Sony is unbelievably stupid for not leaning into the Astro franchise.


21 Jun 2022
Aren't Team Asobi working on an Astro platformer? They probably started it sometime in 2020.
We don't know if it's an Astro game, but it's likekly because we know they are working on a 3D action platformer with humor that will be bigger than the Astro games. In addition to be developing this game they alre also working on multiple prototypes.

Money isn't the only reason publishes, especially platform holders, should (or even historically, have) used to develop and publish games. Besides not all games are expected to be massive hits, but the few which are tend to make more than enough profit to cover the costs of the less successful games. Isn't that exactly the mentality Sony have stated behind the (at the time) GaaS/live-service plans? They just need 2-3 big winners to cover the costs of the rest; why wouldn't that apply to traditional games and platformers specifically?

Plus, it helps with adding genre and game type variety to the portfolio of software offerings specific to the platform, which will entice additional sales of hardware and software over time. And, given this is a creative-driven industry, that type of variety gives more chances for artistic expression which a lot of creators in the industry want to do (in addition to making financially successful games of course).
True, they don't expect all games to be massive hits and many games are there to cover certain niches in their portfolio adding variety, prestige etc. If they would only look for massive hits then Team Asobi and their Japanese XDEV team wouldn't exist because they would have shut down Japan Studio in the PS1 days.

And yes, with the profits of the most successful games they compensate the other ones that failed, it isn't only applied to GaaS. Same goes with their business segments or divisions.

But aside from having a good catalog and variety since they are a business they focus on what they think can give them more money because it's a business, which in the case of 1st party is narrative action adventures and GaaS. Games like Ratchet, Sackboy or Astro are very secondary for them.


14 Aug 2022
Sony have attached Astro to console hardware and controller features instead of attaching it to the brand, its being used to show off how fun the console is to use. Without any new hardware features astro offers nothing a modern day 3d platform doesn’t already offer.
Astro is all about the celebration of hardware, on its own it becomes another Knack. Although astro is fun asf i think folks over estimate its potential.


Admin | Mod
21 Jun 2022
I didn't steal the title, i just borrowed it.
It would be nice if you are making a post based or inspired by someone/something to at-least credit and or post links to posts/tweets/articles that made you want to do it in the first place. As you have to admit the original post/title are very close to the original tweet that "inspired" the topic.


22 Jun 2022
Not too sure what more do you expect.

The game has been bundled with every PS5 console exposing every PS5 gamer to it.

They are advertising it in on TV and making a sequel from the looks of it.

In a decade in will be de facto mascot of Playstation if it already isn’t.

Astro Playroom is the best Platformer I’ve played in years.

Yes better than Mario Odyssey and 3D World.

Last time I was enamoured by a Platformer was Mario Galaxy


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
its probably also going to get a movie or animated show since its in the playstation productions intro. Sony loves astro almost as much as they like TLOU, GoW, Horizon



9 Jul 2022
I didn't steal the title, i just borrowed it.
If you're going to borrow the title and leading comment nearly word for word, then you credit the person who originally wrote it.

What you did was just steal my comment for your own post. Not cool. Write your own posts.