Hayyyy everyone isn't Insomniac and Remake released last year. We will be OK, at least I know I will. Not to mention Spiderman, MM all heavily built around the original assets and game so I know that sped up development. What ND is aiming to do with Factions although an mp mode is large in scope and I'm assuming more technical in certain aspects.4 years for a multi player mode? In this time Insomniac have released 3 games
Ok u clearly don’t know WTH u are talking about factions 1 was just a tacked in multiplayer mode factions 2 is a complete game set in entirely new location new characters new mechanics with its own story mode. It’s a multiplayer narrative experience with in the last of us universe not just a mode. And let’s not pretend spiderman1, mm and spiderman2 are completely unique experiences that don’t rely heavily on each other. ND has to create a new experience with new characters, new lore, new environment, pretty much from scratch. Lost legacy is about the same length as Spider-Man mm it was completed faster had entirely new locations and is graphically more impressive than mm. Don’t try to trash ND to praise insomniac. Creating a multiplier well crafted experience can be a lot hard than just a single player one.4 years for a multi player mode? In this time Insomniac have released 3 games
Yeah just tht tweet speaks volumes! And is big!!! And got me hype asf. I know Factions will be my most played mp period! All ND mps have been for me and I thoroughly enjoy them and out them above most other mp games.
I think it's been longer then 4 years4 years for a multi player mode? In this time Insomniac have released 3 games
Uncharted 4 multiplayer is a joy to play.I'm so happy to hear this. Nothing scratches my Multiplayer itch like a Naughty Dog multiplayer... Truly the underrated kings of the 3rd person multiplayer genre
Mechanically it is still the best 3rd person multiplayer. It's a shame it never reached its full potential and they kinda killed the base for it but incorporating so many stuff from the Last of Us Multiplayer into it.Uncharted 4 multiplayer is a joy to play.
I revisted it a few months ago and still had fun, before that I put in dozens if not hundreds of hours into it. As a matter of fact I think ppl online just parrot the bs that paid ASTRO turfers go online to parrot about how Halo is the end all, be all of online games and Sony doesn't usually have good online games and shouldn't add mp, thats bs. As a matter of fact Uncharted mp and TLOU mp are infinitely better than most Mps out there past and present. I tried to play Halo when I got my S years ago and I thought "this stagnant, draconian mp is what ppl rave about" it felt like an mp game from the early 90s that never evolved. Gears was OK but a shotgun fest and very static, in comparison in Uncharted your swinging around, can climb most things and it's very dynamic. So much better imo.Uncharted 4 multiplayer is a joy to play.
Naughty Dog wanted to make the Multiplayer. They even said they wanted to compete with the big boys Battlefield & COD when they made Uncharted 3 Multiplayer back in the day.Factions being good always felt like sort of an accident. I was personally offended when I heard NaughtyDog would be including a multiplayer component in TLOU. This was the era of tacked on mp and I didn’t want that for such a serious game.
Since Uncharted 2 I assumed Sony was sanctioning this game mode and ND simply made the most of it. If similar pressure was applied to get the studio to do a sequel I don’t necessarily mind that. The concept is provably great but could use some fleshing out.
Uncharted 3 Multiplayer remains my GOAT playstation multiplayer. In my opinion probably top 5 best of that generation. These games just happened on the wrong system. If it was PS4 era when they had that multiplayer push, they would have had so many hits.I revisted it a few months ago and still had fun, before that I put in dozens of not hundreds of hours. As a matter of fact I think ppl online just parrot the bs that paid ASTRO turfers go online to parrot about how Halo is the end all, be all of online games and Sony doesn't usually have good online games, thats bs. As a matter of fact Uncharted mp and TLOU mp are infinitely better than most Mps out there past and present. I tried to play Halo when I got my S years ago and I thought "this stagnant, draconian mp is what ppl rave about" it felt like an mp game from the early 90s that never evolved. Gears was OK but a shotgun fest and very static, in comparison in Uncharted your swinging around, can climb most things and it's very dynamic. So much better imo.