Japanese member of the House of Councillors starts investigation into Ubisoft and Thomas Lockley for Historical Revisionism and Cultural Invasion

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30 Jul 2022
The term clueless would fit this guy to a capital fucking T. So misinformed and using outdated eurocentric views on Africa.

No there are not. There's a dozen nutjobs (mostly white saviors) pushing afrocentrism everywhere because they're constantly distressed whenever they see anything but the sub-saharian skin tone as the root of everything (you know, like actual racists), and not one person worth their time is feeding this theory.

So anything proven to be black and any type of historical history on African origins is automatically applied to “nutjobs” and “white saviors? Regardless of factual documents and proven archeological evidence? You are just going to ignore all of that and call it Afrocentric?

That’s is the most asinine thing somebody can use as an excuse. Sorry but that is a dumb as post and reasoning. I’m not surprised though coming from you who is clearly anti black anything.

“Sub Saharan skin tone”

Dude you have absolutely no idea how ridiculous and utterly foolish of a statement this is. Like what you just said makes zero biological sense. Holy fucking shit.

Black people come in many different shades of color. From light beige color, to brown, to dark brown, to black, jet black, blue black. There is no skin tone regulated to a damn region. Whether in Africa or anywhere else.

Black people also have different facial features, hair type, and eye color too. Especially in Africa. There is no one phenotype of a black person.

In fact this is the last time I waste time arguing about Cleopatra's skin color. It's such a stupid concept for anyone who's been to any North-African country.
Feel free to create your thread to argue about that.

“North African country”

What’s your point? Are you saying there are no black people in NA? That’s where your ignorance shows because there are plenty of indigenous black peoples that still reside in North Africa.

The people of NA today are NOT the people of the NA past.

The "one Egyptologist" that you linked isn't an egyptologist. She works as a psychologist for prisons with black criminals who previously wrote a thesis about the influence on Egypt in Greek/Macedonian sculptures (therefore not in Egypt, but in Greece).

She's a white savior who believes that making up shit about Ancient Egypt will give black criminals some sense of belonging, promptly ignoring how actual Egyptians have a culture and identity of their own and don't wish for those to be erased by an American lady suffering from white guilt.

“One Egyptologist”

I posted more than one and I’m not going post the dozens that have written papers and books proven what they are saying. I’m giving a few examples on ancient Egyptian being black has nothing to do with Afrocentrism. It’s rooted In science. I’m sorry you’ve been lied to.

Sally Ann Ashton has multiple PHD’s and is an expert in her field and is a expert on what she’s talking about. Her doing a project on people in prison changes nothing about the decades of work she’s done, and continues to do, on ancient Egypt. Her work is published and proven.

Modern Egyptians have nothing to do with ancient Egyptians so your point that

“ignoring how actual Egyptians have a culture and identity of their own and don't wish for those to be erased by an American lady suffering from white guilt.”

Is highly irrelevant to the actual history and culture of ANCIENT Egypt. Nobody is talking about the people in Egypt TODAY. 5000+ years ago is alot different than today. Don’t get mad at me, or Sally Ann Ashton, or any other Egyptologist or scholar talking about the Nile Valley people being black. That’s the actual results they are finding based off field research.

You are going nowhere with this white guilt white savior bullshit.

The only one making shit up is you and all Arabcentric/eurocentric fools who lack proper context on history and Africa.

I see this is rooted in ignorance. You need to look at a world map.
"African" doesn't mean black. All Egyptians are African, very few Egyptians are black. I should know, I've been to Egypt and a bunch other African countries.
Even to this day, black people in African countries above the Sahara are a minority.

The only one ignorant is you.

The MAJORITY of the people on the African continent is black. Non black peoples are a MINORITY and make up a large portion of migrants and settlers. There are only about 5 countries in North Africa that are considered Arab states(that have black people there) Which got that way by Arab conquest of NA after 600 A.D.

MODERN African is not a ANCIENT Africa. You can’t go to a country today and assume that’s how it was thousands of years ago. Even the idea of country comes from colonialism. There are no counties in Ancient Africa. Only people groups. There’s been so many invasions of NA for thousands of years that the population has changed dramatically.

LOL 32 non-black characters turned black within the last decade is obviously a large enough scale to call it blackwashing.
This list isn't even a very thorough one.

It’s a dumb point to make. There is no historical context for blackwashing. It’s a white revenge fantasy. All you are proving to me you’re one of those anti black people who believes everything must only be white and Arab only. As long as it’s not black everything is ok.

I bet I've travelled to more subsaharian countries (with an overwhelming majority of black people), using a good chunk of the little money I earn to observe their people and enjoy their culture, than most of the people spewing this kind of shit ever will.

I don’t care where you travelled. It clearly hasn’t helped since you’re so highly misinformed about history and especially Africa.

Case in point: There’s no such thing as sub Saharan Africa! Stop calling it that! That’s another Eurocentric racist term created to separate and remove indigenous and the original people from North Africa and especially Egypt.
The Tebu people are one such indigenous Africans. They are still today fighting for their land. It was that bastard Muammar Gaddafi that started to kill off and kick out the indigenous peoples of North Africa and Libya. Stripping them of their culture and language

Yes, that picture made you uncomfortable.

No way. That picture made me


At how fucking stupid and racist people can be at black people playing parts of entertainment characters. Like somebody really spent the time to make that picture. I hope they find happiness some day.
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21 Jun 2022