New ‘Dragon Age: The Veilguard’ Characters Rejected By Players, Reveal Trailer Mass Downvoted


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28 May 2023
I guess the issue is, that it is constantly being rammed down people's throats.

I mean, look at this Star Wars clip; Wtf is this all about?
That Star Wars show is so bad. I watched it with my family after hyping up the franchise and I’m pretty sure I lost everyone’s respect.

All media like this must be avoided. They’re making it purposefully bad for the sake of the messaging.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
What you said happens on both the so-called liberal side (they're not liberal, they're idiots) and the 'other' side, which are equally annoying, idiotic, moronic, and crybabies.

Can't you and others see that some clowns like Grummz have this fake concern about "historical accuracy" or "everybody is gay" because they're racist and homophobic? Can't you see that while there are these woke idiots going around saying "urr durr white man bad," there are also a lot of idiots (even in this forum) who call gay people "degenerates"? Let's not pretend this is just an issue with "the woke crowd," as if every other gamer who disagrees with them is a knight in shining armor.

It's funny that in this very forum, that kind of discourse is allowed and sometimes even encouraged (just look at the Sweet Baby Inc thread still being up). I'd rather people just said, "I hate X people" or "kill all the gays" instead of trying to dog whistle their way into a pseudo-argument they don't care about. Someone who calls out a racist here is more likely to be banned than the person who actually made the racist comment (depending on how obvious they were).

Meanwhile, people who are progressive like me but hate the whole woke crowd and their idiocy are called retards because we call people like Grummz racists, which they effectively are.

There are people who think modern companies are left-wing. Imagine thinking that a trillion-dollar corporation is somehow left-wing or ruled by left-wing people.
Yes, I can see how clowns like Grummz operate, but reducing the issue to saying its a few on the left is not to give it the correct service.

There are not just a few of these lunatic left but hundreds, if not tens of thousands, of them, and they have loud voices.

Then, dismissing their impact on operations and the amount of control they have is, once again, in my opinion, is extremely wrong.

This is not just some lightweight conspiracy issue that is out there but a full-blown problem that has been affecting not only the media but academia, too.

I don't want to get into this debate as it's tedious, but this crap, especially DEI/WOKE, has infected the BBC, THE NHS, and several universities over here in the UK. You can do some simple google searches and find countless articles about it.

These ideologies that put the rights of certain groups above individuals are extremely dangerous. Couple that with highly active, almost militant activists who are prepared to not only hound but deplatform people, and you have an extremely dangerous ideology that has taken root out there.

I do agree that we need to be careful not to read too much into each leaning side of the aisle but rather to find common ground in the middle, as I believe that is where the most sense will be made.

But to constantly dismiss and call one side's points and observations crazy, racist, incels or whatever the dismissive word is, is not going to help the situation in any sense.

Companies like SBI, for example, we have all seen their tweets or comments; they operate with a nefarious agenda. We can not allow people like this to go unchecked. We need to push back against them. Burying one's head or putting one's fingers in one's ears will not make the problem go away.

Also, we don't fix racism with more racism.
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
That Star Wars show is so bad. I watched it with my family after hyping up the franchise and I’m pretty sure I lost everyone’s respect.

All media like this must be avoided. They’re making it purposefully bad for the sake of the messaging.

I have not watched it myself, but rather a couple of reviews from people, and they say it's extremely dire.
  • sad
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I don’t mean the characters but the whole trailer didn’t look good at all.

I know I’m not a fan of Dragon Age but at least the old games have a better vibe in the trailers.


27 Feb 2024
This was a GaaS game which pivoted to single player and it shows, skill bars with only 3 active skills and a party of 3 instead of the usual 4 for the franchise. They want to be an ARPG with that low amount of active skills to be used but I guess the game does look good even if its a rainbow colored turd, I can't believe I am saying this but AC shadows feels more thought and effort put in compared to this. Rebirth runs circles around this game and it will show when it is released


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Yes, I can see how clowns like Grummz operate, but reducing the issue to saying its a few on the left is not to give it the correct service.

There are not just a few of these lunatic left but hundreds, if not tens of thousands, of them, and they have loud voices.

Then, dismissing their impact on operations and the amount of control they have is, once again, in my opinion, is extremely wrong.

This is not just some lightweight conspiracy issue that is out there but a full-blown problem that has been affecting not only the media but academia, too.

I don't want to get into this debate as it's tedious, but this crap, especially DEI/WOKE, has infected the BBC, THE NHS, and several universities over here in the UK. You can do some simple google searches and find countless articles about it.

These ideologies that put the rights of certain groups above individuals are extremely dangerous. Couple that with highly active, almost militant activists who are prepared to not only hound but deplatform people, and you have an extremely dangerous ideology that has taken root out there.

I do agree that we need to be careful not to read too much into each leaning side of the aisle but rather to find common ground in the middle, as I believe that is where the most sense will be made.

But to constantly dismiss and call one side's points and observations crazy, racist, incels or whatever the dismissive word is, is not going to help the situation in any sense.

Companies like SBI, for example, we have all seen their tweets or comments; they operate with a nefarious agenda. We can not allow people like this to go unchecked. We need to push back against them. Burying one's head or putting one's fingers in one's ears will not make the problem go away.

Also, we don't fix racism with more racism.
This is an extremely important point. I am a progressive leftist, someone who could be easily painted with a "woke" brush. What I stand for is equality and openness to differences, and to reduce the institutional powers that do impose certain racial biases into peoples' daily lives. Such as equality in policing.
But what I see from the "progressive" movement these days that the people in charge are -not- progressive or leftist, because they aren't looking to reduce the power of those institutions, they're looking to take them over for their own benefit. They're seeking to become the ones who hold the racist power and dictate who gets discriminated against. And that's terrible, because it leads to the same dark place we came from.
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
There are not just a few of these lunatic left but hundreds, if not tens of thousands, of them, and they have loud voices.

Then, dismissing their impact on operations and the amount of control they have is, once again, in my opinion, is extremely wrong.

This is not just some lightweight conspiracy issue that is out there but a full-blown problem that has been affecting not only the media but academia, too.

I don't want to get into this debate as it's tedious, but this crap, especially DEI/WOKE, has infected the BBC, THE NHS, and several universities over here in the UK. You can do some simple google searches and find countless articles about it.
And yet most governments are centre or centre right, and are turning far right. Funny how that works, right.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
This is an extremely important point. I am a progressive leftist, someone who could be easily painted with a "woke" brush. What I stand for is equality and openness to differences, and to reduce the institutional powers that do impose certain racial biases into peoples' daily lives. Such as equality in policing.
But what I see from the "progressive" movement these days that the people in charge are -not- progressive or leftist, because they aren't looking to reduce the power of those institutions, they're looking to take them over for their own benefit. They're seeking to become the ones who hold the racist power and dictate who gets discriminated against. And that's terrible, because it leads to the same dark place we came from.
Thank you, this is absolutely where I stand as well.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
This is an extremely important point. I am a progressive leftist, someone who could be easily painted with a "woke" brush. What I stand for is equality and openness to differences, and to reduce the institutional powers that do impose certain racial biases into peoples' daily lives. Such as equality in policing.
But what I see from the "progressive" movement these days that the people in charge are -not- progressive or leftist, because they aren't looking to reduce the power of those institutions, they're looking to take them over for their own benefit. They're seeking to become the ones who hold the racist power and dictate who gets discriminated against. And that's terrible, because it leads to the same dark place we came from.
Yep, it's exactly how Bill Maher explains; he is a liberal, and he did not move; the extreme left did.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
This is an extremely important point. I am a progressive leftist, someone who could be easily painted with a "woke" brush. What I stand for is equality and openness to differences, and to reduce the institutional powers that do impose certain racial biases into peoples' daily lives. Such as equality in policing.
But what I see from the "progressive" movement these days that the people in charge are -not- progressive or leftist, because they aren't looking to reduce the power of those institutions, they're looking to take them over for their own benefit. They're seeking to become the ones who hold the racist power and dictate who gets discriminated against. And that's terrible, because it leads to the same dark place we came from.
So basically, common sense and decency. Unfortunately, they seem to be in short supply.
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24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
You don't agree with my stance; that makes you a Nazi!
This is why I don't engage in these discussions. You say this as a joke but a lot of these discussions are exactly like this. It's either with or against. There is no middle ground. It's impossible for a lot of people to comprehend that you can support something but still be a critical of some of its parts. Can't have that, can we. Have to move to the extreme to prove you support something. It's all so tiring.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
This is why I don't engage in these discussions. You say this as a joke but a lot of these discussions are exactly like this. It's either with or against. There is no middle ground. It's impossible for a lot of people to comprehend that you can support something but still be a critical of some of its parts. Can't have that, can we. Have to move to the extreme to prove you support something. It's all so tiring.
Yep, 100% this: tribalism is a terrible thing.

I would say I am centre-right and conservative in many of my values, but I also believe in many liberal values.

@anonpuffs is left, @Darth Vader is further left, and @JAHGamer is extreme lunitic left, and I can talk to all three of those and, in most cases, find common ground.

So, there is hope for us yet.

Happy Toddlers And Tiaras GIF

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Yep, it's exactly how Bill Maher explains; he is a liberal, and he did not move; the extreme left did.
Americans, Brits, basically the Anglosphere, has this idea that being centre or centre left is somehow communism. The overton window in these countries leans so right that Americans think the democrats are communist 😂.

Please don't insult those that are actually far left and share nothing with these individuals. These are spoiled centre to very centre of left idiots that think they're tough.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Americans, Brits, basically the Anglosphere, has this idea that being centre or centre left is somehow communism. The overton window in these countries leans so right that Americans think the democrats are communist 😂.

Please don't insult those that are actually far left and share nothing with these individuals. These are spoiled centre to very centre of left idiots that think they're tough.
I think the blabbermouths on the internet that try to bully each other over politics aren't actually politically consistent in their own beliefs or ever thought about their politics beyond circlejerking to others in their social circles, in the same way i found that when i went to church... most christians aren't very christian until they get to sunday and go see their peers lol

As if "owning the nazis/commies" online would ever lead to real policy changes. Meanwhile our government is busy robbing the citizenry blind and ensuring any last vestiges of lower d democratic power is wrested away from the people at large and given to their country club buddies and foreign sponsors.