Playstation Protection Unit


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Let's face it: it's been a tough time for our Xbox friends this generation.

-The world's most powerful console did not work out; it has seen itself constantly being outperformed by a system that not only costs less to make but has weaker specs on paper.

-The Tools failed to fix anything.

-You were promised amazing titles and got Redfall and Starfield.

And now, Microsoft's own beloved leadership has decided to stab all of its loyal fans in the back.

We know it's been terrible; we know you have felt like pulling the plug on a daily basis, But fear not, my Xbox friends, for we at Icon-Era have a perfect solution for you all.

It's called the PlayStation Protection Unit.

Actual Picture of Dynimate cop being relocated after Starfield release.

With a few simple clicks, you can not only register on our site but add a new name to conceal your identity from your mistakes of the past.

Just think about it: a new name means no more shame, no more being treated as a lesser person, and finally, you will be able to be proud of owning your very own game library and a good one at that.

To those of you who have been let down, it's finally time to cast off the chains of mediocrity and join us here at Icon-Era.

To the less fortunate out there

To Adamapple, CatLady, Riky, SenjutsuSage, Bernd Lauert and many other betrayed fanboys, this is your chance to right the wrongs of the past.

All you need to do is come across and swear your allegiance to the God of Cerny, and all your troubles will simply melt away.

This special offer is also open to butthurt PC fanboys who saw the graphical excellence in the Deathstranding two's video. (Thinking of you Vfx-vet)

will smith mib GIF

Think about it: NO MORE PAIN.


21 Jun 2022
There was talk about creating a support circle subscription $9.99/month to capitalize on this pain, but I think this is a better solution
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Reactions: Sircaw


28 Jun 2022
Let's face it: it's been a tough time for our Xbox friends this generation.

-The world's most powerful console did not work out; it has seen itself constantly being outperformed by a system that not only costs less to make but has weaker specs on paper.

-The Tools failed to fix anything.

-You were promised amazing titles and got Redfall and Starfield.

And now, Microsoft's own beloved leadership has decided to stab all of its loyal fans in the back.

We know it's been terrible; we know you have felt like pulling the plug on a daily basis, But fear not, my Xbox friends, for we at Icon-Era have a perfect solution for you all.

It's called the PlayStation Protection Unit.
View attachment 4006

Actual Picture of Dynimate cop being relocated after Starfield release.

With a few simple clicks, you can not only register on our site but add a new name to conceal your identity from your mistakes of the past.

Just think about it: a new name means no more shame, no more being treated as a lesser person, and finally, you will be able to be proud of owning your very own game library and a good one at that.

To those of you who have been let down, it's finally time to cast off the chains of mediocrity and join us here at Icon-Era.

To the less fortunate out there

To Adamapple, CatLady, Riky, SenjutsuSage, Bernd Lauert and many other betrayed fanboys, this is your chance to right the wrongs of the past.

All you need to do is come across and swear your allegiance to the God of Cerny, and all your troubles will simply melt away.

This special offer is also open to butthurt PC fanboys who saw the graphical excellence in the Deathstranding two's video. (Thinking of you Vfx-vet)

will smith mib GIF

Think about it: NO MORE PAIN.
Im dead! Great thread but buddy you now have a bullseye on your back! Join the club though I've had one since my Xbox to PS5 migration thread 😂😂


25 Mar 2023
What we need is a unit to identify and keep track of Xbots so that they won't infiltrate other gaming communities. They deserve to be shamed for years to come.

I heard many Xbots are trying to move to Argentina to start a new life and pay less for games.


25 Mar 2023
May i ask why you bought a 360?

Lol, no I played Halo in 2003 when it first launched on PC and I was severely unimpressed (could not finish it and to this day I never did despite trying multiple time, it's way too boring).

Alan Wake and GTAV is how they got me. At the time I wasn't smart enough to figure out the game would eventually release on PC.

Funny enough what got me on PlayStation was Heavy Rain (and Xbox sucking so much). I had a PSP but did not own a PS1 or PS2.
24 Jun 2022

Lol, no I played Halo in 2003 when it first launched on PC and I was severely unimpressed (could not finish it and to this day I never did despite trying multiple time, it's way too boring).

Alan Wake and GTAV is how they got me. At the time I wasn't smart enough to figure out the game would eventually release on PC.

Funny enough what got me on PlayStation was Heavy Rain (and Xbox sucking so much). I had a PSP but did not own a PS1 or PS2.

Heavy Rain was awesome. Would play it again if I had a PS3.


29 Jun 2023
From the battlefield, Sony prevails.

But is there a new challenger from the West, some company with the name of a fruit. And so it being, the third Holy War.
  • Heart
Reactions: MiyazakiLovesKojima


28 Jun 2022
now offering therapy sessions
first order of business, sell your xbox and get a ps5, wash the stink of defeat off of you and become a winner

Doctor Help GIF by Apple TV+
Second phase..

No more Doritos and Mountain Dew

Third phase throw away Xbox fridge avd toaster

  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Sircaw