Principal Monetization Designer who joined Naughty Dog to work on TLOU2 MP under a year ago just left the studio [Naughty Dog Central]

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
I don't have to have played it to know the story is dumb why are you pressed that I wasn't interested in playing it

I'm not pressed, I just find it funny that the people that shit on the game's story have, for the most part, not played it.


Dixon Cider Ltd.
22 Jun 2022
Quick off the top of head MTX to add to TLOU online:

  • Hats
  • Masks
  • Taunts
  • Execution animations
  • Purchasable small/large/extra slot weapons
  • Loadout skills
Turn from in-match earnable upgrades:
  • One use booster perks
  • Cheaper ammo refills
  • Cheaper armor upgrade amount
  • Cheaper weapon upgrade amount
New things they can monteize:
  • Tshirt, pants, shoes
  • New Weapons and weapon skins (bat, cricket bat, wood plank etc).
  • Blue Can Supplies split into food/drink items for hunger/thirst survival/base management mechanics?
  • Homebase "shop vendor"? Money collectable item?
  • Gas canisters with x amount of gas in them for firing up boats, cars, motorbikes, boats, whatever other vehicles we've had in Sony games... Horses?
  • Gas mask for avoiding spores/accessing inaccessable areas of map/world. Timed consumable which cracks and you have to find or buy again?
  • New dlc locations, even if segmented like Division 2's helicoptor trip dlc goes back to Division 1.
  • New modes/missisons with different setups (say PvPvinfevted etc).
C'mon, im stoned right now ffs. It's not too hard to think of stuff.

This stuff has been wanted since 2013. We wanted PvPvI mode since b4 left behind dlc showed rudimentary promise of it with AI clickers attacking AI enemies and we could interact.