Report: Avowed, Fable to be in the Xbox Games Showcase

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

Because four sources I've spoken with have confirmed that both Avowed and Fable will be shown at the Xbox Games Showcase. These new trailers will as promised not be CG like the ones used to announce the games, but instead give us an indication of what they'll actually look and play like.

The showcase won't just include anticipated first-party games that have been rumoured either, as two of the sources have also told me the long-awaited remake of Persona 3 will be confirmed at the Xbox Games Showcase, so we're not just getting western RPGs on Sunday.


21 Jun 2022
These new trailers will as promised not be CG like the ones used to announce the games, but instead give us an indication of what they'll actually look and play like.
Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF


25 Mar 2023
I mean, imagine if all those games announced in 2020 or even in 2019 don't show up when Xbox is having a disastrous market performance.

To me that is the bare minimum and is likely not enough to even change anything. Xbox is lucky Sony shit the bed and handled them this opportunity.

What does that even mean lmao, not CG but not Gameplay? Just an In-engine vertical slice?
"Captured in engine"
24 Jun 2022
For Avowed I'm expecting actual gameplay (it needs to be running on a Series X). Fable might have some vertical slice gameplay spliced in with in-engine cinematic footage, but I'm expecting that one to mainly be a story trailer to introduce the plot and some characters. Any gameplay there is probably gonna be brief cuts of a few seconds here and there, at most.

That said, it's a good thing they'll be there, and they need to be there. It's part of the bare minimum. Everwild and Hellblade 2 should be there too, IMO. The former at least with a story trailer or something to let us know what the game might actually play like. The latter needs a more substantial gameplay demo that shows off new systems and part of the game loop.

And it wouldn't hurt them to have a story trailer in-engine for State of Decay 3, either, but that game might be pretty far out.

Avowed, Fable and Hellblade 2 already makes this year's showcase better than last year's showcase for me.

Well, that's going to depend on what they show, exactly. Avowed & Hellblade 2 should be targeting 2024 releases, but if there's no gameplay for the former, even all this time later, that's a problem. If they show off Hellblade 2 but the gameplay is comparable to what they showed in 2021 at the TGAs, that won't be enough because it won't show off what's new in the game mechanics or the game loop (or just a part of it).

Just getting an in-engine story trailer for Fable would be enough; it seems more like a 2025 release from knowing the state of things on its development ATM, but that's okay. Just as long as it doesn't suffer an internal delay due to any other issues, that is.


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
In engine these days has gotten really good. Insomniac's spider-man and the notorious, for its time, Uncharted 4 promo come to mind just to name a few.

Better than CGI but still somewhat misleading + there is always the Halo Infinite trap that will haunt Xbox for quite a while as far as I'm concerned + the Hellblade 2 doubts. Sony ships and delivers as close and best as possible to those "in engine" slices... Xbox does not. That is the main difference.


Well, that's going to depend on what they show, exactly. Avowed & Hellblade 2 should be targeting 2024 releases, but if there's no gameplay for the former, even all this time later, that's a problem. If they show off Hellblade 2 but the gameplay is comparable to what they showed in 2021 at the TGAs, that won't be enough because it won't show off what's new in the game mechanics or the game loop (or just a part of it).

Just getting an in-engine story trailer for Fable would be enough; it seems more like a 2025 release from knowing the state of things on its development ATM, but that's okay. Just as long as it doesn't suffer an internal delay due to any other issues, that is.

I'm expecting Hellblade 2 gameplay trailer to feature real time combat and the environments. As for Avowed, im expecting a general gameplay trailer showing off the combat, the world and the magic in the game. But we'll see. Either way, im expecting pure gameplay for both games.

I'm hoping Fable is similar to The Witcher 3 gameplay trailer at E3 2013. About two minutes, shows the world, environments, a little combat, while also giving some info about the story and characters. I get this and I'll be very happy.
24 Jun 2022
I'm expecting Hellblade 2 gameplay trailer to feature real time combat and the environments. As for Avowed, im expecting a general gameplay trailer showing off the combat, the world and the magic in the game. But we'll see. Either way, im expecting pure gameplay for both games.

Similar thoughts. Again though, the Hellblade 2 gameplay has to be a lot more in-depth than what they showed in 2021, and show some of the stuff members of the team have been hyping up about the game being "much more ambitious and bigger" than the last one. Another linear corridor sequence with little in the way of player actions won't cut it.

Avowed should be more or less what you described. They will both probably have some cutscenes, but should most likely be in-engine and part of whatever gameplay segments get shown off. I'm also hoping Avowed's artstyle is closer to the CG trailer and not what Jez Corden was talking about because if that's the case, it's gonna look like another Sea of Thieves :/

I'm hoping Fable is similar to The Witcher 3 gameplay trailer at E3 2013. About two minutes, shows the world, environments, a little combat, while also giving some info about the story and characters. I get this and I'll be very happy.

It probably won't be gameplay, but I'd settle for in-engine sequences showing off the things you described. Fable is probably further out, I'd say at least 2025, so they would probably save in-game gameplay for later.

They could probably release some screenshots of gameplay later down the line this year or whatever, though.