“I’ll stick be sticking with my gaming PC” - What?
It’s weird watching these emotions pour out of publications like PC Gamer. It’s OK to ignore the PS5 Pro. It won't come out of the closet at night to hurt them if they do.
All the posts and articles and tweets about "if you had infinite money why would you still play on console" really get to me.
It's difficult to answer why I prefer playing on a console right now but I have close to 30 years of pc gaming behind me and there are many reasons I just prefer to play on console nowadays.
And then attacks start:
-"you idiot pc is so easy"
-"just click medium, it's like modes on ps5"
-"wealth of settings and hardware options"
-"fix for everything".
I know. I was a pc gamer since 1997. I can do anything on a pc. I can fix any game. It was never a problem. Not when I was 7 and not when I am 35. Now it's super easy, steam forums and pcgamingwiki save you a ton of time. The answerws are right there. Don't even have to experiment.
It's not rocket science. I feel that every "pc gamer" that accuses me or others of this... don't really know anything about pcs themselves if they really think building and using a pc is a rocket science lol. I was building computers and installing windows 98 from a boot fd when I was 7-8. Fixing games, setting up sound cards, irq codes, you even had to add mouse to dos to make it work. But idiots now think they are rocket scientists because they can install drivers and use pcgamingwiki.
that's the only way I can explain the superiority feel of so called pcmr. They are dumber than they think. Otherwise they would know it's all simple, basic, not worth bragging about stuff.
But then why I play on console if pc is so easy?
just because I feel like so. I want to put in the disc and play the experience handed to me by the developer. Exactly as they intended. Specially prepared with all the limitations in mind. Currently I also love the 3d audio, pulse3d and dualsense integration, the general experience. It's just so care free and easy. I used to be obsessed and ocd about my game settings and framerates. But I found out that on consoles I just play. And these new consoles are so cool for me with screenshot button too. It's right there, I don't even have to reach for f10 key (my usual binding for screenshots). At least they fixed hdr tonemapping to sdr screenshot in steam finally.
So no. It doesn't have to be rational or thought out. Game can run 100fps more on pc and I don't care. Sure I still play on pc but I choose ps5 more this gen. It is my main platform.
Also another thing is that pc makes me feel like a fucking tool recently. everything is digital, nvidia shits in our mouths, constant feel the need to uprade and there are stll small considerations and problems with each game and that's a fact even if it's only an annoyance. Meanwhile I can spend 400-500 (or 700$ pro bucks) to just have fun without waiting for pc release, have the disc and play.