Just Stop Oil has disrupted the winners' final of Tekken 7 at EGX by smearing paint on the players' monitors


29 Jun 2023
I wouldn't want wanna live anywhere near one something goes wrong or some country decides to bomb it & you're fucked
Just have safety measures and you will be fine. Also shut the damn thing off in war time.

I remembered back in 2011 when the double calamities happened, one of the reactor in Fukushima goes off... Eh there was a lot of technical errors and the damn thing should have been shut off before. I lived all the way in Hokkaido but still got cautioned about not consuming water. We were supplied with packaged water instead. My daughter accidentally drinked "presumately contaminated water" and she cried and asked, am I going to be ill. Kinda sad and funny at the same time.

Considering nuclear power is 1/3 of electricity in our country, safety measures should be priority


26 Jun 2022
They love doing this stuff in the UK, easy pickings, basically get out of jail for free and organizations are prepared to pay their fines for them.

This apparently is 2019 not sure how much it's changed probably not a lot.

Worst Carbon polluting countries.

  1. China, with more than 10,065 million tons of CO2 released.
  2. United States, with 5,416 million tons of CO2
  3. India, with 2,654 million tons of CO2
  4. Russia, with 1,711 million tons of CO2
  5. Japan, 1,162 million tons of CO2
  6. Germany, 759 million tons of CO2
  7. Iran, 720 million tons of CO2
  8. South Korea, 659 million tons of CO2
  9. Saudi Arabia, 621 million tons of CO2
  10. Indonesia, 615 million tons of CO2
I can't remember the last time I saw these people protesting outside one of these embassies, instead, it's cricket matches, broadway shows and gaming events.

I mean surely if you want to make a real impact, go and protest outside the gates of the BP oil or Shell oil headquarters.
Holly molly I knew China was at the top, but by that much!

I lost interest in climate change gradually over the years, all the solutions that go in the direction of net zero (2030) and then zero emissions (2050) basically ensure we get worse outcomes than whatever potential problem they want to fix. Wind power = CRAP, Solar = worse crap, electric cars = mostly crap, but I loke them... so on and so forth.

What did not help is that as someone who got a car late in life, had a pretty environmentally safe life style, little travels, ride my bike everywhere, recycle, try not to waste too much was lectured by people who own SUVs, a second home, a quad, travel by plane a couple of times per year, etc. (different people who did better than me at some point). Anyway, these people talk about global warming as if they thought it was the end of the world, yet they don't act upon it at all.

Then there are the true green types, who push for useless "solutions" and impoverishment of everybody, when they don't outright wish for billions to die to "save the planet"... they won't care if the wind turbines don't turn all the time, even if you need to freeze a couple of people over the winter, at least in their head it helps saving the planet.
I wouldn't want wanna live anywhere near one something goes wrong or some country decides to bomb it & you're fucked
I can't argue with that side of nuclear plants :-S there are so many crazy people out there.

On the other hand they have been generally much more reliable, safer, cleaner (in some aspects) than pretty much all other forms of power generation, and the new power plants are getting safer and safer by every generation. Just look into what coal power plants do to the air quality\health of people living in the area.

Like plane crashes, individual occurrences are pretty scary.

I think that we will burn all fossil fuels, of any kind, even if the occidental countries all go 100% green and manage to stop using them at all.... Others will want to come over and take what's left wherever it is at some point, simply because it's too convenient. However, we gain quite a lot by slowing down their use, because the resource is finite, so using other sources of power whenever possible, and safe, or not wasting it on single use plastics is a reasonable thing, avoiding unnecessary air pollution, etc. Everybody wins from these measures and it helps the future generations as well.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Holly molly I knew China was at the top, but by that much!

I lost interest in climate change gradually over the years, all the solutions that go in the direction of net zero (2030) and then zero emissions (2050) basically ensure we get worse outcomes than whatever potential problem they want to fix. Wind power = CRAP, Solar = worse crap, electric cars = mostly crap, but I loke them... so on and so forth.

What did not help is that as someone who got a car late in life, had a pretty environmentally safe life style, little travels, ride my bike everywhere, recycle, try not to waste too much was lectured by people who own SUVs, a second home, a quad, travel by plane a couple of times per year, etc. (different people who did better than me at some point). Anyway, these people talk about global warming as if they thought it was the end of the world, yet they don't act upon it at all.

Then there are the true green types, who push for useless "solutions" and impoverishment of everybody, when they don't outright wish for billions to die to "save the planet"... they won't care if the wind turbines don't turn all the time, even if you need to freeze a couple of people over the winter, at least in their head it helps saving the planet.

I can't argue with that side of nuclear plants :-S there are so many crazy people out there.

On the other hand they have been generally much more reliable, safer, cleaner (in some aspects) than pretty much all other forms of power generation, and the new power plants are getting safer and safer by every generation. Just look into what coal power plants do to the air quality\health of people living in the area.

Like plane crashes, individual occurrences are pretty scary.

I think that we will burn all fossil fuels, of any kind, even if the occidental countries all go 100% green and manage to stop using them at all.... Others will want to come over and take what's left wherever it is at some point, simply because it's too convenient. However, we gain quite a lot by slowing down their use, because the resource is finite, so using other sources of power whenever possible, and safe, or not wasting it on single use plastics is a reasonable thing, avoiding unnecessary air pollution, etc. Everybody wins from these measures and it helps the future generations as well.
The whole thing is, CO2 is the only gas you absolutely cannot remove from modern industry. The actually dangerous stuff is filtered out in the western world and not part of ANY treaties, and even the CO2 treaties EXEMPT China and India, the world's two worst polluters.

The UN study that was the basis for the Kyoto Accord, contrary to popular belief, did NOT say CO2 was definitely causing global warming, it said that further study would be needed to determine if CO2 was actually a problem. THAT is what was signed by hundreds of scientists with no dissenters, not a declaration that CO2 was the biggest threat since Mechgodzilla. Opportunistic politicians jumped on CO2 as a way to handcuff the developed world and redistribute global wealth.

All evidence shows the CO2 hypothesis was incorrect, but instead of reformulating the hypothesis, political manipulation has pushed that the answer is not to look for other answers, but to double down on what he have seen fail to make a difference for 30 years.

It is insanity.


26 Jun 2022
The whole thing is, CO2 is the only gas you absolutely cannot remove from modern industry. The actually dangerous stuff is filtered out in the western world and not part of ANY treaties, and even the CO2 treaties EXEMPT China and India, the world's two worst polluters.

The UN study that was the basis for the Kyoto Accord, contrary to popular belief, did NOT say CO2 was definitely causing global warming, it said that further study would be needed to determine if CO2 was actually a problem. THAT is what was signed by hundreds of scientists with no dissenters, not a declaration that CO2 was the biggest threat since Mechgodzilla. Opportunistic politicians jumped on CO2 as a way to handcuff the developed world and redistribute global wealth.

All evidence shows the CO2 hypothesis was incorrect, but instead of reformulating the hypothesis, political manipulation has pushed that the answer is not to look for other answers, but to double down on what he have seen fail to make a difference for 30 years.

It is insanity.
I dropped out the day they signed accords that declared Co2 a form of pollution. Now I just get pissed off when the news bring up the subject, this is so manipulative, they made talking about the weather a political minefield of all things!
  • thisistheway
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Yeah, let's harass ordinary people and not, you know, the companies and executives that are the biggest polluters in the world.

Bunch of braindead morons who never accomplished anything and just want to feel important.

It's almost as if some of these grassroots movements seem almost funded by big corporations. I always think false flag operations when I see these dumbfucks.

Motherfucers. I feel like throwing plastic in the ocean

And this is my point, this is the reaction big oil would want.

You know, there was a time when scientists would revisit their hypothesis long before they’d been disproven for decades, but nowadays the left just pushes for people to give up more of their quality of life while conning people into thinking that the lack of a difference made to climate shift by the actions taken for 20+ years means WE HAVEN’T DONE ENOUGH, not the much more logical conclusion that human activity has fuck all to do with axial shift, solar proximity changes and other factors.

Remember, when the media screams that it’s the hottest or coldest day on record, the record only goes back 150 or so years in most places, and there’s evidence that a lot of the northern hemisphere was much warmer than it is now just a couple of millennia ago, and it didn’t wipe humanity out.

Maybe I’m just cynical from growing up when they told us a new ice age was only a couple of years away.

Someone failed science. And I mean the one taught with big pictures and pop up cards

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
All evidence shows the CO2 hypothesis was incorrect, but instead of reformulating the hypothesis, political manipulation has pushed that the answer is not to look for other answers, but to double down on what he have seen fail to make a difference for 30 years.

Source: voices in your head.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Having a boogey man does not make you right... and it does not explain the brain dead "solutions" that are worse than willingly walking into a volcan.

I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just saying I suspect it. And I'd say I'd love to know what are those brain dead solutions, but I genuinely don't care. This forum is becoming littered with flattards and science deniers.

I'm not saying you fit any of the groups above btw.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
I'm joking. I love nature more than anything

Got it, but the point stands, this is the kind of reaction big oil would love. I know it's very conspiracy.

Also, get yourself some Goku from Daima in your avatar

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Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
I mean surely if you want to make a real impact, go and protest outside the gates of the BP oil or Shell oil headquarters.
These kind of organizations actually are usually backed by Big Oil as well as the usual Foundations.

Sounds counter-intuitive? Do some searching around about Agenda XXI, 2030, Carbon Exchange, etc. You'll see what it's really about. Spoiler: the "philantropists" don't actually care as much about the environment as they claim.


Actually born in 1904!
22 Jun 2022
Got it, but the point stands, this is the kind of reaction big oil would love. I know it's very conspiracy.

Also, get yourself some Goku from Daima in your avatar

Can't wait for that. But fucking hell if I want the manga adaptation. Sony should step in with crunchyroll and that 😔

Snes nes

4 Aug 2023
Tbh the fact that this didn’t start a fight just shows that esports athletes probably didn’t want to damage what was left of their wrists rotary skills or maybe they just didnt Have enough courage to stop them.


26 Jun 2022
I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just saying I suspect it. And I'd say I'd love to know what are those brain dead solutions, but I genuinely don't care. This forum is becoming littered with flattards and science deniers.

I'm not saying you fit any of the groups above btw.
Wind turbines, solar panels (they have uses in few places, but not as a replacement for existing infrastructure, or even as stop gap solutions is anything serious depends on electricity).

Same for electric cars, they are not always the cleaner solution compared to fuel based vehicles (they are not even always a possible replacement if you need to carry heavy loads in remote areas). There are also serious infrastructure problems related to the government's push to only electric by 2035, but I assume it could be fixed by waiting a bit more.

Using planes or what not to put particles in the air, it feels extremely dangerous and humans aren't nearly perfect enough to pull this off in a good way, no matter how good the intentions are. Same for carbon sequestration, if we pay people to sequester carbon and give them incentives to do so, they will not just stop when it's "cold enough" (don't say their contract will be over by then, people are corruptible, especially those in position of power).

You also need to account for the endless predictions that the end of times are coming in 10 years, every 10 years, over the past 50 years or so. After going through this process a few times it feels manipulative. There are so many pictures making the rounds these days with pictures of ocean side cities, remote oceanic islands, etc. that show the water levels have not risen in a way that we can see with our own eyes, even less flooded downtowns of coastal cities or disappeared Fiji, Seychelles and other island nations.

There is a point where the trust is broken.

And the whole rebranding of the phenomenon as an emergency, which is used to push those bad solutions in a hurry.

A couple of other things like that that made me suspicious of the good faith of the authorities on this matter.
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