Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Co-Op Mode Teased by Miles Morales Actor


8 Jan 2023


Miles Morales voice actor Nadji Jeter seems to have teased a co-op mode at a SacAnime panel. At 5:00, someone from the audience asks whether Marvel's Spider-Man would support co-op, to which Jeter replies:

I believe it has been....I think it has been announced. I don't know if it's been announced or not, but I think so.

The actor also teases that symbiotes will be 'everywhere' in this sequel. Later in the video clip, he talks about Miles getting clever with his webs in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

We were like, 'Okay, what can we do to gradually show the progression of him?' and that was the swinging and the flipping in the air, you know, his acrobatics. But yeah, we got a lot more funny stuff because he gets clever with his webs in this next one. He gets real clever, so y'all stick around for Part 2 because y'all gonna be like 'What?' He's getting the hang of it now.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Fs, there goes my dreams of swinging with my Biach.

your off the hook noodle