PS Stars "Returning Soon" in regional rollout


10 Jan 2023
This is how gamers act surprised when these companies screw them over with bigger and bigger rug-pulls as time goes on. No matter how big or small, if a company is meant to provide a service and that service isn't provided when it should, customers should speak up on it. It doesn't mean you're vitally dependent on that service or that it's some great sin it wasn't there. This is merely about the principal of the matter.

Show you don't care, don't be surprised when these companies take it for granted and find other ways to nickel-and-dime you. Once you finally care to notice, it'll be too late to do anything.

Consumer insouciance. It's a real problem these days.

Fine, that's your choice. But you should remember, you have the choice to take that approach in gaming because of other people who did and do in fact care about voicing for their best interests in the industry as customers, and as hobbyists. For some, it was/is even out of passion for gaming as an art form.

Their efforts and care are why you can chill back and not care about something like this.
Yeah bro I hear you but im not gaming activist, Doubt ill ever care to notice, I've been gaming 23+ years and seen all the bullshit. Sony is not the best with their customer service (hence my first post) I accepted that back in the PS3 era, it's very predictable of them. At the end of the day, I still enjoy gaming on the platform.


Active member
15 Dec 2023
So is it a bit like Nintendo loyality points? Where if you preorder the game you get double points etc? It was quite useful before
I had no idea PS Stars was like that
Not just preorders but for all digitial purchases. Obviously if u buy full price u get more points. Like 1200-1250 for $5 think u get like 700 or so maybe bit more for a $70 new buy. So u can get some here in there if u buy a few a year, maybe put it towards that game on sale
  • Shake
Reactions: Kokoloko


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Not just preorders but for all digitial purchases. Obviously if u buy full price u get more points. Like 1200-1250 for $5 think u get like 700 or so maybe bit more for a $70 new buy. So u can get some here in there if u buy a few a year, maybe put it towards that game on sale
Nice. I had no idea