PC Gaming Show


6 Jan 2024
Let me guess, you are some sort of PC master racer, that wants all non PC games to die if they are not getting ported to PC so you can pirate them or buy them for 90% off on Steam's deep sales. How unsurprising.
You're wrong.

I'm a console gamer through and through who has gone with PC this gen, just like I did when the Dreamcast died, before jumping into the OG Xbox. I'm an old sega fan, so the DC won out over the PS2.

Console has become the dominating 'side' of gaming and that balance is bad, very bad, for all concerned. Consoles were never about the highest end graphics, they were about affordable, and often unique, hardware that pushed the boundaries. Carmacks quote of "a console is twice the tf of a pc" rang true up until this gen, when consoles betrayed themselves.

Don't get me wrong. PS5 is a freaking awesome piece of kit, PSVR2 gets me more excited about any gaming related release since the Xbox (DC2). But, Sony have released a console too powerful for its own good, and with it, comes a massive price tag and an identity crisis.

Look at the PS4, a sexy design, cheap as chips price tag, moderate power but holy shit could they squeeze the impossible out of that thing. So good infact, that it can run Horizon 2 so well that it competes with the PS5.

Microsoft are a weird one, who the fuck knows what they're trying to do, but it seems like they're trying to resurrect the corpse of GFWL and go to war with steam on a platform they don't own, while acting like they do.

Just look at the state of the industry. Look at the slop that's been shown this week for PC, PS5, Xbox. It's all tick-box, cookie-cutter, corporate board-room design-by-numbers dross. With very few exceptions, the majority is either DOA or forgettable.

The industry is more concerned about giving you a safe product and service, instead of giving us a unique experience.

Right now I'm playing on an ultra-setting 1080p machine that I got for less than the price of a modern console. I don't need 4k because why would I? £1500 for a GPU to play modern slop in 4k@60 is a piss take. I'm going through the games I missed when I was playing consoles and I couldn't be happier.

Hopefully the industry crashes, resets, and we get back to unique experiences, made by artists for the love of their craft, like we did from early 90s all the way through to 2010 (at the latest).

Holy fuck that was a long message.