Remedy Entertainment Trademarks Its Next Game, Firebreak

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States
Remedy Entertainment, known for their atmospheric storytelling and deep lore in games like “Control” and “Alan Wake,” has recently filed a trademark, possibly for the studio’s next game. The trademark in question, filed under the name “FBC: Firebreak,” hints at a new venture that could be related to the studio’s existing franchises, likely a subtitle for Control 2.

The filing, dated January 8, 2024, covers a range of goods and services, from computer gaming software to multimedia production. The inclusion of both downloadable and recorded game programs, as well as music and video production, hints at a large-scale project with potential multimedia tie-ins. This could suggest that “FBC: Firebreak” may be more than just a game—it could extend into other media formats, perhaps even a television series or cinematic films.



Active member
10 Jan 2024
Actually there is an update on this story. They registered a new domain which might be linked to this trademarks.

From reddit:

"It's difficult to affirm that this domain has been registered 100% by them. Some people may argue that it's registered by Remedy Entertainment LTD, not Oy, but they have different legitimate website registered under that name:

Their website also doesn't necessarily have to be on their servers. For instance, shares the same registrar, Network Solutions LLC, with name servers and

The strangest aspect is the registrant state and country being listed as Florida, USA. It could have been a mistake during registration, or they might have asked another company to register this domain, such as PERFECT PRIVACY, LLC (from Florida), which also registered a different domain,, one month before the trademark.'"