Rumor: Windows Central believes Hellblade 2 is coming this year


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Jez said as much on the last Defining Duke, didn't he? It was real wishywashy, though. A "it would make sense" type of thing.


30 Aug 2022
Meh, don't think that series has much mindshare. I certainly never cared about it or anything Ninja Theory did.
Its only had one game in its series and it wasn't a AAA game. The sequel should gain a good amount of mindshare (assuming its good). Especially since it will be a UE5 showcase


28 Jun 2022
People actually care about this game?
Only a few with some having hopes it'll be the savior along with Starfield. I'm lukewarm to it as the first was some flash but little substance and restricted as hell.

Ppl think Microsoft would give it a bigger budget but with gamepass and the games like Redfall that have come out I kind of doubt that. We shall see.


21 Jun 2022
This video is only a fan with no insider info mentioning his wishes and guesses.

The game director said a year ago that they were in preproduction working on the vertical slice.

So no, this game won't be released this (or next) year because AAA games aren't released with less than a year of full production and this game was supposed to be bigger than the previous one.

I guess we'll see, but didn't that game just go into full production not long ago?
A year ago they were working on the vertical slice before moving to full production. In December they shown some in-engine bit that seemed to be part of the vertical slice.

Assuming (maybe it isn't the case) that the vertical slice was already completed and approved back then, they would have moved to full production late 2022 or early 2023.

And well, at the end of production AAA games also need around half a year or a year focused on bugfixing, tweaking, optimizing etc.

So no, this game won't be released in 2023 or 2024 unless they axed the original idea of making the sequel bigger and more ambitious than the first one and turned it instead into a 2 or 3 hours linear experience where a big portion of it are cinematics or something like that.
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23 Jul 2022
Haha no chance. I keep seeing Xbox fans mentioning Hellblade 2 maybe coming this year. I guess this is why.

Might come out next year. The first game was basically a seven hour walking simulator.


As someone who purchased, played and completed the first game back in 2017 at launch, im looking forward to seeing what the combat and visuals look like when actually playing as im a huge fan of Ninja Theory but im hoping and staying with March 2024. I'll have at least 5+ games starting in September and I don't need another. Plus I don't want to see a huge gap. No need for a shotgun blast, spread out your games Microsoft.
24 Jun 2022
It's not coming this year. But, I think it has a good chance of coming next year alongside Avowed, which would be pretty good for MS software-wise.

They're not going to shortchange Starfield just a couple months after its release, and that's assuming Starfield isn't delayed out of September into, say, November. I think whatever Sony does for Spiderman 2 will dictate MS adjusting Starfield's date by a month or two.