(Opinion) More & more people, including casuals, are starting to notice that there’s no need to truly own a PS console.

25 Jul 2022
Not sure how you read twitter and haven't observed that the 'PS5 has no games' narrative comes from mostly bitter Xbox fans who thought 2024 was the big comeback year after getting ABK.

The narrative resurfaced at the start of the year by fans in denial trying really hard to downplay a packed back-to-back PS5 release schedule.

The Last of Us Part 2: Remastered,
Granblue fantasy relink,
Helldivers 2,
Pacific Drive,
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth,
Rise of the Ronin

Only after Stella Blade's release and quieter months ahead did PS5 "has no games" start back up again.

Over that period Xbox had one major exclusive release in Hell Blade 2....just one.

The rest of the years console exclusives include

Phantom Blade 0,
Lego Horizon Adventures,
Behemoth VR,
Metro: Awakening VR
and many more.

The majority of PS5 games on this list also don't count as games for 'reasons'.

In reality those fans had expectations for 2024 [Xbox HUGE WIN / PS CRUSHED] and hate how things are panning out so make up endless lies and narratives to cope. With the hope the negative perception sticks.

It's really that simple and frankly sad.

There's an xbox fan who's whole persona is making up and posting lies about playstation as news on social media everyday.

#BREAKING followed by some BS.

It's brand loyalty and mental health issues taken to the extreme. They Ironically do this whilst Xbox as a console & brand bleeds out right before there eyes.

PS. This has nothing to do with PC ports or the other reasons you gave. 2024 has been packed so far with plenty still to come. It's Just good old fashioned unprecedented levels of nuclear powered copium.

That's what the thread should have been about.
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22 Jul 2023
This thread is disingenuous, based on thread title I thought OP was going to list personal experiences, but no he commenced listing tweets from haters as his proof PlayStation is falling out of favor with casuals despite it being #1 in sales every month. Ok sure pal, whatever you say.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Some great games all round but a few issues and why people feel like this compared to PS3/PS4 generation.

Lack of true PS5 exclusives -We only currently have one game from the PS Studios owned by Sony that is exclusive to PS5.
Only Spiderman 2. All the other exclusives are on PC or PS4. We all know FF7Part2 and Stellar Blade will be going to PC too.

Last generation all the games were only on Playstation. Now that isnt the case after 3 decades.

So Whether the defenders accept it or not, PS1/PS2/PS3/PS4 had true exclusives at the time,1st, 3rd party exclusives, fans are use to it, remove that and they are gonna feel there is a lack of exclusive games, because they can now be played elsewhere. Simple. We all said the same when Xbox did it, now we are saying the same when Sony do it.

Lack of games and announcements from the main PS owned Studios like ND, Santa Monica. Sony has a change of tactics when it comes to announcing games. Yes yes, we’ve heard it all from the defenders, Sony doesnt want to show games too early, the marketing and fans suppsoedly cant handle more than 1 release date at a time…there brains cant handle or remember it, blah blah blah, we’ve heard it.

Still, fans want to know more, they are use to knowing more, and when you take it away, its another reason they feel they dont have as many games as before. Because they have less to talk about. People did not complain in the PS4 and PS3 era, instead of defending Sony, ask why fans feel like this.

But when it comes to games:
Theres Spiderman 2 from 2023 and Concord and Astrot in 2024. 3 games in 2 years from your owned PS studios, thats why people complain…

Yes Helldivers 2, Rise of Ronin and Stellar Blade and 1st party, and all great but Im talking from the Studios Sony owns.

This isnt the PS1/PS2 generation anymore. 3rd Party exclusives are becoming less and less, and even Studios who make “1st Party” games with Sony dont mean much when it comes to the future, they now normally get bought by someone else or prefer to make Multiplatform games next, like FromSoft, Ninja Theory, Sega and many more. Not surprised if Shift Up and Amber Labs next games are multiplatform from day 1.
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21 Jun 2022
Not sure how you read twitter and haven't observed that the 'PS5 has no games' narrative comes from mostly bitter Xbox fans who thought 2024 was the big comeback year after getting ABK.

The narrative resurfaced at the start of the year by fans in denial trying really hard to downplay a packed back-to-back PS5 release schedule.

The Last of Us Part 2: Remastered,
Granblue fantasy relink,
Helldivers 2,
Pacific Drive,
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth,
Rise of the Ronin

Only after Stella Blade's release and quieter months ahead did PS5 "has no games" start back up again.

Over that period Xbox had one major exclusive release in Hell Blade 2....just one.

The rest of the years console exclusives include

Phantom Blade 0,
Lego Horizon Adventures,
Behemoth VR,
Metro: Awakening VR
and many more.

The majority of PS5 games on this list also don't count as games for 'reasons'.

In reality those fans had expectations for 2024 [Xbox HUGE WIN / PS CRUSHED] and hate how things are panning out so make up endless lies and narratives to cope. With the hope the negative perception sticks.

It's really that simple and frankly sad.

There's an xbox fan who's whole persona is making up and posting lies about playstation as news on social media everyday.

#BREAKING followed by some BS.

It's brand loyalty and mental health issues taken to the extreme. They Ironically do this whilst Xbox as a console & brand bleeds out right before there eyes.

PS. This has nothing to do with PC ports or the other reasons you gave. 2024 has been packed so far with plenty still to come. It's Just good old fashioned unprecedented levels of nuclear powered copium.

That's what the thread should have been about.
I think it's a very tiny minority of the playerbase, not very common to find in Twitter or gaming media -or at least the ones I follow-, I think it's more common to find it in forums, like this one. Just gaming flatearthers anti-Sony haters, some being Xbox / Steam / Nintendo fanboys and other ones who are self-proclaimed Sony fans.

They keep rejecting the fact that is the existance of the Sony games and 3rd party exclusives released and announced, even when somebody remembers them. You just need to read this thread.

I think nothing leads to think it's something widespread or affecting casuals, since casuals mostly play the top performing multiplatform games like Fortnite, GTA, FIFA, CoD etc. and the PS5 userbase is at record numbers in MAU and engagement.

I'd say it's just the typicaly hardcore fanboy wars.
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Icon Extra
12 Jan 2024
Personally, through 3 1/2 years, both the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 have been great and have already surpassed the last two generations for me in the same time period and both will easily surpass the last two generations in general overall when all is said and done. I will never ever understand how anyone could complain about not having any games to play. At that point, those people should probably just quit gaming because they're not gamers anyway. But hey, im more than happy and satisfied with both consoles so I guess to each their own. *shrugs*


10 Jul 2022
People have been crying about no PS5 games since It's launch, so It's nothing new.
(Even though It has more games than PS4 had for it's first 4 years. PS5 just lacks THE game, like Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 4, Halo 2, that made people rush to get the new console)

PS5 has tons of games, but the problem lies in the small announcment windows inbetween SIE releases. They could have revealed Astrobot last year If they wanted to. Add the billions of PC ports to that, and It just feels dire.

Xbox death resulted in the switch of Sony's view on exclusivity and PS Studios games.
Normally, exclusive games were never supposed to be proftable. The idea was to make a huge library of interesting and diverse games, to drive players towards your console. Sadly, the death of competition changed that. Sony no longer has to make you buy a console. Those who play new games on consoles will buy the PlayStation anyways, so why bother right? It's not like they are going to buy a Switch to play 720p/20fps ports of PS3 games.

So now SIE has no excuse to not push towards being profitable. Especially since the costs keep rising, and the PlayStation playerbase doesnt seem to be all that passionate and supportive towards PlayStation's new releases. (60m consoles sold, and only a milion copies of Ronin and stellar blade has been sold. While not terrible, when you compare that to the Switch where Nintendo can just randomly bring back a no name IP like Pikmin and It tends to sell over 5m copies, It just looks pretty bad. Most of the PlayStation playerbase are casuals who play CoD, Fifa and fortnite. The hardcore passionate fanbase is no more than like 5m users)
And just wait until Nintendo's Switch successor releases with CoD on it. It's going to destroy PS5, especially in consideration with Nintendo's own 1st party titles.
Seems both you and OP are still salty about the PC ports, which is getting really old. The tweets never mentioned PC and OP to drive a narrative inferred that PC ports have something to do with Sony 'having no games"

The real reason behind "no games" which is absolutely fake is that games with the production values Sony is known for take a LONG time. If Sony were to port legacy games to PS5 to fill the perceived gaps in between, no one would have any reason to complain.

It's what Nintendo does. The switch was carried by the superior Wii u back catalogue for a long while. And now they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel for remasters. Let's see how the switch 2 pipeline looks when they have to feed a console entirely from scratch with new releases.

Also it's way easier to have "new" games when you have no BC. Nintendo standards are just different, as in way lower.
Nintendo has had plenty of newer games on Switch in comparison to PS5 & Xbox Series X though, even without Wii U ports & other ports/remakes from Nintendo's previous platforms.
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24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
And just wait until Nintendo's Switch successor releases with CoD on it. It's going to destroy PS5, especially in consideration with Nintendo's own 1st party titles.
LMAO. People won;t be buying a Switch to play COD. Especially one that'll be 2 gens old by the time it releases.


25 Mar 2023
Physical media and the very few timed exclusives (like GTA and Final Fantasy) are all that is left.

I bought my PSP, PS3 and PS4 all because of exclusives that I felt like I needed to play, outside of Final Fantasy I haven't felt that way about any PlayStation only game this gen. ASTRO's Playroom and GT7 are Sony best exclusives this gen.


10 Jul 2022
LMAO. People won't be buying a Switch to play COD. Especially one that'll be 2 gens old by the time it releases.
Really? When kids have Nintendo's 1st party titles & they also see CoD on it, they're going to be wanting it.


I am the law
18 Jun 2024
And just wait until Nintendo's Switch successor releases with CoD on it. It's going to destroy PS5, especially in consideration with Nintendo's own 1st party titles.

Nintendo has had plenty of newer games on Switch in comparison to PS5 & Xbox Series X though, even without Wii U ports & other ports/remakes from Nintendo's previous platforms.
The Switch has fortnite, apex and overwatch 2. Don't see them in the top 10 in the Nintendo shop. And why would it do better then cod on phone?