Is there anyone here that likes Resident Evil 6?



Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
I think it is by far the worst one I have played.

I played the original 4, which I like a lot; 5 were decent, and the Resident Evil 3 remake was excellent.
Which one did you like more, RE4 or RE3 Remake?

Al Catone

Staff member
18 Jun 2024
I only played the original for 4, but three remake was amazing.

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Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
Revelations 2 is way worse than revelations 1 although I thought Alex welker was a good villain
Its hard for me to choose. I think Revelations 2 overall is the better game but they are both designed so differently (Besides the episodic nature of both.) that I could see why people have strong opinions about both. Revelations 2 is very hard on the Vita however due to it running mostly at about 12fps anytime there is a enemy on screen at if I remember correctly only goes up to like 20fps at its highest.
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Its hard for me to choose. I think Revelations 2 overall is the better game but they are both designed so differently (Besides the episodic nature of both.) that I could see why people have strong opinions about both. Revelations 2 is very hard on the Vita however due to it running mostly at about 12fps anytime there is a enemy on screen at if I remember correctly only goes up to like 20fps at its highest.
They're both technically episodic but revelations 1 released as a full game where as revelations 2 released episode by episode which was annoying & I'm not a fan of the art style in revelations 2 either it's more cartoony


Icon Extra
28 May 2023
Framing your story around a possible apocalypse is such an all or nothing move. I didn’t like that aspect of the story because it felt like it was meant to be final, yet we end up with 7, 8, and likely 9 where Chris just appears anyway. It felt pointless to have the stakes be that high.

Gameplay wise I always thought it played well enough. The communication ability between you and your partner at least made online co-op more comprehensible. The mercenaries mode is also one of the best in the series.

Overall RE6 was a victim of dog piling and it’s not even that bad. It’s braver than a lot of other RE games and they had more to lose. Couldn’t just make RE4 in a new location like how they did with 5. As much as I would play the hell out of that.


17 Jun 2024
I know from my 2 years here than Resident Evil 4 is very divisive and Resident Evil 5 and 6 are as well but I haven't heard a single person here say they actually like Resident Evil 6.
Just look at the reactions in this thread:
It was my first midnight launch I ever went to and I even platinumed the game on PS3 the day before Halloween 2012.
I honestly was super disappointed in it and hated how hard some of the QTE's were. However for some reason i decided to get the Xbox One version back in 2017 and Got all the non multiplayer achievements on October 30th, 2018 which was the 6 year anniversary of me getting the platinum on PS3 in 2012.

I liked it more but still found it frustrating at some parts.

Well 2 years ago today I bought the PS4 version digitally and have been playing it recently and I think third time might be the charm.

earlier this year when I was getting all the trophies in RE2 remake, RE3 Remake, RE4 Remake, RE7, RE0, and RE1 remake I tried to play RE6 on amateur and got wrecked multiple times. Same as when I picked it up again in late 2022. However know that I got the Platinum on RE7 on PS5. (I just need like 2 more trophies for the platinum on the PS4 version and 1 DLC trophy I think.)
The Platinum in RE0
The Platinum on RE3 Remake on both PS4 and PS5
The Platinum on RE2 Remake on both PS4 and PS5
The Platinum on RE4 Remake on both PS4 and PS5
and have all the trophies in RE1 Remake except for the "Get use to It" trophy and the platinum of course.

I have been spending some time replaying RE6 and getting all the trophies and now with my mind clear the game is actually sort of fun. While there are some bad parts in this game and frustrating level design. I think I am actually having more fun with RE6 then I had with RE4 Remake or RE2 Remake. Thanks to the PS4 remaster toning down the insane QTE's I actually appreciate this game much more now then I did 12 years ago.

I still hate playing the opening part of Ada's Chapter 1 on professional because how weird the cover system in this game is and I am always accidently going in and out of cover because of the fact the hallways are really narrow and it just doesn't work with me well.

So is there anyone here who actually likes RE6? Who knew 18 year old me on this night:
would eventually come to love the game!

But also want to feel old?

Today Megaman 11 is now as old as Resident Evil 6 was when Megaman 11 released

Megaman 11 released on October 2nd, 2018 on the 6 year Anniversary of Resident Evil 6 on PS3 and Xbox 360, Today Megaman 11 turns 6 years old and Resident Evil 6 turns 12 years old.

Does it really feel like it's been 6 years since the last mainline Megaman Game came out?
Also does it feel like it's been 12 years since Resident Evil 6 has been out?
When Resident Evil 6 came out the Resident Evil franchise was only 16 years old and now we are only 4 years away from Resident Evil 6 turning 16.

When Resident Evil 6 released we were only about a month away from the release of the Wii U and a little over a year away from the PS4 and Xbox One.

When Megaman 11 released we were only about 2 years away from the release of the PS5 and Xbox Series Systems.
There isn't a RE game that I don't like so far... So yeah not me as I do like all of the RE games I've played so far! (y)