Outriders; WorldSlayer expansion June the 30th.

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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Outriders Worldslayer, which launches June 30, is designed to be the supreme version of Outriders and has been developed with both new players and veterans in mind. While Worldslayer content does pick up after the events of Outriders, any player can start with Worldslayer content even before playing the Outriders content. Worldslayer will allow players to carry over their existing characters, or create an entirely new Level 30 character with direct access to Worldslayer content. It’s a great time to bring friends on board who might have missed Outriders the first time around as you will all start Worldslayer on equal footing. And don’t worry - thanks to the timeline, you can still go back and play Outriders content even if you start with Worldslayer.

If you’ve watched our Worldslayer Reveal Spotlight or perhaps even tuned in for our full reveal Broadcast, you’ll likely already have caught glimpses of some of the new things coming to Worldslayer. As is tradition, we of course want to provide a bit more detail on all those things right here in the community - let’s take a look!

New Campaign, New Enemies, New Environments
  • Outriders Worldslayer introduces a brand new, standalone story campaign that you can jump into even if you haven’t played the original story.
  • The new campaign will focus on the Outrider facing up against Ereshkigal(phonetically: “EH-RESH-KE-GAL”), the commander of a new human faction called the Insurgents against the backdrop of Enoch’s climate undergoing cataclysmic changes.
    • Ereshkigal may well be considered “The First Altered”.
  • Throughout Worldslayer you will of course also be traveling to new locations. You can see footage from the Glacier’s Edge and Driftwater environments in press coverage this week. Both are environments from relatively early on in the campaign.
  • Worldslayer will introduce new enemy variants as well as some entirely new adversaries and bosses. You may have spotted some of them in our Spotlight already and we do plan on showcasing more of them in the future via our social channels.

New Gear
  • Outriders Worldslayer will of course introduce a host of new gear, both in terms of weaponry and armour.
  • Each class will be getting dedicated new 5-piece Legendary Armour Sets.
  • Worldslayer does also introduce a few new 3-piece Legendary Armour Sets, which will be universally equipableby all classes. These will have their own set bonuses as well.
    • Note: Some of the previous Legendary Armour Sets and Mods will also be reworked as part of the Worldslayer launch! We’ll talk more about these at or shortly before launch.
  • Each new Legendary Gear piece introduced in Worldslayer also comes with a new Mod.
  • We’re planning to show off some of the special Gear you can obtain in Worldslayer on our social channels between now and launch - make sure to follow us there if you’re interested!

New PAX Class Trees
  • Outriders Worldslayer introduces a new class tree: The PAX tree.
  • The PAX tree is a separate class tree from the existing three branches you’re familiar with and it requires it’s own PAX points to activate nodes within it.
  • PAX points are acquired at certain points in Worldslayer that are based on general progress rather than a specific level grind.
  • The PAX tree itself is comprised of 2 branches for each class, though similar to the main skill tree, these are interlinked.
  • Each node in the PAX tree is equivalent to the major nodes in the original class trees, so every choice you make in the PAX tree will be impactful to the performance of your Outrider.
  • Just like the main skill tree, the PAX tree can be freely respec'd.
  • The idea behind the PAX tree is to allow players to either specialize further into a specific direction or to better enable hybrid builds.
  • The branches of each PAX tree are called:
    • Pyromancer
      • Gunblazer
      • Pyromaniac
    • Technomancer
      • Desolator
      • Overseer
    • Devastator
      • Wrecker
      • Tectonic Shifter
    • Trickster
      • Spectre
      • Exploiter
  • The PAX tree will unlock at level 30 after you start playing the Worldslayer campaign.

New Ascension System
  • Outriders Worldslayer introduces a new long-term progression system called Ascension.
  • The idea of Ascension is to give your continued play an ongoing “next level” to work towards alongside regular play.
  • Continued Ascension by itself does not unlock or gate better gear or content. It is purely designed to make you stronger.
  • The Ascension system is currently balanced so that it would take you hundred+ hours to fully complete it.
  • Leveling up Ascension is done by collecting exp from killing enemies. It is only available from Character Level 30 onwards and with Worldslayer installed.
  • XP earned after Level 30 will go towards Ascension Levels which in turn provide you with Ascension Points.
  • You will be able to invest your Ascension Points into any of the four Ascension categories: Brutality, Endurance, Prowess or Anomaly.
  • Each of these categories have five options in which to invest.
    • For example, you could invest your points to reduce your cooldowns, increase your life or resistances or output more damage.
  • Each option in each category can have up to 10 Ascension Points invested into it.
  • You can reach level 200 Ascension in Worldslayer, for a total of 200 Ascension Points. At 200 Ascension Points, you will have completely filled out each option in each category.
  • You can mix and match where you invest your points and you can always freely respec your Ascension Point distribution.
  • Like the newly introduced PAX Tree, Ascension is intended to allow players to either supercharge a specific build or to better create a hybrid build that works across multiple playstyles.

Introducing the Apocalypse System + Third Mod Slot
  • As a reminder, the Tiers systems in Outriders allow each player to fine-tune the difficulty of the game to their own needs. Higher Tiers mean higher difficulty but also improved rewards and the ability to equip higher-level gear.
  • Outriders Worldslayer introduces a new Apocalypse system that heavily impacts your Max Gear Equip level, the Difficulty Tiers system and, most importantly, Loot.
  • Challenge Tiers are being replaced by Apocalypse Tiers.
    • This change will affect all versions of Outriders, even if you do not have Worldslayer installed.
  • Apocalypse Tiers will determine not just the difficulty and reward scaling of Expeditions but also of all Worldslayer content (campaign and endgame).
  • Apocalypse Tiers will go up to Tier 40and will act as a natural extension of World Tiers which do still remain in place for the original Outriders campaign. The original Outriders campaign can, however, be played using Apocalypse Tiers instead, should you have Worldslayer installed.
    • The max Apocalypse Tier you can unlock by completing Expeditions content in the base game (without Worldslayer installed) is 15.
    • With Worldslayer installed, you can still play Expeditions to continue unlocking higher Apocalypse Tiers above Tier 15.
    • At Apocalypse Tier 15, your Max Gear Equip Level will still be Level 50, as it currently is.
    • At Apocalypse Tier 40, your Max Gear Equip Level will be Level 75, which is the new gear level cap.
  • When playing above a certain Apocalypse Tier, there will be a chance for Apocalypse Gear to drop.
    • Apocalypse Gear pieces are special variants of Epic and Legendary Gear pieces in the game.
    • Apocalypse Gear pieces have three mod slots.
    • Apocalypse Gear can currently only be obtained through drops, it cannot be crafted.
    • You can identify Apocalypse Gear by a special icon when hovering over it.

New Endgame
  • While Apocalypse Tiers do cross over into Expeditions content, Outriders Worldslayer will actually be introducing its own, dedicated Endgame. An Endgame that Worldslayer has actually been specifically designed around.
  • The campaign in Worldslayer will take you to the ancient city of Tarya Gratar (Phonetically: Tar-ya Gra-Ta), the cradle of the PAX civilization, where the Trial of Tarya Gratar awaits.
  • That’s about all the information we’re ready to share regarding the Endgame at this moment in time. Our next Broadcast will be focusing specifically on the Trial of Tarya Gratar, so you’ll know exactly what to expect.
  • Don’t worry though: The Trial of Tarya Gratar does not contain any timed elements.
I am personally looking forward to playing outriders, a lot has changed since its very shaky start. The outrider's new horizon patch really did freshen up the game and this new expansion should be looking to further enhance it.

So what say you guys, anyone here looking forward to this game?

Love to hear your feedback.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I haven't even completed the original campaign TBH.... I have to finish Horizon FW first and then I still have several games waiting...

This will probably be something for me to do in late summer I feel.

I hope the studio makes money this time.
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