Nintendo's fans, its on their game and system designers.
Nintendo has much stronger ip to fall back on and their brand is way stronger. it would take at least 15 more years with next to no mistakes for Xbox to get even close to that.
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Now this is a funny clip, but I do wanna take a moment and note something here as a parallel, and as to why I have been very adamant that Sony revise their strategy for platforms like PC when it comes to what games are ported and how soon/at what cadence. Because if they don't make those adjustments, there could be PS core enthusiasts owners like Colin saying the same thing about PS games in the future: "I'll just wait 'till it comes to PC.".

And honestly, I do think internally Sony have already made changes to that strategy, and I mentioned what I felt would be the optimal strategy for them WRT PC and mobile going forward. Just re-posting here:

This shouldn't be hard to do, and it's probably the best way to support growth on PC & mobile while absolutely ensuring the console is still the priority not just in talk, but in action. That was Microsoft's big problem with Xbox: just saying Xbox console is still the core of your gaming business doesn't mean much if your actions keep saying otherwise.

Like, they just announced ANOTHER PC exclusive at the Direct last month with Ara 2...the last actual Xbox console exclusive they had was Crossfire X, or better mentioned as Crossfire L. A game that's now been shut down, BTW. Oh and that trash-ass Space Jam: Legacy game. Both of those were almost two years ago.

It would be more acceptable to me, if it was closer to the strategy you outlined above an I'm glad more people are seeing the damage that pc ports can do if not managed carefully.
24 Jun 2022
I already know people who just wait for a PC release. Which means less money for PSN and more for Steam. Thats already less sales on launch for the game on PS.

Also they probably wont buy PS6…
They should wait 4-5 years before porting SOME titles. So people won’t just think, Ill wait.

Im interested to see how much Horizon 2, Spiderman 2 and GOW Ragnarok have sold compared to the originals. Because there initial strategy was if we release these games on PC and they like it, they will come to PS to get the sequels faster…. Not a smart move

Well TBF, Spiderman 2 and especially Ragnarok have been selling very well since launch. GOW seems like an evergreen IP at this point which I didn't think was possible (I usually associate that with non-Mature rated IP aside GTA and COD), and is still selling for close to launch MSRP. For HFW, the PS+ inclusion cut the legs down a lot on tail-end sales if anything.

But yeah, anyone thinking the PC strategy could remain as it was looking to be prior, or even accelerate to Day 1 for non-GaaS titles, without impacting PS hardware sales and revenue long-term have been lying to themselves. Either by not understanding things, or intentionally ignoring the pitfalls because they want that negative impact to happen to the brand. It's those who are hardcore & core enthusiasts who would be among the first to change their spending habits, and they make up a disproportionate amount of ecosystem revenue despite being outnumbered heavily by more casual & mainstream console owners*.

*By "mainstream and casual, I mean people who spend relatively little beyond just buying the console at a reduced price later in the lifecycle, maybe a game or two at most per year (1 AAA, 1 indie or AA), and probably at most sub a few months to PS+ Essential or don't sub at all if they only play F2P games.

They could be a super-hardcore Soulsborne player but if the only game they buy a given year is Elden Ring 2, that would make them more a casual or mainstream customer in the ecosystem IMHO.

It would be more acceptable to me, if it was closer to the strategy you outlined above an I'm glad more people are seeing the damage that pc ports can do if not managed carefully.

Man the Insomniac ransomware hack's really shown how damaging the strategy is. Multiple people in that scene have already made a full playable build of Spiderman 2 (more or less), tried doing the same with the Wolverine assets. On some level that's just blatant disrespect to the developers, but crazier still is there's barely any other PC-centric players disavowing it. If those people are using Discord servers to spread and host those projects, can't the owners of Discord step in?

There's the argument that, if the revenue from most PC ports isn't significant, and the costs aren't that high, then there is no impact on rates for the console. But to that I say, it's an opportunity cost at the end of the day. We know at least some of the budgets for ports can exceed $30 million each otherwise that wouldn't have been mentioned as a cutoff between email approval or more thorough review for approval of said port. $30 million can fund in whole or in part a modest AA game (internal 1P or co-funded to a 3P developer as a 1P-published game) that could make a lot more money as a PS console release (and depending on the game, maybe mobile & maybe even PC Day 1 release) than a port of a marquee 1P AAA would generate on Steam.

Who wouldn't take the new (AA) game over a port that potentially belittles the initial release and the platform it was provided on? Very few would pick the latter IMO.
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