Sony showcase delayed, to further notice according to insider


Actually born in 1904!
22 Jun 2022
I this point I don't care anymore. I'll just wait fir a random announcement


2 Jul 2022
If that is the case then the CMA should be able to read right through Sony's BS.

"Oh woe is me, please save us from the big bad wolf Microsoft, we have no games."

What an absolute joke.
  • haha
Reactions: BigMclargeHuge


21 Jun 2022
Due to CMA investigation according to Millie:


Fake news. If there is no showcase is because they never planned to do it.

Since the moment that in January MS announced the acquisition they knew many regulators were going to investigate it and that MS doesn't expect to close the acquisition until next year.


14 Aug 2022
Sony has made at least two acquisitions announcements since Microsoft made their announcement and have also announced exclusives and a few exclusives PS5 bundles too, one of which is cod bundle, so………

Also what does the cma think of all the currently announced exclusives from sie?

If ms goes; “see look at all their exclusive”,
the cma would be like;
“these deals were made when cod was multipat and was dominating on PS console, you fancy them getting these exclusives once you pull cod from the platform?”

Low hanging fruit tweet to get the likes and follows up for the account, early monday morning too so it can ride the week out ahead of other news.


20 Jun 2022
If that is the case then the CMA should be able to read right through Sony's BS.

"Oh woe is me, please save us from the big bad wolf Microsoft, we have no games."

What an absolute joke.

You're the joke. Sony did not make the argument that they had no games, you're the one making them.


14 Aug 2022
If that is the case then the CMA should be able to read right through Sony's BS.

"Oh woe is me, please save us from the big bad wolf Microsoft, we have no games."

What an absolute joke.
All the cma is doing is trying to prove Harm to market and competition. Which they can prove. Its clear as day if cod is pulled from competition that the game is currently on then it will cause harm to that competitor.
I think the cma, with regards to harm, got all they need to request concessions, stop the sale or break up activision.


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
People are dumb as fuck, that doesn’t even make sense.

That Millie person is a fraud that hasn’t been right about anything since wolverine.


14 Jul 2022
That doesn't sound plausible considering all the other things that have happened in the interim - acquisitions by Sony, game announcements, etc. It is the kind of narrative that will get this "insider" plenty of attention, though. Clout chasing and Twitter are like two peas in a pod. 😑


If Sony had a showcase ready, I seriously doubt that the entire ABK deal would prevent them from airing it regardless of what deals they have. Besides, they had a few deals announced on the September State of Play and even if they wanted to, could probably just cut a few things from the showcase in order to air it.
24 Jun 2022
I call bullshit. I mean, it's funny how that didn't stop Sony from acquiring Bungie, Haven & Savage in that timeframe, which the CMA had to have a hand in approving.

This. I don't understand why MS acquiring ABK would bring the industry (well, Sony) to a complete halt in terms of communicating with the fanbase, making corporate moves that are driven by fiscal quarter results more than what any outside company's up to, etc.

I mean, why did the Zenimax acquisition not have such an effect in 2021? If the MS-ABK acquisition fails, it'll be to reasons that have nothing to do with Sony carrying out business as usual communicating with fans and doing stuff like showcases.

The ONLY thing it might be affecting (for strategic purposes on Sony's part) are any acquisitions/mergers etc. Sony might want to move forward with. They could have talks ongoing, but are waiting for what other regulatory authorities say on the ABK acquisition before moving on with/finalizing their own planned acquisitions.

We must hide all our amazing games. They are not allowed to do the talking yet.... I will do all the talking.

Dude I thought you shrunk down in size and became a MMA fighter 😲!!!

If Sony had a showcase ready, I seriously doubt that the entire ABK deal would prevent them from airing it regardless of what deals they have. Besides, they had a few deals announced on the September State of Play and even if they wanted to, could probably just cut a few things from the showcase in order to air it.

It kind of feels like Sony want to let 3P partners try their own events a bit more and tie any brand associations (marketing deals, timed exclusives, exclusives etc.) to PlayStation that way.

Don't know why, but it's just a thought.