Phil Spencer is the reason why xbox it's failing, Microsoft made a big mistake to put Phil as a CEO at Xbox. He has to go.


21 Jun 2022
"of course" as if i'm a crypto-xbot.


yet again, i don't care what you wrote previously or other shit.

you write a comment, i respond to said comment.

you made a comment that he is not responsible, ''but of course'' means, you are trying look like he isn't responsible.
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Active member
7 Feb 2024
I think Phil was also a mistake, but you also have to remember who's his overlord; Microsoft. Just look at how Microsoft treated the Surface division and even Windows phone.

Microsoft is REALLY bad in consumer spaces, and that's due to their corporate culture being the root culture. Microsoft is bad at all things consumer and creativity. They can't even help themselves from not spoiling their most consumer facing product (Windows 11) with their AI bullshit.


Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
phil spencer should not have been xbox ceo
he said only lies over the years
lied about xbox series x power
he didn't keep many promises
lied about xbox games quality
phil is the enemy of xbox he killed xbox and made it a disaster

i don't know how people think phil saved xbox, phil actually made xbox worse

If you are going to make a thread about a specific position someone holds in the gaming sector for the love of god please actually put time into it. Like why not do a deep dive into phil's career and departments he's work in? Look at where they were when he was in power? Then maybe compare that to someone else who has held that same position.

Put some actual thought into your thread instead of making a shit post thread thats filled with mostly twitter style substance.

@BloodMod I think this needs either be revaluated and expanded upon with actual thought or closed.
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
If you are going to make a thread about a specific position someone holds in the gaming sector for the love of god please actually put time into it. Like why not do a deep dive into phil's career and departments he's work in? Look at where they were when he was in power? Then maybe compare that to someone else who has held that same position.

Put some actual thought into your thread instead of making a shit post thread thats filled with mostly twitter style substance.

@BloodMod I think this needs either be revaluated and expanded upon with actual thought or closed.
I did add a somewhat less full-out nuclear suggestion reply to the Op.

God dammit @Papacheeks, beast mode enabled. :love:
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21 Jun 2022
I think Phil got the company in an awful state and even if in the short term hasn't made a great job, specially regarding studio management and first party roadmap, I think that at the cost of killing their console (something I think MS started to slowly do before him) in the long term they will become a relevant top player fighting closely with Sony and Tencent for the top 1 position of top grossing companies.

Reason being that AAA are becoming too expensive to be released only on a single console, and at the same time the hardware from consoles, PC and mobile/tablet is becoming more and more similar. So I think in the future we'll see a MS, Sony, Nintendo, Valve, Epic, Google, Apple stores that will allow you buy or play their games with crossbuy in the versions of this store in their console, PC, PC handhelds, mobile/tablet, natively or (also in smart tvs) in the cloud.

I think MS will be the first one to implement this and thanks to their big catalog and 1st party output, which I assume all these teams they bought some day will start releasing periodically good enough stuff, and doing so in all platforms including rival consoles day one.

I think Sony and Nintendo will also do it, but later and only releasing their console games in their own console.

In the Sony vs MS fight, I think Sony will continue performing better in console thanks to better hardware and 3rd party sales, but in terms of 1st party for console I think MS will sell more. I think Sony will become a larger publisher in PC than MS becoming minimum top 5 publisher in Steam, and in mobile I think MS will continue ahead of Sony, even if I think Sony will climb way higher than where they are now.

In the overal total gaming revenue I think Sony will be first, second Tencent and 3rd MS but with a relatively low distance.
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Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
People should do a custom google search because I found this stuff interesting:

Sept. 15, 2009

Microsoft's Phil Spencer promoted, Shane Kim retiring​

Microsoft Game Studios general manager will become corporate vice president, as 19-year company veteran announces plans to step down.

One year and three months ago, Phil Spencer was appointed general manager of Microsoft Game Studios. On Tuesday, Microsoft announced that the executive has once again been promoted, this time to corporate vice president of Microsoft Game Studios. The first-party publishing label has been responsible for such Xbox 360 exclusives as Gears of War 2 and Fable II, and will distribute the forthcoming Halo 3: ODST and Alan Wake.
Shane Kim served as the division's general manager. In 2001, the division was renamed Microsoft Game Studios (MGS). FASA Studio and Salt Lake Games Studio remained with Microsoft Game Studios. Digital Anvil and Ensemble Studios were acquired by Microsoft in 2000 and 2001, respectively.

Guy was responsible for the good days of xbox/xbox360.

Minute he stepped down Spencer came in and rode out xb360's gameplan which was already in place. Didn't change anything and went along with Xbox one. Now that he's been in full charge since 2014, in my eyes identity wise xbox is in a worse place and has spent more money and gained less.


27 Jun 2023
he plans to put other storefronts on the Xbox console, it will change Xbox forever and it will have massive ramifications on Xbox itself, if sales on the platform are already low on their own storefront right now, imagine if they alow other storefronts on the console? it will destroy Xbox even further and in the future it will put regulators against wall garden consoles like PlayStation and Nintendo, it will screw our consoles too so that all consoles need to have other storefronts, this man is destroying the entire industry and accelarating the death of console gaming at an insane pace


27 Jun 2023
he should've been gone 10 years ago, he's not even qualified to be a janitor
he was the only one actively on Satya's ear pushing for these acquisitions... now look at everything that's happening, GamePass is destructive to gaming
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27 Jun 2023
someone needs to stop him before it's too late

Tons of Xbox fans & gamers in general make fun of don matrick but if you really see it don matrick vision of gaming & entertainment was 10 years ahead. Xbox console still has drm they push gamepass which is drm anti ownership. Entertainment is a big part of gaming Phill really hasn’t done shit then killed Xbox. Xbox downfall fell under Phill consoles where killed by day n date PC, Gamepass killed game sells in console, Xbox entire console was undermined & cannibalize.

All Phill did was spend nearly 100 billion taking Xbox from 3rd place to no place. Xbox consoles dead Xbox game sells dead, Xbox subscription dead now they have to go to PS & Nintendo soon they’ll release first party Xbox games on those platform like a true 3rd party publisher.

Its still crazy he got to keep his job for 7 years while all stats under him where down spiraling
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27 Feb 2024
Eh he needs to stay at least an year, we haven't seen a complete surrender yet. I would be happiest when Bugthesda shuts down and Phil and Todd walk off with a golden parachute, The memes will be legendary.

My hope is Phil stays till xbox is destroyed then Satya promotes him to microsoft core businesses and then we can see the downfall of microsoft as well
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Active member
13 Feb 2023
Phil reports to Satya and Satya reports to shareholders and investors who are now asking why they are not getting an roi on xbox.


Active member
1 Sep 2023
If Phil leaves and someone like Shawn Layden comes to Xbox, maybe this time they can release a good game. But repairing what Phil has done will take a lot.