Soon PlayStation will be the only high end Console platform to offer physical games



27 Jun 2023
its a grave that MS dug themselves. They pretty much forced consumers to join gamepass because, why would you not?. Why waste money in a game that will be free day 1? they arent selling consoles and they arent selling games, its coming to a point where its barely worth even porting these games to xbox.
thank god Sony won't follow this idiocracy, hope they only put games on PS Plus 2+ years later like they've been doing
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Icon Extra
13 Nov 2023
Your Mom
I went full digital back in Gen 8 for gaming. But the option of physical should always be there for the millions that prefer physical. I don't buy digital music anymore. I buy all my music on vinyl. Nothing like the smell of a new vinyl, throwing it on the turntable, laying down in the middle of our listening room and reading the lyric book/sheet that comes with the album. I don't feel any connection to opening apple music and slapping the sound to a bluetooth speaker.

I wish I had never stopped buying physical games. Sold all the ones I had. But now I have nearly 1000 digital games, and spent a lot of money on those, so I won't give those up. Though if I go full PC, I won't have access to them any longer. :(


8 Jan 2023
it's gonna be really funny if Xbox becomes a full third party publisher and their first party games ship physically only on PlayStation and Nintendo platforms, poor Xbox physical game collectors, years of support and money invested and in return they get a huge middle finger, people like this guy

Looking at the Sega stuff there, it makes sense that a lot of Xbox diehards are older former Sega fanboys that still resent and blame PlayStation for what happened to Sega's console division.


8 Jan 2023
I feel like out of the big 3, Nintendo would be the last ones to go all-digital if they ever did, MS are ramping up their plans to go all-digital as we speak and Sony are somewhere in the middle as I could see them releasing at least one more console with a disc drive option.


28 Jun 2022
Looking at the Sega stuff there, it makes sense that a lot of Xbox diehards are older former Sega fanboys that still resent and blame PlayStation for what happened to Sega's console division.
Damn I'm a Sega fan I chose tht over Nintendo every time lol but I now prefer Playstation. Idk they give me tht Sega feel.
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27 Jun 2023
I feel like out of the big 3, Nintendo would be the last ones to go all-digital if they ever did, MS are ramping up their plans to go all-digital as we speak and Sony are somewhere in the middle as I could see them releasing at least one more console with a disc drive option.
PS6 will have a disc drive cause their first party games sell 60 - 70% physically, it's financially not viable for them to drop physical
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Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
That would be a nightmare alright.

I dont see them doing that though.
I don't either but there's some real reasons to consider it. It cuts out the retailer's cut of sales, it makes piracy more difficult (some early Switch jailbreaking went on through the Switch cart outlet,) it makes piracy more difficult again (allows instant patching of critical security flaws without having to recall discs, which is what first jumpstarted Wii jailbreaking,) it makes piracy more difficult a third time (by making it easier to justify server-side bullshit), it kills used game sales, it cuts down on leaks from China or Gamestop -including most big first party games being available via piracy prior to their official release- and it increases Nintendo's control of msrp, which has come under attack at the margins by both really big chains like Walmart and skeezy local game stores who dngaf.

On the other side, shelf-space is mindshare, grandma buys Christmas gifts, impulse buying gets harder, it alienates the stores who advertise consoles and, most importantly, I just don't want it to happen.