Guerrilla named it Decimal long before they even demoed it to Kojima. Guerrilla doesn't have splash screens for it because they don't have to, as they own the engine. Any licensee, like Kojima, is contractually bound to have the splash screen.
You really ought to learn about things before acting like you know.
Or like the old proverb says "be sure brain is in gears before engaging mouth".
What? lol
You guys have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
"With us it was always just called ‘the engine’, but now it is officially the Decima Engine. A nice reference to the centuries-old trade relationship between the Netherlands and Japan." - Angie Smets, Guerrilla Games
Waar een klein land groot in kan zijn? Guerrilla Games weet het wel. De grootste gamestudio van Nederland is een van dé kroonjuwelen van Sony's interactieve divisie. De hofleverancier voor PlayStation scoort wereldwijd met hun nieuwste spel: Horizon Zero Dawn. Gefluisterd prijskaartje voor het...
"According to executive producer Angie Smets, Decima was originally known simply as "the engine" by Guerrilla employees, as there were initially no plans to publicly offer this technology to game developers outside of the company. However, the newly forged partnership with Kojima Productions meant that Guerrilla suddenly had to give the engine a name for marketing purposes; they chose to name it after
Dejima, the Japanese island where a
Dutch Empire trading post appeared in the 17th century and once symbolized the strong
trade relations between Japan and the Netherlands.
"In fact, prior to offering the engine, Guerrilla Games didn't even have a name for the tech. Hulst and Kojima came up with the word Decima, which is the name of
an artificial island in the bay of Nagasaki.
Fittingly, the Decima island (also called Dejima) was built in 1634 as a home for Portuguese traders; Japan's way of limiting their influence on the country. The Dutch later moved to the island in 1641, making it Japan's only trade port with the rest of the world."
During an interview at Reboot Develop today, Guerrilla Games co-founder Hermen Hulst talked a little bit about how the collaboration with Kojima Productions...
"Now the name, tell us a bit about the branding of this. You said Hermen its is an engine you guys have been working on but hasn't had this name before. So is this a joint collaboration to come up with this name? What does the name mean?"
"In Japan its called Dejima. ... so actually Netherlands and Japan have a very long history of collaboration, of being close togother and having the name of the engine be Decima, Dejima in Japanese, its a fantastic touch by Hermen."