State of Play will be 3rd party focused and uneventful according to Shinobi via Grubb


Well-known member
4 Apr 2024
Don't know whats everyone so worried about we had a good year and they've alrdy said they are dropping big games next yr. So far we know DS2, Marathon are both next yr. There is also some exclusive 3rd prty stuff like ballad of antara that looks great.
Yep my expectations are just DS2 to be in the spotlight like they'v said. The rest of 2024 is laid out as well.
Venom from the leaks and maybe FairGame$ next to Marathon from 1st party. But they'll hold off for next year.
So 1 SP and MP each half of 2025. I do think plans to show FairGame$ soon probably have changed with recent Concord stuff.

On the third party front GTA6, Monster Hunter, Judas, Metal Gear Delta, Dynasty Warriors, Marvel 1943 (?), stacked year regardless.
Xbox will supplement 2025 as well with Doom & Indiana Jones (and rumours of Starfield and Forza Horizon 5).
Resident Evil 9 and FF9 remake could be at the SoP. On this list if everything makes 2025, there is no lack of titles and absolutely no pressure..especially if they flexing the GTA6 & MH marketing.

Had hopes for surprise remakes/remasters but the obscure one went to Freedom Wars and the safe ones leaked.. so no WipeOut or OG GoW/Uncharted remakes unfortunately. Ghost 2 probably still kept in the chamber until DS2 drops.


27 Jun 2023
LMAO what a shit show of the last 2 years. Complete dry spell from 1st party with only 1 singleplayer games from first party/PS studios, what an embarrassment & poor leadership/managment.

And for some reason Sony/PS leadership wants to expand to PC when there own platform is on fire & can’t even compete w steam/nintendo catalog. This solidifies me skipping PS6 & fully investing in my PC/Steamdeck & Nintendo

This state of play will be dog pile can’t wait to see that ratio. Also this pretty much confirm Sony hasn’t properly invested in there studio/made the acquisition to scale since MS acquired Zenimax & ABK if it wasn’t for Xbox dog shit leadership & making all those games exclusive including maybe cod exclusivity in what 2025/2027 from the leak emails PS would’ve been completely fucked heading the last years of PS5 & bigger disaster for the PS6.


Well-known member
1 Mar 2024
LMAO what a shit show of the last 2 years. Complete dry spell from 1st party with only 1 singleplayer games from first party/PS studios, what an embarrassment & poor leadership/managment.

And for some reason Sony/PS leadership wants to expand to PC when there own platform is on fire & can’t even compete w steam/nintendo catalog. This solidifies me skipping PS6 & fully investing in my PC/Steamdeck & Nintendo

This state of play will be dog pile can’t wait to see that ratio. Also this pretty much confirm Sony hasn’t properly invested in there studio/made the acquisition to scale since MS acquired Zenimax & ABK if it wasn’t for Xbox dog shit leadership & making all those games exclusive including maybe cod exclusivity in what 2025/2027 from the leak emails PS would’ve been completely fucked heading the last years of PS5 & bigger disaster for the PS6.

Your comments all read the same.

"Something something Nintendo Steam" 🤣


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Frustrated Gecko GIF


Well-known member
18 Aug 2024
The Shattered Space deep dive was great and made me more hyped than I was before watching it. I think a lot of companies should do the same - have in depth 10 minute trailers with info, details, gameplay, etc. because it does work and gets you hyped for what's coming. I love these kinds of videos and the games that also get those long "overview" trailers which are basically deep dives. Sometimes, a game had no interest in will all of a sudden go the opposite way because of what I see in the overview/deep dive trailer.

On topic -

I don't think Showcases are done. My guess is that Sony's games just aren't ready to be shown at the level Sony wants them to be at yet.

I just think it's really hard for Sony to create a showcase now...with the way the industry has been changing.

They have 16 or 17 studios. If each studio produces a game once every 4 or so years (some multi team studios) then you're looking at around 2 game announcements from 1st party studios each year.

I don't think that lends itself to the Showcase format anymore. Better to treat your rare games like the Starfield Directs.


12 Jan 2024
I just think it's really hard for Sony to create a showcase now...with the way the industry has been changing.

They have 16 or 17 studios. If each studio produces a game once every 4 or so years (some multi team studios) then you're looking at around 2 game announcements from 1st party studios each year.

I don't think that lends itself to the Showcase format anymore. Better to treat your rare games like the Starfield Directs.

Perhaps or they could have a banger of a showcase in 2025 and then have State of Plays/Directs like they've done with Returnal/Ratchet, etc.


Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
On a more happy note. Resident Evil 9 will probably be the show stealer at this State of Play!